A long series of devilishly clever plans

04. September 2024

Zelen­skyy: Sur­pri­se inva­si­on aimed to res­to­re Ukrai­ne ‘ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity’ 

Ano­t­her one of tho­se deve­lish­ly cle­ver Selen­skyj plans!

Today he [Selen­skyj] said, they are going to hold it inde­fi­ni­te­ly.” [DEFENSIVE OPERATION CONFIRMED!]

Last deve­lish­ly cle­ver Selen­sky plan of cour­se having been:

Jour­na­list: “Mr. Pre­si­dent um I’ve made trips into Ukrai­ne sin­ce the war bro­ke out and it’s qui­te sur­pri­sing to see you here back home in Sin­g­a­po­re so my ques­ti­on is, what you brought what brought you here all the way? Is the­re a cer­tain objec­ti­ve that you came with to ral­ly more on the Asi­an Nations?”

Cle­ver­est pre­si­dent in the world Selen­skyj: “Now thank you for the ques­ti­on, we need the sup­port of Asi­an coun­tries it is much nee­ded. We respect each voice, each ter­ri­to­ry, each of the coun­tries in regi­on, we want Asia to know what is going on in Ukrai­ne, we want Asia to sup­port the end of the war. We want Asi­an lea­ders to attend the peace Sum­mit. We know that many Asi­an coun­tries do not sup­port Ukrai­ne with Wea­pon­ry. We have never pres­su­red them never deman­ded it we always ask for first and fore­mo­st poli­ti­cal sup­port, huma­ni­ta­ri­an sup­port, sup­port of our peop­le, civi­li­ans our child­ren. Today once again Rus­sia unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, I unders­core it, yet again becau­se for you to under­stand that for us it is very pain­ful and a bit stran­ge unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, reg­rett­ab­ly Rus­sia using Chi­ne­se influ­ence on the regi­on using Chi­ne­se diplo­mats also does ever­ything to dis­rupt peace Sum­mit reg­rett­ab­ly this is unfor­tu­n­a­te that such big inde­pen­dent power­ful coun­try as Chi­na is an instru­ment for Putin.

[A bit later then in diplo­ma­tic cycles it per­spi­red, that chi­na had told other coun­tries, that in his expec­ta­ti­on, Selen­skyj gre­at peace for­mu­la plan would pro­long and even elon­ga­te this war -- and that was the extent of it. Such Putin pup­pet, Chi­na. Much. Much wow.]


Jour­na­list: Mr. Pre­si­dent so which coun­tries you were able to con­vin­ce you to join the Peace sum­mit and Ukrai­ne has too litt­le Mili­ta­ry Sup­port to win this war, do you belie­ve in a diplo­ma­tic solu­ti­on and what would have to hap­pen in con­cre­te terms.

Most intel­li­gen­test pre­si­dent in the world Selen­skyj: Thank you for the ques­ti­on, I have not met with all the coun­tries I will still meet with the lea­der of Sin­g­a­po­re, I with Indo­ne­sia with them and I’m sure that the­se coun­tries will be repre­sen­ted on the sum­mit, but I can­not reply on behalf of the­se coun­tries that is my per­so­nal opi­ni­on and then fur­ther it is the choice of every coun­try and I’m always open with this we respect every posi­ti­on. But but but this posi­ti­on has to be clear the­re is no slavery, the­re is no no for­cing to anything we we we are dis­cus­sing the details, we are tel­ling what what what what we have the the los­ses we have and the plan to the end of the war it is pos­si­ble to end the war in diplo­ma­tic way, if the world unites and iso­la­tes Rus­sia, if after our peace Sum­mit Rus­sia makes some con­fe­rence and the­re will be repre­sen­ted a lot of coun­tries, then this would mean that the world is divi­ded and I think that this is a bad ten­den­cy and that is why I said this way about Rus­sia and and about the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of some other coun­tries, that they are working to dis­rupt the peace Sum­mit, they they should not dis­rupt our peace they should deal with their own country.” 

Prompt­ly fol­lo­wed up by:

Swiss Peace Sum­mit could end up har­ming Ukrai­ne as not­hing is going to plan (www.eurointegration.com.ua)

Prompt­ly fol­lo­wed up by:

Ukrai­ne Peace Sum­mit turns hard on Rus­sia. How lea­ders amen­ded the final decisi­on under criticism


Har­sh cri­ti­cism of the agreed draft reso­lu­ti­on of the Peace Sum­mit, voi­ced both in Ukrai­ne and by Ukraine’s allies, for­ced the orga­nisers [thats Switz­er­land btw.] to make con­ces­si­ons. Switz­er­land, which is orga­ni­sing the Glo­bal Peace Sum­mit, sent a radi­cal­ly revi­sed docu­ment to all capi­tals of the par­ti­ci­pa­ting coun­tries, cor­rec­ting key issu­es high­ligh­ted by Euro­pean Pravda.

The updated draft is ent­i­re­ly accep­ta­ble for Ukrai­ne. It expli­ci­tly calls the war “Rus­si­an aggres­si­on.” Loo­p­ho­les that could have paved the way for ter­ri­to­ri­al con­ces­si­ons from Ukrai­ne were remo­ved from the text. Several sta­tes that had plan­ned to attend the Peace Sum­mit in Switz­er­land have deci­ded not to go the­re after the draft decisi­on was chan­ged in favour of Ukraine.

Euro­pean Prav­da has lear­ned the details of the nego­tia­ti­ons and the decisi­on that will be adop­ted this weekend.

Behind the sce­nes of the Peace Summit
The time­li­ne of the­se events is cru­cial: it shows how urgent the chan­ges that occur­red over the past week were.

The idea to hold the Peace Sum­mit in Switz­er­land was agreed upon at the begin­ning of the year. On 10 April, Switz­er­land announ­ced the agreed date and loca­ti­on for the sum­mit. Lea­ders of about 160 coun­tries, four inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons (UN, EU, Coun­cil of Euro­pe, OSCE), the Pope and the Ecu­me­ni­cal Patri­arch were invi­ted to the Bür­gen­stock Alpi­ne Spa. It was pre­de­ter­mi­ned that Rus­sia would not be pre­sent at the first Peace Sum­mit, which Ukrai­ne deman­ded in the first place.

