Prank called Habeck

05. Dezember 2023

Rus­sia sent out “sta­te come­di­ans” Vovan and Lexus again to prank call euro­pean poli­ti­ci­ans. This time around they got to Robert Habeck.

Thats about all, becau­se the publicly released por­ti­on of the pho­ne­call bet­ween them was so short and unevent­ful­ly that I’ll not even bother lin­king to the ori­gi­nal video.

The high­light from the Rus­si­an Pro­ga­gan­das view was pro­bab­ly, that they could bury a “Ukrai­ne let only 30% of the grain expor­ted through the Black Sea Grain inn­itia­ti­ve go to Afri­can coun­tries”, which Habeck let fly, and a “ener­gy pri­ces cur­r­ent­ly are still high” from Habeck as part of a “but they are going to relax with all the addi­tio­nal LNG ent­e­ring the euro­pean mar­ket” state­ment he made.

Which is… ehm… well that LNG isnt ent­e­ring the Afri­can mar­ket, is it--- and Habeck was under the impres­si­on that he was spea­king to an afri­can offi­cial (Melo­ni was as well) so thats at least a litt­le bit akward, for all the wrong rea­sons, but the come­di­ans cut off the talk at the “cur­r­ent­ly ener­gy pri­ces are still high, but…” sta­ge of the sen­tence Habeck was still set­ting up.

And then thats it - that was the ent­i­re pho­ne call. Accord­ing to the ger­man minis­try of eco­no­mic affairs, they had con­nec­tion issues…

I guess the sto­ry here is that they also got Habeck.

Which is kind of a non sto­ry… I just feel obli­ged to post this, becau­se I pos­ted tran­scripts of all the other pho­ne calls in the past.

To make one for this pho­ne call would be a was­te of my time. If you have to watch it, go with auto­ge­ne­ra­ted you­tube sub­tit­les using the video ver­si­on here.

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