Day 3

04. November 2021

Ano­t­her pie­ce of the jigsaw is whe­re the public money to assist the tran­si­ti­on from car­bon inten­si­ve ener­gy and indus­try will come from, and on Wed­nes­day the United Sta­tes said it would sup­port a mecha­nism to rai­se new finan­ce for clean ener­gy and sus­tainab­le infra­st­ruc­tu­re in emer­ging markets.

U.S. Tre­a­su­ry Secreta­ry Janet Yel­len said the United Sta­tes would join Bri­tain in backing the Cli­ma­te Invest­ment Funds’ (CIF) new Capi­tal Mar­ket Mecha­nism, which would help attract signi­fi­cant new pri­va­te cli­ma­te funds and pro­vi­de $500 mil­li­on per year for the CIF’s Clean Tech­no­lo­gy Fund, as well as its new Acce­le­ra­ting Coal Tran­si­ti­on invest­ment program.

src: click

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