Fuck Christiane Amanpour and her insistence on that the problem is that Israel doesnt let in western journalists.

11. April 2024

Fuck her for her nai­ve insis­tence, that the pro­blem is that we dont get inde­pen­dent media reports out of Gaza.

Es gibt aber auch wie­der gute Nachrichten:

CNN (April 8th): CIA direc­tor pre­sen­ted new pro­po­sal for Gaza cease­fire and hos­ta­ge deal


The latest US pro­po­sal was made in Cai­ro over the wee­kend and inclu­des pushing Isra­el to release a hig­her num­ber of Pales­ti­ni­an pri­so­ners in exchan­ge for the expec­ted 40 Israe­li hos­ta­ges who would be freed during the first pha­se of a three-stage cease­fire deal.

src: click

A few moments later…

CNN (April 10th): Hamas has indi­ca­ted it is cur­r­ent­ly unab­le to iden­ti­fy and track down 40 Israe­li hos­ta­ges nee­ded for the first pha­se of a cease­fire deal, accord­ing to an Israe­li offi­cial and a source fami­li­ar with the dis­cus­sions, rai­sing fears that more hos­ta­ges may be dead than are publicly known.

The frame­work that has been laid out by nego­tia­tors says that during a first six-week pau­se in the figh­t­ing, Hamas should release 40 of the remai­ning hos­ta­ges, inclu­ding all the women as well as sick and elder­ly men. In exchan­ge, hund­reds of Pales­ti­ni­an pri­so­ners would be released from Israe­li prisons.

Hamas has told inter­na­tio­nal media­tors – which inclu­de Qatar and Egypt - it does not have 40 living hos­ta­ges who match tho­se cri­te­ria for release, both sources said.


The majo­ri­ty of the almost 100 hos­ta­ges who remain ali­ve are belie­ved to be male IDF sol­di­ers or men of mili­ta­ry reser­ve age. Hamas is expec­ted to try to use to them in later pha­ses to try to nego­tia­te more signi­fi­cant con­ces­si­ons, inclu­ding more high-level pri­so­ners and a per­ma­nent end to the war.

src: click

Zum Glück haben die US noch­mal nachverhandelt.

Jetzt wird es sie aber sicher überraschen zu erfahren wer das NED Panel auf der diesjährigen Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz moderiert hat…

11. April 2024

NED: Natio­nal Endow­ment for Democracy

Ann, over to you.

edit: Nichts gegen das Akti­vis­ten besetz­te Panel, schon gar­nicht gegen Maria Res­sa, aber - wenn die­se durch die US Regie­rung finan­zier­ten NGOs dann Oppo­si­tio­nen in bestimm­ten Län­dern finan­zi­ell unter­stüt­zen um Regi­me­chan­ge zu begüns­ti­gen, könn­te das von besag­ten Län­dern mög­li­cher­wei­se als Pro­vo­ka­ti­on aus­ge­legt werden.

NEIN! So was!

11. April 2024

Fünf­te Kolon­ne sag ich!

Sowas hats in der Geschich­te des öffent­li­chen Rund­funks bis­her ja noch nie gege­ben. Das muss an den Mit­ar­bei­tern liegen!

Sie­he auch:

Hey good news!

10. April 2024

Isra­el hat drei Söh­ne und drei Enkel des höchs­ten Hamas Reprä­sen­tan­ten getö­tet. Wäh­rend des Isla­mi­schen Fests des Fas­ten­bre­chens. Wäh­rend die Hamas den Waf­fen­still­stands­de­al prü­fen woll­te der auf kei­ne ihrer For­de­run­gen ein­ge­gan­gen ist.

Sie sehen in dem Video Jour­na­lis­ten denen die west­li­chen Wer­te bei den Ohren rausquellen.

Und jetzt der Gag, ver­su­chen sie das mal in deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en zu fin­den. Good luck! Wobei nun… hum hehm, die Bild hats gebracht - sonst halt keiner!

Auf wei­te­re 33.300 Tote!

Fuck me…

edit: Die ARD hat die Bericht­erstat­tung nur einen Tag spä­ter dann doch frei­ge­ge­ben. Hur­ra! Die Welt acht Stun­den nach der ARD eben­falls. Damit da nicht nur die Bild allei­ne steht.

Watch the Bruno Kreisky Forum getting inundated with kremlin watcher propaganda

10. April 2024

tel­ling the pro­pa­gan­dist, plea­se sir, may I plea­se have ano­t­her made up pro­pa­gan­da factoid?

But just for the record, Mark Galeot­ti doesnt belie­ve, that Putin is a cra­zed tsar, hell­bent on impe­ria­lism - which is about the only pro­pa­gan­da sto­ry he doesnt milk.

But the most fuck­ing important inter­ac­tion in this exchan­ge is, that he qua­li­fies anyo­ne that might think that the­re was a US regime chan­ge ope­ra­ti­on under­way in Ukrai­ne in 2014 as a frea­king con­spi­ra­cy theo­rist, that has con­su­med too much rus­si­an propaganda.