Both Kyiv and Bern aimed to adopt a decisi­on fol­lowing the sum­mit. Howe­ver, the wor­d­ing nee­ded to be agreed upon by all participants.

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for this docu­ment star­ted more than two mon­ths ago. Euro­pean Prav­da has the April draft of the joint com­mu­ni­qué, whe­re the sum­mit dates were still ten­ta­ti­ve. That docu­ment was pre­pa­red in Kyiv and was ent­i­re­ly accep­ta­ble for Ukrai­ne, adhe­ring to the important red lines for Ukrai­ni­an society.

Howe­ver, Switz­er­land per­sua­ded Ukrai­ne to sof­ten it as much as pos­si­ble, con­si­de­ring the wis­hes of all par­ti­ci­pants. On 28 May, a com­pro­mi­se ver­si­on was sent from Bern to all capi­tals, and initi­al­ly, Kyiv had to agree to it.

Ever­ything chan­ged when the public lear­ned that this draft was dan­ge­rous for Ukraine.

The dis­cus­sion began with an arti­cle by Euro­pean Prav­da, publis­hed on 5 June. The next day, on 6 June, Kyiv was for­ced to make public state­ments asser­ting that “Ukrai­ne will not retre­at from the Peace For­mu­la.” This fue­led dis­cus­sions in the capi­tals of Ukraine’s allies, which were also not thril­led with the wor­d­ing of the Swiss docu­ment. At least a few of them con­ta­c­ted Bern with a pro­po­sal to revi­se the joint statement.

On 9 June, Switz­er­land had sent a com­ple­te­ly new draft to all coun­tries. Amen­ding the com­mu­ni­qué took mere days, not mon­ths as before.

What has changed

The summit’s decisi­on remains unch­an­ged in for­mat and struc­tu­re. This is a two-page docu­ment dedi­ca­ted to three issu­es: nuclear secu­ri­ty, food secu­ri­ty and the pri­so­ners of war. Key issu­es that lay out­side the­se points have been addres­sed though.

Rus­si­an Aggression

– Old wor­d­ing: The May draft decisi­on of the Peace Sum­mit did not men­ti­on the word “aggres­si­on,” mea­ning the inter­na­tio­nal crime whe­re Rus­sia is the per­pe­tra­tor and Ukrai­ne the victim.

– New wor­d­ing: This has been amen­ded. The joint com­mu­ni­qué now refers to “the aggres­si­on of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on against Ukraine”.

Ter­ri­to­ri­al Inte­gri­ty and the UN Charter
– Old wor­d­ing: the pre­vious sum­mit decisi­on ver­si­on crea­ted a legal win­dow to inclu­de Ukrai­ne aban­do­ning part of its ter­ri­to­ry in the con­di­ti­ons of “sus­tainab­le peace with Rus­sia”, if necessary.

– New wor­d­ing: the new draft decisi­on clear­ly sta­tes that the basis for sus­tainab­le peace will be only “a solu­ti­on based on the princip­le of respect for the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty and sov­er­eig­n­ty of all sta­tes”. [Cri­mea back to Ukrai­ne, and no neu­tra­li­ty that inclu­des “limi­ta­ti­on on mili­ta­ry forces”]

Alter­na­ti­ve Peace Formulas

– Old wor­d­ing: the pre­vious draft blur­red the mea­ning of the Peace For­mu­la and ope­ned up space for inter­na­tio­nal dis­cus­sion of all alter­na­ti­ve visi­ons of peace, such as the Chinese-Brazilian one, which envi­sa­ges a halt to the streng­t­he­ning of Ukraine’s Armed For­ces and a ces­sa­ti­on of hostilities.

– New wor­d­ing: the new wor­d­ing sta­tes that only peace pro­po­sals that com­ply with inter­na­tio­nal law (i.e. an uncon­di­tio­nal return of the 1991 bor­ders, unless revi­sed by Ukrai­ne its­elf) and the UN Char­ter (in par­ti­cu­lar, Ukraine’s uncon­di­tio­nal [no for­ce limi­ta­ti­on] right to con­ti­nue repel­ling Rus­si­an aggres­si­on and libe­ra­ting the occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries) will be taken into account.

Invol­ve­ment of Russia

– Old wor­d­ing: the ear­lier ver­si­on tur­ned Rus­sia from an aggres­sor into a par­ti­ci­pant in peace talks, requi­ring only vague “confidence-building mea­su­res” on nuclear and food security.

– New wor­d­ing: this sec­tion has been rewrit­ten from scratch. The Swiss agreed not to men­ti­on Rus­sia at all in the pro­vi­si­on on peace talks, ins­tead refer­ring to “all par­ties”. The­re is no lon­ger a wea­ke­ned requi­re­ment for “confidence-building mea­su­res”, but ins­tead “spe­ci­fic actions” are requi­red. And most import­ant­ly, the refe­ren­ces to a “second peace sum­mit” that hin­ted at a com­mit­ment to invi­te Rus­sia to par­ti­ci­pa­te have been removed.

Food Secu­ri­ty

– New addi­ti­on: The updated docu­ment inclu­des the state­ment that “attacks on mer­chant ships in ports and along the ent­i­re rou­te, as well as against civi­li­an ports and civi­li­an port infra­st­ruc­tu­re, are unac­cep­ta­ble”. This falls under the glo­bal food secu­ri­ty sec­tion but app­lies to all civi­li­an ves­sels, inclu­ding con­tai­ner ships or tho­se expor­ting Ukrai­ni­an metals. Con­ti­nued attacks would block Russia’s par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in peace initiatives.

The­se signi­fi­cant chan­ges ensu­re that the new draft of the sum­mit decisi­on is more accep­ta­ble to Ukrai­ne, rein­for­cing its ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty, addres­sing Rus­si­an aggres­si­on accu­rate­ly and main­tai­ning strin­gent con­di­ti­ons on peace nego­tia­ti­ons invol­ving Russia.

