What do you call a propagandist in the west?

src: click Poli­ti­cal Stra­te­gist and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Expert. What does a pro­pa­ga­nist call herself in the West? Elec­tions Expert. Lob­by­ist. Public Rela­ti­ons Spe­cia­list. Pre­si­dent and Chair­man of the Board of Inter­na­tio­nal Ukrai­ni­an Cri­sis Fund. Whe­re did the Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Expert come from? Oh it deri­ved out of “Public Rela­ti­ons Spe­cia­list”. Das müs­sen die­se Jour­na­lis­ten von der Zeit beim Recher­chie­ren … What do you call a pro­pa­gan­dist in the west? weiterlesen