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11. Dezember 2023

COP 28

Eini­gung auf fos­si­len Aus­stieg war noch nie näher – gelingt in Dubai die Sensation?

Der Wider­stand eini­ger Staa­ten, allen vor­an Saudi-Arabien, ist gewal­tig. Ein gele­ak­ter Brief der Opec an ihre Mit­glie­der zeigt, wie ner­vös die füh­ren­den Erd­öl­staa­ten sind

Ali­cia Prager
10. Dezem­ber 2023, 18:00


(Ali­cia Pra­ger aus Dubai, 10.12.2023)

src: click

Ali­cia Pra­ger ist Stan­dard Jour­na­lis­tin.

A few moments later…

In Dubai mem­bers of the oil pro­du­cer Alli­an­ce OPEC Plus have been blo­cking pro­gress toward a glo­bal agree­ment to pha­se out the use of fos­sil fuels as the UN’s COP 28 cli­ma­te sum­mit in Dubai bar­rels towards its conclusion.

Tues­day, led by Sau­di Ara­bia, dele­ga­tes from OPEC coun­tries backed by coal oil and gas lob­by­ists have rejec­ted any draft text that even men­ti­ons fos­sil fuels.

This is demo­cra­tic Mas­sa­chu­setts sena­tor Ed Mar­key spea­king from the side­li­nes of the COP 28 talk Sunday:

COP should con­clu­de with a final state­ment that says that the world wants to end this addic­tion, it wants to pha­se out fos­sil fuels. OPEC does not want to pha­se out fos­sil fuels, they made that very clear yesterday.”

src: click

Ali­cia Pra­ger, Stan­dard jour­na­list, rea­ding the PR texts one day later: Could we expe­ri­ence a sensation?!

No. We couldnt.

Becau­se, journalism.

Not let­ting yourself be flown across the world resi­ding in cli­ma­ti­zed hotel rooms, rea­ding PR press texts, then “basing your work on it”.

Wo bleibt die APA, wenn man sie braucht.

Oh well…

edit: Ali­cia Pra­ger einen Tag später:

Kli­ma­gip­fel droht zu schei­tern: Neu­er Ent­wurf nennt kein Ende für Fossile


Wol­len wir hier die time­li­ne noch­mal durchgehen?

edit: Das wird aber nichts mit der ande­ren Mel­dung von vor zwei Wochen zu tun haben, die wir eben­falls ver­ges­sen haben zu brin­gen, oder?

UAE offi­cial­ly stops using dol­lar for oil trades

Reports indi­ca­te that the UAE is eyeing poten­ti­al oil and gas deals with up to 15 coun­tries, inclu­ding hea­vy­weights like Chi­na, Rus­sia, and Egypt, all of whom are mem­bers of the BRICS alli­an­ce and advo­ca­tes of de-dollarization.
This isn’t just about diver­si­fy­ing tra­de; it’s about making a state­ment on the glo­bal sta­ge. The UAE is not just fol­lowing a trend – it’s set­ting one.
The move by the UAE to embrace local cur­ren­ci­es in oil tra­des is not an iso­la­ted event. It’s part of a lar­ger nar­ra­ti­ve whe­re nati­ons are incre­a­singly ques­tio­ning the sta­tus quo and explo­ring alter­na­ti­ves that bet­ter ser­ve their eco­no­mic interests.

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