How self censored do you want me to be?

02. August 2023

To which the ans­wer is *shrug* of cour­se, and then comes the outburst:

Dani­el Drez­ner: As Zelen­skyy goes he just said, I [Trump] would tell him, yeah and what he did­n’t add is, the leverage you have is the sup­ply of wea­pons, so you can see that we have that leverage. 

Robert Wright: I was just going to say as a rea­list, I would think you would almost expect a gre­at power to act this way right? In real [RE-AL] poli­tics this is what gre­at powers do, they’­re figh­t­ing a pro­xy war and they tell the pro­xy what to do right?

DD: I’m sure but if you want me to be, uh how real poli­tics do you want me to be?

RW: *shrugs*

DD: Becau­se this is whe­re we start tal­king about things that we’­re not sup­po­sed to be say­ing out loud but…

RW: I think we’­re alrea­dy the­re, so you might as well uh…

DD: Okay then the ans­wer is, that part one of the gre­at stra­te­gic gains from Russia’s inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne is, that weird­ly it has made Euro­pe feel far more secu­re - and also push Euro­pe in a for­eign poli­cy direc­tion that accords well with the United States.

The­re is some­thing to be said the­re for, for you know, Ukrai­ne wants to keep figh­t­ing this war, if Ukrai­ne keeps figh­t­ing this war, they are essen­ti­al­ly pre­ven­ting Rus­sia from app­ly­ing mili­ta­ry coer­ci­on any­whe­re else on their peri­phe­ry and that again is a stra­te­gic wind­fall for the United Sta­tes, and so - if you real­ly want me to be a rea­list about this, I like the idea that like you know, the bal­tics feel more secu­re, the fact that Fin­land and Swe­den are now in NATO, the fact that the Eas­tern flank now feels like it it’s the lon­ger this war goes on, the more Euro­pe will be pre­pa­red to deal with a revan­chist Rus­sia when the war ends.

Hor­ray! Die­se Gesell­schaft ist und bleibt das abso­lut Allerletzte!

Jetzt aber zur Kern der Sache - “Wie sehr soll ich hier Din­ge erwäh­nen, die wir eigen­lich als Wis­sen­schaft­ler und Blog­ger nicht erwäh­nen sollten?”

Ori­gi­nal­zi­tat: Dani­el W. Drezner

He is pro­fes­sor of inter­na­tio­nal poli­tics at The Flet­cher School of Law and Diplo­ma­cy at Tufts Uni­ver­si­ty. He is also a non­re­si­dent seni­or fel­low at the Pro­ject on Inter­na­tio­nal Order and Stra­te­gy at the Broo­kings Institution.[3]

src: click

Hey, da ist sie ja wie­der! Die Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on. Ich hab sie schon so vermisst!

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Die Euro­pä­er füh­len sich aber siche­rer, wenn die Ukrai­ner für sie kämp­fen! Vor allem die Polen! Dan­ke non­re­si­dent seni­or fel­low at the Pro­ject on Inter­na­tio­nal Order and Stra­te­gy at the Broo­kings Institution!

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