Gre­at - then how do you exp­lain this part:

- McCain on sta­ge at the Maidan.
- Nuland han­ding out frea­king coo­kies at the Maidan.
- Nuland being caught on a wire­tap by rus­sia DECIDING the next lea­der of the Ukrai­ni­an government. (Fuck the EU.)
(Whe­re the only fuck­ing rebut­tal the wes­tern world has come up with was “well, they advi­sed the Ukrai­ni­ans on who would be co-lead of the government at the time, not the inte­rim pre­si­dent!” YEAH, BUT THEY STILL CHOSE HIM. IN A PHONECALL. WHERE NULAND TOOK THE PICK.)
- Then you get the new government in power via a mili­ta­ry coup using ukrai­ni­an right sec­tor battlegroups.
- Then you chan­ge Ukrai­nes con­sti­tu­ti­on WITHOUT A CONSTITUTIONAL MAJORITY (COUP! COUPCOUP!)
- Then Jef­frey Sachs gets invi­ted by that very inte­rim lead to Ukrai­ne as an eco­no­mic advi­ser, is being wal­ked around Kiew by the US government finan­ced NGO “Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy” being told, we paid for this aspect of Ukrai­ni­an resis­tance, we paid for that aspect of Ukrai­ni­an resis­tance… (see pre­vious link)? Then Sachs breaks (“Dont tell me this stuff!”) get­ting the flip­ping noti­on, that they were exp­lai­ning a regime chan­ge ope­ra­ti­on to him. Accord­ing to him (see pre­vious link.)
- The “Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy” then taking off their “pro­jects fun­ded in Ukrai­ne” sec­tion off their web­site, ON THE DAY AFTER RUSSIA STARTED THE INVASION?! (src: click)
- Fio­na Hill later invi­t­ing Mikhail Zygar to an Event of the “Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy”, after that fuck­ing rus­si­an expat vlog­ger was used as a public ves­sel into the rus­si­an expat com­mu­ni­ty and brie­fed (in all mat­ters of truthTM) by (in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order) Anne App­le­baum (YES con­fern­ce mode­ra­tor and employee), Timo­thy Sny­der (YES con­fern­ce lead spea­ker and employee) (thats Rus­sia needs to be split into four regi­ons says Timo­thy Sny­der, Timo­thy Sny­der), Fio­na Hill, the peop­le at the Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy, and only about two FUCKING MONTHS later, Mikhail Zygar beco­mes a non­re­si­dent seni­or fel­low at the Atlan­tic Council’s Eura­sia Center?

Yeah, how do you exp­lain that?

Let me guess, con­spi­ra­cy theory?

Aha. Shit.

And the­re I thought I was just fol­lowing the throughline…

So, once more - how do you exp­lain that? Ans­wer: You dont. As the fuck­ing fourth Pro­pa­gan­dist for the cur­rent US admi­nis­tra­ti­on on all things Ukrai­ne (the other three have been named in this blog post alrea­dy), you just label all of that a “con­spi­ra­cy theo­ry - that not many rus­si­ans belie­ve, or even know”. A com­ple­te coo coo one.

Yeah, so coo coo, that stu­dents in Yale ask the podi­um in deba­tes about “that CIA regime chan­ge operation”:

Com­plet­ly coo coo folks. Poor brain­wa­s­hed histo­ry stu­dents at Yale!

Learn the offi­cial by-line already!

At around 28 minu­tes in you see the Krei­sky forums mode­ra­tor expe­ri­en­cing doubt for the very first time. “So that means that, modern hybrid war­fa­re, and non line­ar war­fa­re, and asy­m­etric war­fa­re, and geo­po­li­ti­cal gue­ril­la war­fa­re - which is some­thing I real­ly like from you is all the same?” “Yes I think so!”

After about the 20th idio­tic made up tale of app­lied Krem­linolo­gy in a row. (Mark Galeot­ti knows how Putin thinks you know, just like Fio­na Hill knew befo­re him (in the same capa­ci­ty, as a public US pro­pa­gan­dist), you know. Of cour­se the two con­tra­dict them­sel­ves, but they still know that they know how Putin thinks in this way or the other, even if the man has never said such a thing and they both are con­tra­dic­ting each other.)

Two of the most influ­en­cial rus­sia his­to­ri­ans of our time! One of which has a fai­ble for nume­ro­lo­gy. And sin­ce then was taken off the public deba­te cir­cle, repla­ced by… Mark Galeotti!

Thats pro­pa­gan­da net­works for you. Thats the peop­le jour­na­lism cur­r­ent­ly loves to fea­ture in this coun­try the­se days…

Yeah, fuck this.

And fuck the poor kil­led pilot, that kil­led his copi­lot, and ano­t­her mem­ber of his crew befo­re defec­ting first. Some­thing, some­thing gangs­ter, in spain! (Thats a Galeot­ti, btw.)