Was sagt eigentlich Selenskyj einen Tag nach dem russischen Putsch?

25. Juni 2023

Och nichts Wich­ti­ges, die deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en berich­ten wie üblich nur “Je län­ger die­ser Mensch im Kreml ist, des­to grö­ßer wird die Kata­stro­phe” - und las­sen den Rest der Rede ein­fach mal unter den Tisch fal­len. Die Selen­skyj dies­mal wie­der auf rus­sisch gehal­ten hat, um die rus­si­sche Bevöl­ke­rung einen Tag nach dem Putsch noch schön mit sei­nen manigfal­ti­gen Argu­men­ten zu über­zeu­gen zu revol­tie­ren - also hören wir ihm doch ein­fach mal zu:

Auto­ma­tisch gene­rier­te Unter­ti­tel über­setzt mit Deepl.com:

I wish you health, dear Ukrai­ni­ans I wish health to all the peop­le of the world.

Today is a day whe­re the­re is defi­ni­te­ly no silence and defi­ni­te­ly the world needs lea­ders­hip today. We saw that the mas­ters of Rus­sia do not con­trol anything at all, just com­ple­te cha­os, com­ple­te lack of any pre­dic­ta­bi­li­ty and this is on Rus­si­an ter­ri­to­ry which is hea­vi­ly armed.

We all remem­ber when in the year 21, when the Rus­si­an lea­der threa­tened the the world with some kind of ultimatums.

He was try­ing to show some kind of strength.

The year 22 show­ed that he was con­fu­sed with the power of his illu­si­on and the lies he was fed by the Kremlin.

The Krem­lin is capa­ble of any kind of ter­ror, they are capa­ble of any stu­pi­di­ty, but they can’t pro­vi­de a frac­tion of the necessa­ry con­trol and the pro­blem is that in one day they have actual­ly lost a num­ber of their cities and show­ed all the Rus­si­an ban­dits, mer­ce­n­a­ries, olig­archs and anyo­ne else how easy it is to cap­tu­re Rus­si­an cities whe­re the­re are likely arse­nals of weapons.

It is very important now, that no one in the world is silent becau­se they are afraid of this Rus­si­an cha­os, all the actions of lea­ders can now be his­to­ric, every word of jour­na­lists is worth its weight in gold.

We must clear­ly name the source of the pro­blem If someo­ne in the world is try­ing to lull the situa­ti­on: The illu­si­on that the Krem­lin is able to res­to­re con­trol, it only post­po­nes the pro­blem until the next bre­akthrough of cha­os is even more dangerous.

We all know the first solu­ti­on: The world should not be afraid, we know what pro­tects us is pro­tec­ting us.

Only our unity can pro­tect Ukrai­ne to pro­tect Euro­pe from any Rus­si­an for­ces, no mat­ter who is in char­ge, com­man­ds them, we will pro­tect the secu­ri­ty of the eas­tern flank of Euro­pe, it rests only on our defen­se and that is why every mani­fes­ta­ti­on of sup­port for our defen­se is sup­port for your defen­se in the free world.

Ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers, Ukrai­ni­an guns, Ukrai­ni­an tanks, Ukrai­ni­an mis­si­les - this is all that pro­tects Euro­pe from such mar­ching for­ces like we see today on Rus­si­an ter­ri­to­ry and when we address the F-16 or the ATACAMS, we deve­lop our com­mon defense.

Imple­men­ta­ti­on is what is nee­ded now to pro­vi­de all the wea­pons necessa­ry for defen­se. [Selen­skyj lear­ned a new word - imple­men­ta­ti­on. His lan­guage skills are get­ting bet­ter every day…]

Second­ly, ever­ything should be a real right.

It should be frank­ly said to ever­yo­ne in the world that all Russia’s cri­mi­nal actions against Ukrai­ne were and are wrong and we all have to be gui­ded by our com­mon secu­ri­ty prio­ri­ties, NATO’s secu­ri­ty prio­ri­ties. NATO’s secu­ri­ty prio­ri­ties are not just a word though or a set of for­mal promises.

Pro­mi­ses, are a reli­able gua­ran­tee for all that peace will not be des­troy­ed without Ukrai­ne. Such gran­dio­se state­ments are worthless.

In July, the Free­dom Sum­mit is a his­to­ric chan­ce for real decisi­ons without loo­king back at Russia.

Any nati­on that bor­ders on Rus­sia real­ly sup­ports this, and I will say the third thing - in Russian:

In the Krem­lin obvious­ly the stu­dent is afraid and pro­bab­ly hiding somewhere.

He does not show hims­elf, he is not sure that he is not in Moscow, he calls from some­whe­re to beg for something.

He knows some­thing, he’s afraid becau­se he crea­ted this thre­at, all the evil, all the los­ses, all the hat­red, he’s the one and the lon­ger he can keep run­ning bet­ween his bun­kers, the more you lose, you all lose.

What are we going to do? We are Ukrai­ni­ans defen­ding our coun­try. We will defend our free­dom. We will not be silent and will not be inactive.

It will be our vic­to­ry in this war, unequivocally. 

And what will you do until that?

The lon­ger your [addres­sing rus­si­ans in rus­si­an] tro­ops are on ukrai­ni­an soil, the more dest­ruc­tion they will bring to Rus­sia, the lon­ger this per­son is in the Krem­lin, the big­ger the dis­as­ter will be.

Now I’ll switch to my nati­ve lan­guage. Thank you to our sol­di­ers Thank you to ever­yo­ne who is now defea­ting the occu­p­iers. Thank you to the air for­ce for pro­tec­ting our ski­es. Glo­ry to Ukraine.

We will Win.

Elo­quent wie am Tag des Kriegs­be­ginns, als sich Selen­skyj eben­falls auf rus­sisch, auf social media, an die rus­si­sche Bevöl­ke­rung gewandt hat. Also an Anwäl­te, Ärz­te, Tik­to­ker, Künst­ler, Müt­ter und Väter - jetzt auf die Stra­ßen zu gehen und solan­ge nicht weg­zu­ge­hen, bis sich Putin mit der Ukrai­ne an einen Ver­hand­lung­tisch setzt. Auf rus­sisch, auf Tele­gram. Wir erin­nern uns, der Stan­dard titel­te, Selen­skyj sucht den Frie­den. Drei Stun­den spä­ter flo­gen die ers­ten Rake­ten.

Was für ein Frie­dens­held die­ser Selen­skyj doch ist. Ein Garant des Friedens.

Dann heu­te lie­ber doch nur einen Satz aus sei­ner Rede in den deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en dru­cken. Irgend­was Unverfängliches…

edit: Hey! Der Stan­dard über­rascht und bringt dies­mal mehr! Wie kommts? Die Ukrai­ni­sche Regie­rung hat aus­ge­wähl­te Tei­le der Rede auf Eng­lisch auf Twit­ter veröffentlicht.

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