Wie kann man diese Gesellschaft noch verarschen?

45. Draft Arti­cle 5(10) sti­pu­la­tes that “any pro­per­ty and assets of the occu­p­y­ing for­ces and occup­a­ti­on admi­nis­tra­ti­ons of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on, inclu­ding of the Black Sea Fleet of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on, loca­ted in the de-occupied ter­ri­to­ries (inclu­ding any pro­per­ty and assets crea­ted during the tem­pora­ry occup­a­ti­on) shall beco­me the pro­per­ty of Ukrai­ne.” This pro­vi­si­on risks … Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft noch ver­ar­schen? weiterlesen