I wonder if this is signaling…

31. Oktober 2023

Or just the stran­gest “buy me” coverst­unt of all times.

edit: Für die die zu faul waren dem Link zu folgen:

After his visit to Washing­ton, TIME fol­lo­wed the Pre­si­dent and his team back to Kyiv, hoping to under­stand how they would react to the signals they had recei­ved, espe­cial­ly the insis­tent calls for Zelen­sky to fight cor­rup­ti­on insi­de his own government, and the fading enthu­si­asm for a war with no end in sight. On my first day in Kyiv, I asked one mem­ber of his cir­cle how the Pre­si­dent was fee­ling. The respon­se came without a second’s hesi­ta­ti­on: “Angry.”

The usu­al spark­le of his opti­mism, his sen­se of humor, his ten­den­cy to liven up a mee­ting in the war room with a bit of ban­ter or a baw­dy joke, none of that has sur­vi­ved into the second year of all-out war. “Now he walks in, gets the updates, gives the orders, and walks out,” says one long­time mem­ber of his team. Ano­t­her tells me that, most of all, Zelen­sky feels betray­ed by his Wes­tern allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to sur­vi­ve it.

But his con­vic­tions haven’t chan­ged. Des­pi­te the recent set­backs on the battle­field, he does not intend to give up figh­t­ing or to sue for any kind of peace. On the con­tra­ry, his belief in Ukraine’s ulti­ma­te vic­to­ry over Rus­sia has har­den­ed into a form that worries some of his advi­sers. It is immova­ble, ver­ging on the mes­sia­nic. “He delu­des hims­elf,” one of his clo­sest aides tells me in frus­tra­ti­on. “We’re out of opti­ons. We’re not win­ning. But try tel­ling him that.”

src: click

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