Wie kann man eine Gesellschaft eigentlich noch verarschen?

21. Februar 2024

Bildschirmfoto 2024 02 21 um 21 41 48

South Korea?

Bunch of communists!

United Sta­tes, as the only Coun­try with a 2/3 mar­gin towards the pro­pa­gan­da line? Most bes­test infor­med peop­le in the world with the bes­test, inde­pen­dent and non bia­sed media sys­tem in the who­le world.

And you repeat that. Other­wi­se you get shun­ned, get no job, get socia­ly iso­la­ted -- BECAUSE THATS HOW THE GERMAN SPEAKING MEDIA SYSTEM WORKS.

I espe­cial­ly lik­ed the touch, whe­re Ukrai­ne first asked the US if it could fire its mil­li­ta­ry com­man­der, then got a “we wouldnt like you to” back, then went into dis­cus­sions about it any­how, then found no one who was wil­ling to step up as the new one, then told the US, that they were firing them any­how - then got a “ok its your choice” back, and then sud­den­ly found someo­ne wil­ling to fill the position.

And then, of cour­se, the US press lea­ked the posi­ti­on chan­ge two days befo­re the ukrai­ni­ans even made it official.

Typi­cal for any inde­pen­dent coun­try at war, really…

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