The docu­ment is accep­ta­ble for Ukraine
The Joint Com­mu­ni­qué on a Peace Frame­work in its new ver­si­on aligns with Ukraine’s inte­rests. Alt­hough the­re are still minor remarks, the main dan­gers have been addres­sed. Cur­r­ent­ly, the draft is not yet final: the­re is still a pos­si­bi­li­ty of point chan­ges on 13-14 June. Howe­ver, Euro­pean Pravda’s sources are incli­ned to belie­ve that the updated con­tent of the decisi­on will remain.

Rea­listic expec­ta­ti­ons are necessa­ry. This sum­mit will not lead to a bre­akthrough or end the war. Ukrai­ne is merely taking one of the first steps on a long path. Howe­ver, it is cru­cial that this step is in the right direc­tion and does not crea­te new problems.

The hig­her ambi­ti­on of the docu­ment came at a cost:

several coun­tries have decli­ned to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the sum­mit. As of 5 June, Switz­er­land offi­cial­ly announ­ced that it had “recei­ved more than 80 con­fir­ma­ti­ons of atten­dance at the level of heads of sta­tes and governments”, and the total num­ber of con­fir­med atten­de­es, as repor­ted by offi­cials, excee­ded 100. Howe­ver, in the fol­lowing days, this phra­se had to be remo­ved from the event’s web­site, and now it reads that “around 90 sta­tes have con­fir­med their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Sum­mit on Peace in Ukrai­ne, most of them at head of sta­te or government level”.

Sources of Euro­pean Prav­da repor­ted that, in rea­li­ty, about 15 coun­tries have “pau­sed” their atten­dance. In addi­ti­on, the num­ber of tho­se who have signal­led a demo­ti­on from the pre­si­den­ti­al or prime minis­te­ri­al level to the level of minis­ters or even their depu­ties is in the dozens.

Alt­hough it is obvious that due to the recent chan­ges, the sum­mit will be atten­ded by fewer sta­tes than initi­al­ly anti­ci­pa­ted by Ban­ko­va Street [whe­re the Ukrai­ni­an President’s Office is loca­ted] eight days ago, it is bet­ter to have a sum­mit of like-minded peop­le than to make con­ces­si­ons on issu­es that are cri­ti­cal for the state.

Ser­giy Sydorenko

Euro­pean Prav­da, Editor

src: click

Fol­lo­wed by this other deve­lish­ly cle­ver plan:

Mode­ra­tor: “CNN’s Oren Lie­ber­mann is live for us at the Pen­ta­gon. Oren what more do we know about what the­se mee­tings are going to entail?”

Lie­ber­man: “Phil, the push to use U.S. wea­pons to hit tar­gets lon­ger ran­ge, deeper in Rus­sia has been a very public and pri­va­te cam­pai­gn on the part of Ukrai­ne, stret­ching from Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky and on down. It’ll be And­rey Yer­mak, the head of the office of the Pre­si­dent of Ukrai­ne and the defen­se minis­ter, who will be here for mee­tings tomor­row with Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on offi­cials to pre­sent a prio­ri­ty list of tar­gets that they want to hit with long ran­ge U.S. wea­pons deeper insi­de of Rus­sia. They need a green light from the white House to be able to do that. And that’s their goal here. So far, the Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on has­n’t chan­ged its posi­ti­on. In fact, U.S. wea­pons can only be used insi­de of Rus­sia in a very small area north of Ukrai­ne, insi­de of Rus­sia. And they have used tho­se wea­pons to that effect. The Kursk offen­si­ve has been car­ri­ed out effec­tively wit­hin that restric­tion from the U.S., but they say they need to be able to tar­get mili­ta­ry assets and high value tar­gets deeper insi­de of Rus­sia to chan­ge the cour­se of the war. Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky tal­ked about this yesterday:

Selen­skyj: “We con­ti­nue to insist that their deter­mi­na­ti­on now lif­ting the restric­tions on long ran­ge strikes for Ukrai­ne now, will help us to end the war as soon as pos­si­ble and a fair way for Ukrai­ne and the world as a whole.”

Lie­ber­man: Ukrai­ne has used its medi­um ran­ge assets, its medi­um ran­ge wea­pons, to tar­get and car­ry out cross-border attacks. But Rus­sia has sim­ply moved their high value assets far­t­her back, far­t­her away from the front line, and they’­re out of ran­ge of Ukrai­nes cur­rent wea­pon­ry wit­hin the restric­tions pla­ced upon them by the US. That’s why they say it’s so important to get the­se restric­tions eased or out­right lifted. And that’s their goal here.”

Mode­ra­tor: “Oren, you make a gre­at point in the sen­se that this has been a public cam­pai­gn that has been going on for a while from top Ukrai­ni­an offi­cials, inclu­ding Pre­si­dent Zelen­sky. do we have any sen­se right now that becau­se of some rea­son or ano­t­her, the U.S. is actual­ly con­si­de­ring chan­ging the restrictions?”

Lie­ber­man: “So far, the admi­nis­tra­ti­on and the Pen­ta­gon have been clear that the restric­tions remain in place.”

Mode­ra­tor: “But, Phil, you and I have seen this so many times over the cour­se of the war, espe­cial­ly when Ukrai­ne car­ri­es out a very public slap cam­pai­gn that the Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on will say, no, no, no, no, no. And then sud­den­ly, yes. We saw it with patri­ots. We saw it with ATACAMS. We saw it with Abrams tanks.”

Lie­ber­man: “And that’s what Ukrai­ne is hoping for here, that the public and pri­va­te pres­su­re cam­pai­gn that, that perhaps a com­pre­hen­si­ve list of tar­gets of what they want to hit to make that clear to the white House, that that will build up enough pres­su­re and con­vin­ce admi­nis­tra­ti­on offi­cials that final­ly, they will go from all of tho­se no’s to the yes that Ukrai­ne is hoping for.

Pre­ce­ded of cour­se by Selen­sky­js first deve­lish­ly cle­ver plan, exact­ly one mon­th after the start of the war:

Czech Tele­vi­si­on Mode­ra­tor: “Dear Mr, pre­si­dent, the­se are his­to­ri­cal­ly hard times. But the Ukrai­ne also is uni­fied as never befo­re. Do you see this as a chan­ge only in Ukrai­ne, or may­be also in euro­pe. And what is at the cen­ter of this change?”

