A long series of devilishly clever plans

Zelen­skyy: Sur­pri­se inva­si­on aimed to res­to­re Ukrai­ne ‘ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty’  Ano­t­her one of tho­se deve­lish­ly cle­ver Selen­skyj plans! “Today he [Selen­skyj] said, they are going to hold it inde­fi­ni­te­ly.” [DEFENSIVE OPERATION CONFIRMED!] Last deve­lish­ly cle­ver Selen­sky plan of cour­se having been: Jour­na­list: “Mr. Pre­si­dent um I’ve made trips into Ukrai­ne sin­ce the war bro­ke out and it’s … A long seri­es of devi­lish­ly cle­ver plans weiterlesen