Quite quickly, but certainly over the course of the next weeks that followed, Selenskyjs views evolved, partly under the influence of his advisors

HAAAHHAHHAHHAHAAAAA. Selen­sky­js views on the Butscha mas­sa­c­re that is. Says eye wit­ness to the events, Times cor­re­spon­dent [with access] Simon Shus­ter. Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed. BWAAAHHAHHAHHHAHAHA. Under the influ­ence of his advi­sors. HAHAHHAHAHHHAHHAHHA. Wait, wait - but what was the sen­tence befo­re that - you know for … Qui­te quick­ly, but cer­tain­ly over the cour­se of the next weeks that fol­lo­wed, Selen­sky­js views evol­ved, part­ly under the influ­ence of his advi­sors weiterlesen