Cle­vers­test pre­si­dent in the world Selen­skyj: “The world will chan­ge, it has alrea­dy chan­ged, poli­ti­ci­ans are alrea­dy afraid of their peop­le, they are afraid of social respon­si­bi­li­ty. They see, that peop­le are reac­ting dif­fer­ent­ly. And in many coun­tries, peop­le sup­port us 100%, but their lea­ders, do not sup­port us 100%, for one rea­son or ano­t­her. I’m not say­ing here who is right [?!?!], but it means, that social and public opi­ni­on will be stron­ger than any lea­der in the world. That is to say, we are all see­ing chan­ges and pro­ces­ses. Chan­ges that not only lead to theo­re­ti­cal, but to popu­lar demo­cra­cy, popu­lar demo­cra­cy is not a revo­lu­ti­on - demo­cra­cy is first and fore­mo­st, power of the peop­le. If you want to be the lea­der of your socie­ty, you have to be the lea­der of socie­ty, not to com­mand, but to be a lea­der and live with them in the same spi­rit. The­re­fo­re [?!] it seems to me, that this popu­lar demo­cra­cy is taking place in the world, and that this will lead to cer­tain secu­ri­ty alli­an­ces [?!], I am con­fi­dent, that the­re will be new secu­ri­ty alli­an­ces in the future. This does not mean, that its necessa­ry to lea­ve any uni­on. It does not mean, that it is necessa­ry to des­troy things that work. No it does not mean that. Peop­le just want peace, tran­qui­li­ty, sta­bi­li­ty and most import­ant­ly - con­fi­dence. Here, in all the­se chal­len­ges, con­fi­dence. Be it the new Covid, or god for­bid, war. A per­son who lives, pays taxes, resi­des here, was born or came here, is a citi­zen of the world for peace. And this per­son must know, that they must be pro­tec­ted in this coun­try. And if this per­son lea­ves for ano­t­her coun­try, this per­son will be pro­tec­ted the­re. The per­son will not suf­fer. The world is just facing such a chal­len­ge. It will eit­her accept this model, and come to such alli­an­ces, or the­re will be a chan­ge of many world lea­ders, and their socie­ties will find pro­per peop­le for themselves.”

God, this ukrai­ne real­ly is run, by the most devi­lish­ly cle­ver­est pre­si­dent in the who­le world! 

Good, wes­tern, demo­cra­tic world of course.

Ah, da kann der Krieg ja end­lich wei­ter­ge­hen. Sla­va, as always.

Nobody -- expects the russian opposition!

01. September 2024

For com­ple­ten­es­se­se­se­ses sake.. 😉

(I’m still watching it.)

Mikhail Zygar, of cour­se is not a bought out non­re­si­dent seni­or fel­low at the Atlan­tic Council’s Eura­sia Cen­ter by now, you know to fill his gap years - no he is an artis­tic auteur, ne a colum­nist of ger­man news­pa­per Der Spiegel!

Mikhail Zygar is a non­re­si­dent seni­or fel­low at the Atlan­tic Council’s Eura­sia Center.

src: click

For many mon­ths after the war began, I had men­tal con­ver­sa­ti­ons with Zhenya. Every now and then, as I was wri­ting ano­t­her column for the New York Times or Der Spie­gel, I ima­gi­ned Zhenya and won­de­red what she would say if she had read it. To me, she sym­bo­li­zed all tho­se who stay­ed, who still live in Putin’s Rus­sia, live and pro­test. In my thoughts, Zhenya beca­me the “con­sci­ence” of today’s Russia.

src: click

Also dont miss his coun­ter­in­tui­ti­ve Spie­gel arti­cles like:

Die Inva­si­on von Kursk könn­te den Beginn von Ver­hand­lun­gen bedeuten


War­um Ale­xej Nawal­ny wirk­lich ster­ben musste

Fast hat­te Wla­di­mir Putin den Namen sei­nes Erz­fein­des Ale­xej Nawal­ny schon ver­ges­sen. Doch dann gab es Plä­ne für einen Gefan­ge­nen­aus­tausch. Und das durf­te nicht sein.


Offen­bar hör­te Putin nach einer lan­gen Pau­se erst Anfang Febru­ar die­ses Jah­res zum ers­ten Mal wie­der von Nawal­ny. Damals teil­te Roman Abra­mo­witsch, einst Olig­arch und heu­te der ein­zi­ge stän­dig funk­tio­nie­ren­de Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­ka­nal zwi­schen Russ­land und dem Wes­ten, Putin mit, dass man sich auf den end­gül­ti­gen Gefan­ge­nen­aus­tausch geei­nigt habe. Der Wes­ten sei bereit, fünf gegen fünf aus­zu­tau­schen: Es han­de­le sich um Spio­ne, poli­ti­sche Gefan­ge­ne, den Mör­der Wadim Kras­s­i­kow, den ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Jour­na­lis­ten Evan Gersh­ko­vich und – für Putin über­ra­schend – Ale­xej Nawalny.

Das konn­te Putin nicht glau­ben: Gab es wirk­lich ein Land, das die Frei­las­sung Nawal­nys for­der­te? Brauch­te ihn wirk­lich jemand? Erin­ner­te man sich noch an ihn?

Die beja­hen­de Ant­wort wur­de zu einem Urteil. Genau­er gesagt zunächst zu einer Erin­ne­rung. In der Tat hat­te Putin lan­ge geglaubt, Nawal­ny sei tot. Er betrach­te­te das Feh­len von Infor­ma­tio­nen über Nawal­ny, die von den Sicher­heits­diens­ten ängst­lich ver­heim­licht wur­den, als Zei­chen dafür, dass Nawal­ny der Ver­gan­gen­heit ange­hör­te. Als er jedoch erfuhr, dass Nawal­ny noch am Leben war, immer noch wich­tig, immer noch ein Fak­tor in der inter­na­tio­na­len Poli­tik, da zöger­te Putin nicht.

