Timothy Garton Ash doing a 360

09. Februar 2024

Baer­bock never stood a chance.. 😉

From Post War Euro­pe to Post Wall Euro­pe and Back:

What I wouldnt dis­count is, that at some point peop­le around him say - Mr Pre­si­dent, its real­ly not working. We are not suc­cee­ding in Ukrai­ne, we are losing out. And we have to have a chan­ge of poli­cy. So I think the­re is a real pos­si­bi­li­ty, that the­re at some point you have a chan­ge of policy.”

Ah, the good old, what I wouldnt dis­count, and the­re­fo­re (I think) the­re is a real possibility.

Let me guess, stu­dents at the Munk school the­se days arent taught rhe­to­rics anymore.. 😉

Here I’ll do one for you.

What I wouldnt dis­count is, that at some point peop­le around him say - Mr Pre­si­dent, its real­ly not working. We are not suc­cee­ding in Ukrai­ne, we are losing out. BANG! So I think the­re is a real pos­si­bi­li­ty, that the­re at some point you have a chan­ge of leadership.”

Its fun to do them, once you know how they work.

I love the for­mat though.

Old fel­low stands in front of audi­ence, and gets read ques­ti­ons by a staf­fer, then makes stuff up on the spot.

I’ve heard the phra­se “the best we can aim for is ano­t­her cold war” twice in the past few days - and this is the exem­pla­ry lec­tu­re for it.

I tal­ked to Con­di and some peop­le and they said in all their mee­tings with Putin about the expan­si­on of NATO he never show­ed inte­rest. But then when it came to EU expan­si­on he did…”

What a beau­ti­ful nar­ra­ti­ve figu­re. Found in this speech.

So hear­say, based on the actu­al oppo­si­ti­on, without any struc­tu­ral, or deduc­ti­ve logic in place.

edit: I said, without any struc­tu­ral or deduc­ti­ve logic behind it:

Wie kann man die Bevöl­ke­rung eigent­lich noch verarschen?

But don’t you worry, its Timo­thy Gar­ton Ash, who tal­ked to them so you know it must be quality.

God I love my mon­th­ly dose of Munk School of Glo­bal Affairs PR

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