Kurze Durchsage von den impartial US

14. Januar 2024

Mode­ra­tor: “Mark Chand­ler is the direc­tor of government rela­ti­ons at Coas­tal Caro­li­na Uni­ver­si­ty and Pro­fes­sor of Prac­ti­ce, also a for­mer seni­or intel­li­gence defen­se offi­cial, joi­ning us now live to talk about the latest deve­lo­p­ments on the war its­elf. As always Mark, thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us, the­re are always so many deve­lo­p­ments, so we do appre­cia­te you hel­ping to break ‘em down.”

Mark Chand­ler: “Good morning Josh, you are qui­te wel­co­me and hope­ful­ly we can crea­te some sort of under­stan­ding here.”

Mode­ra­tor: “Well, first off, I do want to talk about Net­an­ya­hus comments, that the war will con­ti­nue, des­pi­te what wha­te­ver the World Court does deci­de, is any of that sur­pri­sing at this point, becau­se it seems that Net­an­ya­hu over­all has been fair­ly, I don’t know if you’d use the word defi­ant, but - defiant?”

Mark Chand­ler: “No, I, I think thats a good word to use Josh, I also think, one - we could say is stead­fast [sturm­fest in der deut­schen Über­set­zung], he is stead­fast in the mis­si­on to pro­tect Isra­el. Ear­ly on they tal­ked about the dest­ruc­tion of Hamas, and Hamas’ figh­t­ing capa­bi­li­ties, and the abi­li­ties to attack Isra­el, which Hamas has done as recent­ly as the last few days. So, I dont see that as a sur­pri­se state­ment. The con­cern here is, that - the fact, that the south afri­can char­ge even got its day in court, if you will, at the ICJ.”

Sie sehen hier einen Alum­ni der Frak­ti­on, die laut der öster­rei­chi­schen Qua­li­täts­zei­tung der Stan­dard im Nahen Osten sehr um Frie­dens­si­che­rung bemüht war.

Ach­ja, und Pro­pa­gan­da hat immer noch nie­mand entdeckt.

But I think that a good word to use Josh, I also think, one - we could say is public rela­ti­ons, becau­se I’m the head of my uni­ver­si­tys government rela­ti­ons department.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist und bleibt das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Ich mein, gut - das ist FOX News, aber die­se Leu­te wer­den dafür bezahlt, also das ist deren Job. Deren Selbst­ver­ständ­nis. Deren Leben. Das wor­auf deren Lebens­part­ner abends stolz sein muss…

Und sei­nen Stu­den­ten muss er das eben­falls vermitteln.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

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