Laut Chris­to Gro­zev wuss­te er zu dem Zeit­punkt, als der Mode­ra­tor Tucker Carl­son ihn im Inter­view auf­for­der­te, Evan Gersh­ko­vich frei­zu­las­sen, bereits von dem vor­ge­schla­ge­nen Aus­tausch­pro­gramm. Und er war ein­deu­tig nicht glück­lich dar­über. Putin stimm­te dem Tausch zu – aber nur unter der Bedin­gung, dass Nawal­ny nicht in den Plan ein­be­zo­gen wer­den wür­de. Er woll­te den Mann, der ihn vor dem gan­zen Land, vor der gan­zen Welt gede­mü­tigt hat­te, nicht freilassen.
Des­halb befahl er, Nawal­ny sofort los­zu­wer­den – damit er die Ver­hand­lun­gen über einen Aus­tausch fort­set­zen und nie wie­der an den Mann den­ken muss­te, des­sen Namen er nie aus­ge­spro­chen hatte.

Aber es ist wie mit dem Fluch in Shake­speares Dra­ma »Mac­beth«: Nun wird Putin die­sen Namen nie wie­der ver­ges­sen können.

Anmer­kung der Redak­ti­on: In einer vor­he­ri­gen Ver­si­on die­ses Tex­tes wur­de Chris­to Gro­zev als Mit­ar­bei­ter Nawal­nys bezeich­net. Das ist unzu­tref­fend und war nie der Fall. Wir haben die ent­spre­chen­de Stel­le korrigiert. 

src: click

Die Wahr­heit™ über Nawal­nys Tot, sozusagen.

edit: Also never make the mista­ke to belie­ve Cho­dor­kow­ski, that what the rus­si­an oppo­si­ti­on can deli­ver is a to “form a visi­on of the future”, becau­se thats Timo­thy Sny­ders job of cour­se, tal­king to Zygar here:

See: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/the-future-of-ukraine-war-according-to-us-democrats/

Zygar then repro­du­ces lar­ge junks of the same pro­pa­ga­na in front of an inter­na­tio­nal audi­ence (not tal­king about his book btw, just about his public appearan­ce in this video):

And that bags him his Atlan­tic Coun­cil Fellowship.

Zygar having been addres­sed by US pro­pa­gan­dists in the first place, becau­se he is THE popu­lar public spo­ke­speace INTO the rus­si­an expat com­mu­ni­ty on youtube.

Loo­ks like a you­tuber, beha­ves like a you­tuber, has the creden­ti­als of having been a Co-Founder on TV Rain, now thats someo­ne you should have 

Anne App­le­baum,
Timo­thy Sny­der and
Fio­na Hill

fill with pre­pro­du­ced nar­ra­ti­ves, like the one that Sny­der feeds him in the first video of course.

I mean look at him, the eter­nal you­tuber, and creden­ti­als of having been on the foun­ding team of TV Rain? Never saw a bet­ter can­di­da­te for an Atlan­tic Coun­cil fel­low­ship in my life­time. And how well he repeats the lines initi­al­ly fed to him by Snyder!

Nobo­dy expects the rus­si­an opposition! 

You know, your typi­cal rus­si­ans like: Anne App­le­baum, Timo­thy Sny­der and Fio­na Hill (Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on) - tal­king to an impres­sionab­le teen­ager and his you­tube audi­ence, becau­se they find it ful­fil­ling, I guess…

And they give such gre­at tips on how the rus­si­an expat com­mu­ni­ty can “form a visi­on of the future of rus­sia” all along the way!

What a bunch of open­ly hel­pful people!

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das erst­klas­sig Aller­bes­te, und ihre Pun­dits, sind alle so human und so über­aus hilfsbereit!

Oh - if you dont belie­ve me - watch tho­se videos. 🙂

Grü­ße ans US for­eign poli­cy estab­lish­ment, bitte.

Finally! US got their framing down for “encircling russia in the black sea”

01. September 2024

First ques­ti­on. Is rus­sia real­ly the only dan­ger in the black sea?

Ans­wer given by the panel. Yes.

Explana­ti­on: Becau­se it is an encir­cle­ment stra­te­gy. Aka ever­yo­ne in the regi­on against russia.

Explana­ti­on given by the panel: Yes, becau­se Putin is the new Hit­ler, and when I tal­ked to Mer­kel she said to me Putin thought like Ale­xa­ner the Gre­at, no he thinks like Niko­las the Gre­at, lis­ten to his war speech he men­tio­ned him in the­re, and when I was in rus­sia in 2015, ever­yo­ne told me - we are the per­fect slaves, but when I was in Ukrai­ne, they ale­rea­dy told me, we are figh­t­ing for our freedom!

[Btw, if you have a “are they real­ly all that dumb” moment right about now, no. They are dum­ber. Just watch the video.]

Second ques­ti­on: Is the black sea real­ly that important for rus­sia. Warm water port and all that.

Ans­wer given by Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne on the panel: Yes, eco­no­mi­c­al­ly and for the pro­jec­tion of mili­ta­ry power the black sea ports are extre­me­ly important for rus­sia. 40% of their exports and a serious per­cen­ta­ge of their imports go through the black sea.

CORRECT! THE CANDIDATE GETS 1000 POINTS AND A FREE WASHING MASHINE! IF SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO RELAY THAT TO WERNER FASSLABEND OVER THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO HELPFUL! You know to all the dim­plom­cy stu­dents in Aus­tria, who lear­ned from Herr Fass­labend, that Sevas­to­pol wasnt at all important to Rus­sia, and that they could just as easi­ly run their eco­no­my through Mur­mansk in the nor­dic cir­cle (ok, clo­se to the nor­dic circle).

Spä­te Erkenntnis

They couldnt - which real­ly was kind of the main point Zbi­gniew Brze­ziń­ski made in the Grand Chess­board, but who nee­ded to read Brze­ziń­ski when they were ser­ving in the aus­tri­an for­eign ser­vice, am I right? Right?

