No words

17. November 2023


Isra­el has drop­ped leaf­lets across parts of sou­thern Gaza cal­ling on civi­li­ans to evacua­te and “head towards known shel­ters,” indi­ca­ting Isra­el could soon expand its ground ope­ra­ti­on against Hamas to the south of the enclave.

Leaf­lets were drop­ped Wed­nes­day on four com­mu­nities to the east of Khan You­nis, the lar­gest city in sou­thern Gaza, warning peop­le living the­re to “evacua­te your resi­dence immediately.”

The com­mu­nities – Al Qar­rah, Khuza’a, Bani Suhai­la, and Absa­an – are near the peri­me­ter fence sepa­ra­ting the Gaza Strip from Isra­el, sug­ges­ting pos­si­ble new incur­si­on points by the Isra­el Defen­se For­ces (IDF) loo­king to take con­trol of the south.

src: click

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nach­rich­ten, das hier ist das was der Stan­dard zum sel­ben Zeit­punkt berichtet:
Bildschirmfoto 2023 11 17 um 20 37 13

[Zwei Tank­las­ter pro Tag sind sehr wahr­schein­lich zu wenig um den Mobil­funk in Gaza auf­recht­zu­er­hal­ten. Geschwei­ge denn das Internet.]

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: Die NZZ hat dazu auch einen net­ten Angle:

Der Erfolg der israe­li­schen Ope­ra­ti­on im Gaza­strei­fen hängt von der Umsicht jedes ein­zel­nen Kom­man­dan­ten ab
Je mehr Gelän­de die Boden­trup­pen gewin­nen, des­to bes­ser ist die Zivil­be­völ­ke­rung geschützt. Der Ope­ra­ti­ons­plan kom­bi­niert des­halb mili­tä­ri­sche Kraft mit bewuss­ter Zurückhaltung.

src: click

Je mehr Land­raub, des­to bes­ser, da siche­rer für die Bevöl­ke­rung in Gaza und die Ver­ant­wor­tung für Völ­ker­rechts­ver­stö­ße hän­ge von der Umsicht jedes ein­zel­nen Kom­man­dan­ten ab und kön­ne nicht auf betei­lig­te Füh­rer von Staa­ten pro­ji­ziert werden.

I can’t belie­ve its not Neoimperialism!

I have resi­gned as poe­try edi­tor of the New York Times Magazine.

The Israe­li state’s U.S-backed war against the peop­le of Gaza is not a war for anyo­ne. The­re is no safe­ty in it or from it, not for Isra­el, not for the United Sta­tes or Euro­pe, and espe­cial­ly not for the many Jewish peop­le slan­de­red by tho­se who claim fal­se­ly to fight in their names. Its only pro­fit is the dead­ly pro­fit of oil inte­rests and wea­pon manufacturers.

The world, the future, our hearts—everything grows smal­ler and har­der from this war. It is not only a war of mis­si­les and land inva­si­ons. It is an ongo­ing war against the peop­le of Pales­ti­ne, peop­le who have resis­ted throughout deca­des of occup­a­ti­on, for­ced dis­lo­ca­ti­on, depri­va­ti­on, sur­veil­lan­ce, sie­ge, impr­i­son­ment, and torture.

Becau­se our sta­tus quo is self-expression, some­ti­mes the most effec­ti­ve mode of pro­test for artists is to refuse.

I can’t wri­te about poe­try amidst the ‘rea­son­ab­le’ tones of tho­se who aim to accli­ma­ti­ze us to this unre­a­son­ab­le suf­fe­ring. No more ghoulish euphe­misms. No more ver­bal­ly saniti­zed hell­scapes. No more war­mon­ge­ring lies.

If this resi­gna­ti­on lea­ves a hole in the news the size of poe­try, then that is the true shape of the present.
—Anne Boyer

src: click
Pri­ma­ry source: click

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