Kurze Durchsage der AP (Associated Press)

23. Dezember 2023

Bet­ween 1942 and 1945, the allies atta­cked 51 major Ger­man cities and towns, des­troy­ing about 40-50% of their urban are­as, said Robert Pape, a U.S. mili­ta­ry his­to­ri­an. Pape said this amoun­ted to 10% of buil­dings across Ger­ma­ny, com­pa­red to over 33% across Gaza, a den­se­ly popu­la­ted ter­ri­to­ry of just 140 squa­re miles (360 squa­re kilometers).

src: click

By objec­ti­ve mea­su­res, Gaza - in rela­ti­ve terms - is three times worse than the Dres­den bombings.

Also the allies bom­bing of ger­ma­ny took three years.

US is deli­vering the bombs (all indi­ca­tors from what we see of frag­ments seem to con­firm it, of cour­se offi­cial con­fir­ma­ti­on is unavailable).

US is the sole obsti­cle to a cea­se fire, in the UN secu­ri­ty coun­cil, wate­ring down the UN reso­lu­ti­on to some­thing that pro­mi­ses (much) more aid, but then no con­di­ti­ons (cea­se fire) to deli­ver it. Becau­se the US nego­tia­ted the cea­se fire out of the declaration.

Der Stan­dard is still not cor­rec­ting them­sel­ves, that Blin­ken wasnt in the regi­on to “faci­li­ta­te peace”, becau­se, why should aus­tri­an media tell the aus­tri­an public anything resemb­ling the truth…

I mean…

Mer­ry Christ­mas, and a Wer­te­wes­ten new year!

We are now stan­ding at rough­ly 277 civi­li­ans kil­led in Gaza every day (src: click (WP)) - do you remem­ber the mater­ni­ty hos­pi­tal in Mariu­pol whe­re two peop­le and an unborn died? Which appar­ent­ly should rec­ti­fy the deli­very of 300 tanks to reta­ke Mariu­pol with? (That was the public poli­ti­cal deba­te fol­lowing the media reports.) Which for the Aus­tri­an “Pro­fil” was amp­le enough rea­son to never talk to the rus­si­an side in this war ever again. Becau­se - as Armin Wolf put it - the accu­sa­ti­on that the attack was sta­ged was so pro­ble­ma­tic and off-putting, you just couldnt inter­view rus­si­an ambassa­dors any­mo­re, from then on out. [In the grey­zo­ne video lin­ked below, that attack is still con­si­de­red “high­ly ques­tion­ab­le”, but Armin Wolf knows best. What a solid guy.]

Any day now, aus­tri­an media will refu­se to inter­view US ambassa­dors. Any day now. I’m sure of it. It must be the case… Logic dic­ta­tes it. Surely. Any day now.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut ver­lo­genst, ver­schla­genst, abar­tigst und hin­ter­häl­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nachrichten:

Kei­ne Angst der Stan­dard hat sich natür­lich auch hier nicht kor­ri­giert. Aber da ist er ja in Öster­reich in guter Gesell­schaft aller wei­te­ren Qualitätsmedien.

Fro­hes Fest!

edit2: Oh, and btw for peop­le run­ning fan­ta­sy foot­ball leagues, thats twice the num­ber of civi­li­ans kil­led in Gaza alrea­dy than over the ent­i­re­ty of the rus­si­an war in Ukraine.

And 21 times the amount of child­ren killed.

Also for your fan­ta­sy foot­ball league team, it took that fac­tor of 21 for Ber­ny San­ders to final­ly rethink his pre­vious­ly sta­ted public posi­ti­on, and now find some­thing wrong with it.

20 wasnt enough of cour­se, but a fac­tor of 21 did the trick.

Refe­ren­cing mul­ti­ple times:

Auf dass das das bes­te Weih­nach­ten wird, das ihr in Euro­pa je erlebt habt! Es soll ja sogar schnei­en, morgen.

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