So just as a tale of warning, if ever somo­ne in the vicini­ty of the Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on and Fio­na Hills posi­ti­on the­re should come to read this litt­le blog ent­ry. This is what you do to socie­ty. Flood it with a bunch of “I know how Putin thinks he thinks like 5 tsars I saw in his office in 2015, when Fio­na for the last time was part of a Val­dai Dis­cus­sion Club mee­ting” crap, implant that thought in peop­le who are too dumb even to relay that cor­rect­ly and then have to pull out their “Hit­ler in the black sea” com­pa­ri­sons when they have public panel appearan­ces. In their first ans­wer on a GLOBSEC panel.

Make sure no one regis­ters, that this is all a “get rus­sia out of the black sea” con­flict at heart (see Her­fried Münk­ler: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/spaete-erkenntnis/ ) - and then have Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne blow that all up by actual­ly spel­ling out loud how important its black sea ports his­to­ri­cal­ly have been, and still are for rus­si­as eco­no­my and power projection.

You know, the ones Ukrai­ne insis­ted Rus­sia had to gift them (!!!!!!!! Veni­ce Com­mi­si­on, see below) with all the mili­ta­ry ships docked the­re, and the ones built the­re for free as part of “com­pen­sa­ti­on negotiations”.

Befo­re this “unpro­vo­ked war” bro­ke out. You know - Ukrai­ne, which wan­ted not­hing more than to join NATO with all its heart, so Vic­to­ria Nuland could final­ly ful­fill ame­ri­cas goals in the black sea. (Which the bri­tish repre­sen­ta­ti­ve in the Panel will descri­be to you word for word, just lis­ten to him.)

But dont you worry, the first com­ment in the GLOBSEC panel about “Bols­te­ring Black Sea Secu­ri­ty” (Is rus­sia real­ly the only thre­at in the black sea. Yes! Says the panel.) will be, that Putin is like Hit­ler, and not like the Tsar Mer­kel com­pa­red him to, but the other Tsar, that had empi­ria­listic ambitions!

While Her­fried Münk­ler alrea­dy sta­ted, that rus­sia pro­bab­ly star­ted the war at least part­ly - to be able to secu­re (pro­jec­ting years into the future, when its demo­gra­phic wouldnt allow for mili­ta­ry actions any­mo­re) its influ­ence in the black sea.

Spä­te Erkenntnis

Now -- are all poli­ti­cal pro­pon­ents that are fea­tured, by the fuck­ing pro­pa­gan­distic dipshits that pro­du­ce your media rea­li­ty -- real­ly that dumb?

No, they are dum­ber, watch this video.

This is GLOBSEC.

This is the US secu­ri­ty industry.

God for­bid I once thought the Alp­bach panels whe­re intel­lec­tual­ly lacking and all about put­ting peop­le on sta­ge to have their egos stroked.

This is liter­al­ly the Broo­kings insti­tu­ti­on wri­ting the memes into the minds of sta­te repre­sen­ta­ti­ves which are idi­ots, and think that adding Hit­ler to the mix, in the first respon­se they ever pro­du­ce on an indus­try panel - would make a bet­ter epis­te­me out of it.

Well, he said Hit­ler, so it must be true…!

This is what the Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on does to society.

Never­mind that you still need per­so­nal con­nec­tions to get fuck­ing Wer­ner Fass­labend to lie to his public rela­ti­ons stu­dents for one and a half years, becau­se that old fuck­ing fool, could be made to belie­ve that Sevas­to­pol wasnt important for rus­si­as afri­ca missions.

But for all this year long outra­ge­os bull­shit and pro­pa­gan­da -- the US didnt think about brie­fing Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne on the offi­cial pro­pa­gan­da posi­ti­on, so now she just enters the “encir­cling rus­sia in the black sea” panel, and anwers truth­ful­ly. Becau­se shes amongst friends.

Cant make this stuff up. Its insa­ni­ty in motion.

First spea­ker gives you the full pro­pa­gan­da load­down with Tsars and Hit­ler. Second spea­ker tells you the full truth, becau­se she was never brie­fed, that she should down­play the impor­t­ance of Sevas­to­pol by US for­eign poli­cy “experts” tar­ge­ting wes­tern media outlets.


Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft eigent­lich noch verarschen?

Ach­ja --

Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft noch verarschen?


Gut die Schwarz­meer­hä­fen wären bei einem Nato Bei­tritt der Ukrai­ne für Russ­land weg gewe­sen, aber ich mein was sind schon 40% der rus­si­schen Expor­te und ihre gesam­te Power Pro­jec­tion into the Medi­te­re­ni­an and Afri­ca for russia…

Nein, also dass ihnen die Nuland das weg­neh­men woll­te, war ja nie im Leben eine Pro­vo­ka­ti­on! Ich weiss gar­nicht war­um Putin die Krim neh­men musste!

Gut, jetzt sagt die Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne sie weiß es, es war, weil Sevas­to­pol so wich­tig für Russ­land war, und der Münk­ler sagts auch -

Spä­te Erkenntnis

aber das müs­sen die deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en ja des­we­gen nicht der Öffent­lich­keit erklären.

Nein, bit­te - der Krieg war unpro­vo­ziert, auch wenn die Ukrai­ne zu beginn mit US Jave­lins die rus­si­schen Sepa­ra­tis­ten aus dem Don­bas weg­ge­schos­sen und damit die mili­tä­ri­sche Lage gedreht hat. Die die Ukrai­ne extra dafür ange­fragt hat die Lage im Don­bas zu dre­hen (Game­ch­an­ger gegen die “Sepa­ra­tis­ten”). Auch wenn die Jave­lins zu dem Zeit­punkt nicht frei­ge­ge­ben waren. Genutzt haben sie sie schon. Was die Was­ser­ver­sor­gung (irre­ga­ti­on) zur Krim gefähr­det hät­te, wenn die Ukrai­ner den Don­bas genom­men hät­ten. Was Russ­land aus der gesam­ten Ukrai­ne gedrängt hät­te (2 Mio. Men­schen ohne Was­ser­ver­sor­gung die zor­nig auf Russ­land sind) (was bis heu­te das Kriegs­ziel der Ukrai­ne ist -- sie­he Ver­hand­lungs­ver­lauf in Bür­gen­stock, sie­he Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne in die­sem Panel). Was das poli­ti­sche Ziel von Nuland war. (Ukrai­ne zur NATO in sei­ner tat­säch­li­chen Bedeu­tung). Aber eine Pro­vo­ka­ti­on haben wir ja alle immer noch nir­gend­wo entdeckt.

