Take their make up away

23. Februar 2024

take their “some­thing, some­thing of digni­ty” away, take their lies away that Minsk 2 was “ille­gal, becau­se bro­ke­red under for­ce”, take their US spon­sors away egging on the crowd, (hol­ler if you are a US sena­tor on a ukrai­ne trip) - and they’­ve got nothing.

But in the court of public opi­ni­on and media mani­pu­la­ti­on, tho­se are the only things that count.

What nice blond hair. What per­fect make­up. What hono­r­able peop­le, pro­tes­ting for digni­ty. What total­ly fair polls in cur­rent day Ukrai­ne - that always go out in their favor, becau­se the east of the coun­try sim­ply isn’t coun­ted anymore…

Makes me sick for a week.

May­be bad deba­ters, but to have two of tho­se fuck­ing idi­ots think, that they can coast in on loa­ded pro­pa­gan­da terms, and their fuck­ing strea­ked blond hair.

Makes me sick.

Worked like a tre­at on ger­man tele­vi­si­on though.





edit: Hey, you­tube comments for once got it right:

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