Just the broad strokes.
One only needs one more peace conference, Selenskyj holds, where we dont tell the public, what Ukraine changed in its final protocol (click) and then we are nearly there, Die Presse (Austrian newspaper) told everyone on 25.05.2024, then refuted all my questions why russia was “sabotaging the peace process”, as they (Chefredakteur foreign politics plus one) stated without sources --, at the Austrian Presserat, with a simple “thats freedom of expression” answer.
And after just the odd additional 6 or 7 months, we now come to the realization, that shit, we have 40.000 troops ready to secure a seize fire, but we would need 150.000. Which at 10.000 USD sallery per person per month would cost 18 billion USD and not the 400 billion we are currently spending. While a third of that is already included in what we were spending in peace times, so that figure comes down to 12 billion USD. Plus UN peace force equipment.
But then this happens, shortly before christmas:
Al Jazeera: Why does Europe fear a quick end?
Shortly before this happens:
One needs peace, not a seize fire, before european troops could be involved - because --- ehm, someone just told the Belgian FM Quintin that talking point.
And then of course Selenskyj defuses Russias boasting that they could stage a trial in Kiev if their new midrange missile could be intercepted by any western means with “Putin is a dumbass”.
All while OF COURSE according to our Ukraine experts at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), we were always in diplomatic talks to solve all this, all the time. Its just that no one saw any efforts post Ankara…
Meanwhile “we dont know how the US will respond”, which is entirely bullshit of course, because Europe is already estimating the outcomes of the Trump Putin talks, while hedging their bets, by in return stacking the advisors circle in the US administration.
Where of course the neocons have won the transition, in terms of who they were able to put into decision positions,
but wait, wait, we dont know if they (in person) are enough of a China hawk, to really pivot towards China and make Europe pay even more, so we need to make Europe pay more, for that not to happen!
While Trump demands from european countries 5% of their GDP which is 340 billion on top of what they are already paying - because the US leadership is just that smart…
Trump wants NATO to increase defense spending target to 5%: Report (Newsweek)
While our Newsmedia keeps asking, if Trump wants to dismantle Nato of course. EVERY FUCKING DAY.
So, to recapitulate -- its too costly for Europe to deal with the probability costs of this war expanding again in 20 years time, after a seize fire next year, so we need to pay more now. To prevent a seize fire next year.
For a war that Trump wants to have ended as soon as possible.
That Selenskyj wants to end THE MOSTEST OF ALL! As he will tell every Christian into their face in the advent season, of course - if only they are uninformed american christians of course:
With peace talks in Bürgenstock in June of 2024, where his final communique reads like a russian surrender contract.
Which means, that russia is sabotaging ukrainian peace for the Die Presse Foreign Politics ressort Chefredakteur, of course.
While of course russia is losing 2000 men a day = 730.000 a year of their 600.000 soldier strong army.
Which means they are loosing.
While “Russia’s October advances in Ukraine [measured in km2 gain] set two-year high, says NYT”. And that speed of course continued.
While Russia only manages to advance very slowly of course:
While Europe cant afford the additional 12 billion sustained for a peace force, but is about to make the deal of the century by only spending an additional 150 billion per year, and not 340 billion as requested by Trump to
And dont get me started on how unprovoked this war was, where we always ought to ask ourselves “what did Putin think” but never, what did NATO actually do to provoke all this.
A: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/the-final-narrative-is-crafted/
B: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/scott-hortons-main-argument/
C: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/der-seichte-hauch-von-erzwungener-normalitaet/
D: https://harlekin.me/allgemein/was-war-eigentlich-us-und-nato-position-im-november-2021/
Und Weihnachtswaffenstillstand brauchen wir natürlich auch keinen, weil -- wie war das noch Selenskyj?
Genau. Das sei ja nur russische Propaganda.
Und da haben wir natürlich schon wieder fast gewonnen, in vier Jahren dann.
Scheiss auf die ökonomische Entwicklung --- das geht alles, mit Hammer Argumenten wie Risk-Mitigation, für die jetzt nochmal 300.000 Leute sterben müssen. Bei 150 Milliarden extra Ausgaben pro Jahr (europaweit) in die Kriegsfinanzierung.
Also bevor Europa anfängt über den Willen der Ukrainer zu verhandeln…
DIE MEHRHEITLICH BEREITS FÜR EINE ABTRETUNG VON GEBIETEN SIND (Gallup: https://news.gallup.com/poll/653495/half-ukrainians-quick-negotiated-end-war.aspx )
Weil ja Polen so eine aufstrebende politische Macht in Europa geworden ist! Die wollen Führungsverantwortung übernehmen!
Fuck german speaking journalism.
No, honestly, FUCK THEM.
PR for the better part of 2 years.
And all of this because we have to save the the right honorable Wertewesten.
edit: Jetzt musama aba schon den Gürtel der unteren und der Mittelschichten etwas enger schnallen, nit das dea noch auf Ideen kommen! Ich mein gegen Auslända wettern, guat, das is nur guaty Bürgerpflicht gegen die kommenden Flüchtlingsströme, wobei der zuständige ÖVP Minister schon wieder nicht ROI bei den Syrern durchrechnen kann, aber wenn die Bevölkerung erst mal beginnt gegen die aktuellen Leistungsträger zu schimpfen! Nein! Also wenn der Habeck nicht wieder Wirtschaftsminister werden soll, dann muss man schon AfD wählen.…
Ich mein die 40x Mehrinvestionen in Veteidigung sind ja kein rusgehautes Geld! Das sind ja Investitionen! Zu 70% in die US, die aktuell Waffen produzieren können, und zu 30% in die Branche mit dem geringsten Value add überhaupt - wenn du nicht in den bombadierten Staaten später die hochprofitable Aufbauhilfe machst -- oder wieder mal den USD entwertest, … Weltersatzwährung, was sollens denn machen…
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