Also wo denn?

Wer denn?

Die Veni­ce Com­mi­si­on der euro­päi­schen Union?

Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft noch verarschen?


edit: Sor­ry - the bri­tish represnta­ti­ve on the Panel had to also pro­vi­de the input, that Putin is also emu­la­ting Sta­lin of cour­se. Plea­se note that down as well.

So thats Hit­ler, not Alex­an­der the Gre­at, but Niko­las the Gre­at and Sta­lin. This will be part of the histo­ry test of your child.

Also Tobi­as Ell­wood, Secu­ri­ty and Defence Con­sul­tant, Ell­wood Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons - the bri­tish repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, also knows, that this is not just about the black sea, this is about Putin “pushing fur­ther”, becau­se: “you all play­ed Risk, and the green part is als­ways hard to defend, so you attack”.

Thank you, no fur­ther pro­of nee­ded, I think!

This also will be on the histo­ry test of your child, belie­ve me.

Battle of the Security Experts

01. September 2024

Ple­na­ry 4: Stra­te­gic Intel­li­gence Challenges

Hos­ted by the Intel­li­gence & Natio­nal Secu­ri­ty Alliance

at 13:30 min in:

David Cohen is the cur­rent Depu­ty Direc­tor CIA

Mode­ra­tor: Ear­lier this year the US government was say­ing you know stale­ma­te con­ti­nuing Rus­sia was not going to be able to gain signi­fi­cant ter­ri­to­ry um do we still think that’s the case? David what do you think?

David Cohen: “Look, I think the um so the attack uh you the night befo­re last uh that the Rus­si­ans moun­ted on the ener­gy infra­st­ruc­tu­re in Ukrai­ne and against civi­li­an tar­gets you know is you know sort of sad­ly more of the same from Putin going after uh civi­li­an tar­gets try­ing to um you know --- cau­se essen­ti­al­ly widespread uh you know pain and suf­fe­ring in Ukrai­ne as the fall is now upon us the win­ter is going to come um and you know he’s going after again going after the the ener­gy infra­st­ruc­tu­re so I think we will con­ti­nue to see tho­se sorts of attacks. The ukrai­ni­ans you know with the help of the United Sta­tes and others are are you know con­stant­ly working to build their air defen­ses to uh to try to uh address the­se the­se attacks from the Rus­si­ans but in terms of the front line like I think the you know the figh­t­ing now uh and it has been for you know a peri­od of of several weeks or lon­ger uh has been focu­sed on this city cal­led Pokrowsk in uh in the Donas um you know the Rus­si­ans are are making some pro­gress the­re - they’­re making pro­gress the­re at extra­or­di­na­ry cost the num­ber of lives that they are was­ting in this in this effort qui­te apart from all of the mili­ta­ry equip­ment and all the rest that they’­re thro­wing at it is real­ly is qui­te extra­or­di­na­ry - for for you know very small incre­men­tal gains over time. ---[NOW FINALLY DECIDING TO ANSWER THE QUESTION THAT WAS PUT TOWARDS HIM, I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT, IT ONLY TOOK A DAY AND A HALF OF SIDETRACKING! ---] They may take Pokrowsk, they may not I think it you know it’s a the ukrai­ni­ans are con­ti­nuing to to defend but like at the end of the day - none of it is game­ch­an­ging in a stra­te­gic sen­se um and I think we are we have asses­sed that throughout you know 2024 the­re would the­re would be you know some some give and take along the front line and I think we’­re going to con­ti­nue to see that.



Batt­le it out!


You can do it.

If you have no Idea whats going on here - I have a few pointers.

- As the say­ing goes, all the intel­li­gence by now is in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty indus­try, becau­se they pay better.
- As the say­ing goes, the fist thing you learn at CIA is lying
- As the say­ing goes, the second thing you learn at CIA is how to talk yourself out of not having read the brie­fings or your executive-memos, and still call yourself “the hono­r­able” - to the point whe­re others think thats actual­ly your title…
Bildschirmfoto 2024 09 01 um 09 22 37
- Oh and if you are cri­ti­cal min­ded, and have seen that the Ukrai­ni­an defen­se infra­st­ruc­tu­re 15km away from Pokrowsk was crumb­ling in a chao­tic man­ner, becau­se the Ukrai­ne had a few sche­du­ling issu­es, that sur­moun­ted to Rus­sia being able to take a town for free -- well, thats obvious­ly them only being able to advan­ce by a few kms, back and forth, suf­fe­ring TREMENDOUS los­ses. Which coin­ci­dent­ly is not what David Cohen has picked up from media (not how Stra­te­gic Intel­li­gence works), but the Pro­pa­gan­da line wes­tern media has picked up from the US ser­vices industry.

Hor­ray. Ano­t­her idi­ot at work.
Almost makes me long back to the days, whe­re the idi­ots in this pic­tu­re could recruit underage hackers, by instil­ling tro­pes in them with “911 got to save ame­ri­ca fuck yeah” moti­ves sta­cked to the brim…

The rest of the panel is their top level manage­ment tal­king about which advan­ce­ments AI will allow them to reach.

We are deve­lo­ping more of a trust infra­st­ruc­tu­re, so we can acce­le­ra­te fas­ter through AI…”

You what now? (Gene­ra­ti­ve AI is not reli­able, so you build up a trust infra­st­ruc­tu­re (Human in the loop), so you can acce­le­ra­te fas­ter? Ama­zing. Bet­ter not make the AI spit out too many cor­re­la­ti­ons per day!)

Gene­ra­ti­ve AI will help through cor­re­la­ti­ve data ana­ly­sis. You mean Data Sci­ence will help with cor­re­la­ti­ve data ana­ly­sis, and a chat­bot will tell you what to bomb based on tho­se unve­ri­fied cor­re­la­ti­ons? So now you can call it AI?

Our prompt engineers…

Ter­ra­bytes of data from our satellites…

Oh, for fucks sake.

Man weiß immer erst was man an PR-Opfern wie dem Gus­tav Gres­sel hat, wenn man sich mal die Kon­kur­renz in sei­nem Job ange­se­hen hat.

Dass der sich nicht schämt, der Gres­sel - in einem Sek­tor zu arbei­ten wo er der ein­zi­ge Mensch ist der nicht auf Anhieb der ers­ten Logi­cal fall­a­cy die Füs­se küsst, die sei­nen Weg kreuzt…

Hey, nochmal Ostern und Weihnachten zusammen!

31. August 2024

ARTE zeigt ENDLICH mal die Chro­no­lo­gie um das ukrai­ni­sche “If you dont clo­se the sky, mom will cry, if you dont clo­se the sky, he’ll lose home…” Pro­pa­gan­da­vi­deo mit Bil­dern aus Butscha im UN Sicherheitsrat!

Jetzt der blö­de Part, sie haben die gesam­te von der Ukrai­ne drauf­ge­leg­te Musik­un­ter­ma­lung (mit besag­tem Refrain) ent­fernt, und respekt­vol­le klas­si­sche Musik drun­ter gelegt.

Ganz im Gegen­satz zum Ukrai­ni­schen Ori­gi­nal­vi­deo damals.

Erwäh­nen die­se Bear­bei­tung aber mit kei­nem Wort.

Gut - das muss ja unter den His­to­ri­kern wie­der nie­mand wis­sen, dass die Ukrai­ne kei­ne voll­ende­te Woche nach Butscha mit den Gräul­p­ho­tos TIEFSTE PROPAGANDA gefah­ren ist, um ihre Zie­le des Ein­tritts der NATO in den Krieg zu erreichen…

Klar schnei­det denen ARTE das Video um.

Sicher doch.

Und wech­selt die Musikuntermalung.

Darfs sonst noch was sein?

Was für ein Service!

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Mei­ne ein­zi­ge Ori­gi­nal­quel­le dazu wur­de aus dem Netz genom­men, und das Video selbst fin­det sich auf­grund der in der ARTE Doku ange­spro­che­nen “tech­ni­schen Pro­ble­me” an dem Tag in KEINER Auf­zeich­nung der Sicher­heits­rats­de­bat­te die noch auf You­tube zu fin­den ist. Also bin ich erst mal glück­lich -- dass es “für die His­to­ri­ker” über­haupt noch mal jemand on record setzt, dass es das ver­fick­te “If you dont clo­se the sky, mom will cry, if you dont clo­se the sky, he’ll lose home…” Pro­pa­gan­da video der Ukrai­ne im ers­ten Auf­tritt Selen­sky­js nach Butscha im Sicher­heits­rat gege­ben hat.

Bis jetzt war das nicht mal Teil der offi­zi­el­len Geschichtsschreibung.

Jetzt seit ARTE zum Glück schon.


Na Gott sei dank leben wir im Wer­te­wes­ten, mir ganz viel Qualitätsjournalismus!

edit: Was ARTE lei­der auch falsch wie­der­gibt, ist dass es behaup­tet, Bud­scha sei der Punkt gewe­sen ab dem die Ukrai­ne kei­ne Frie­dens­ge­sprä­che mehr akzep­tie­ren konnte.

Auch das ist falsch - aber irgend­wie muss man ja die fuck­ing scheiss Pro­pa­gan­da in die Bevöl­ke­rung gedro­schen bekommen.


Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed, Selen­sky­js views evol­ved, part­ly under the influ­ence of his advisors


Selen­sky­js views on the Butscha mas­sa­c­re that is.

Says eye wit­ness to the events, Times cor­re­spon­dent [with access] Simon Shuster.

Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that followed.


Under the influ­ence of his advisors.


Wait, wait - but what was the sen­tence befo­re that - you know for the necessa­ry context!

He also said at the time, days after the Butscha mas­sa­c­re was dis­co­ve­r­ed in ear­ly April of 2022, he sug­gested that Putin might not be ful­ly awa­re of the warcri­mes that his sol­di­ers might be com­mit­ting. And we still need to talk to Putin.”


Yeah, but that was befo­re the BBC and the ent­i­re ger­man media eco­sys­tem sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly didnt report what Reis­ner noted, that the Ukrai­ni­ans kil­led 1000 Rus­si­an sol­di­ers (two batal­li­ons) with Himars in Butscha, and that the remai­ning sol­di­ers “went cra­zy” after that…

Wie man 1000 rus­si­sche Tote aus einer BBC Doku­men­ta­ti­on raushält


Of cour­se you dont report that as ger­man spea­king media.


Ah. Best laugh I had in two years.

Thank you Atlan­tic Council!

He also said at the time, days after the Butscha mas­sa­c­re was dis­co­ve­r­ed in ear­ly April of 2022, he sug­gested that Putin might not be ful­ly awa­re of the warcri­mes that his sol­di­ers are com­mit­ting. And we still need to talk to Putin.
Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed, his views, evol­ved part­ly under the influ­ence of his advi­sors. You know this is -- like any admi­nis­tra­ti­on the­re are dif­fe­rent opi­ni­ons, and they were dis­cus­sing what to do, what should be our posi­ti­on in terms of nego­tia­ti­ons and -- the pos­si­bi­li­ty of tal­king to Putin. (IS IT POSSIBLE?!) Is he a mons­ter, is he a sta­tes­men, what is he?! A dic­ta­tor. And their views evol­ved qui­te quick­ly [but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks], to the point whe­re I think by the start of sum­mer cer­tain­ly Selen­skyj had deci­ded, that - NO, it is not pos­si­ble to talk to Putin.”



Begin­ning of April, End of April, Begin­ning of May, End of May, Begin­ning of June, 20th of June -- NO, CANT TALK TO PUTIN!

I’M CERTAIN OF IT NOW! Hes a mons­ter! And this is rus­si­as war, not Putins! (Says our hero Selen­skyj. Accord­ing to eye wit­ness to the events, Times repor­ter Simon Shuster.)

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt…


Dan­ke für das ver­fick­te scheiss Fol­low Up, Atlan­tic Council.

Sie­he eben­falls: NYT Chro­no­lo­gie der Frie­dens­ver­hand­lun­gen.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.