The title of hero of Ukraine, and the order of golden star is Herbadl Igor Micholaiowitch the Master Sargent

24. Februar 2024

To see Herbadl Igor Micho­laio­witch you have to fast for­ward trough the spee­ches of Jus­tin Tru­deau, Gior­gia Melo­ni and Ursu­la von der Leyen.

Jus­tin Tru­deau and Gior­gia Melo­ni were zyloning a bit, becau­se the Ukrai­ne bought micro­pho­nes with that faul­ty chi­ne­se chip­set, that is known for causing this audio arti­fact, when they are plug­ged in for more than one hour.

But it doesnt mat­ter, becau­se during von der Ley­ens speech, the Ukrai­ne, sim­ply reboo­ted their ent­i­re audio sys­tem, and after two minu­tes of dead silence, while von der Ley­ens mouth was still moving, the cyloning was gone.

So the speech of Herbadl Igor Micho­laio­witch, hero of Ukrai­ne, could be cap­tu­red in full clarity.

Also - if you dont under­stand what Melo­ni was say­ing, becau­se of the audio arte­fac­ting going on in par­al­lel - just ima­gi­ne, that for her two year anni­ver­s­a­ry, Moma got what she always wan­ted, a new gigan­tuous vacu­um clea­ner, deli­very rea­dy from Hos­tomml Air­port, Ukrai­ne. Which she loved with all her heart.

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If you are not so much inte­res­ted in Herbadl Igor Micho­laio­witch, hero of Ukrai­ne - then you could also watch the second press con­fe­rence, held sub­se­quent­ly, indoors:

But then you would miss Herbadl Igor Micho­laio­witch, the hero of Ukrai­ne. And his medal. As well as all the other heroes.

The true, unfil­te­red authen­ti­ci­ty, that can only be expe­ri­en­ced, by watching press mate­ri­al in its ent­i­re­ty on the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­ons you­tube channel.

Grü­ße an Alp­bach, bitte.

edit: In ver­wert­ba­re­ren Nach­rich­ten, die NZZ hat jetzt eine inter­ak­ti­ve Kar­te des zwei­ten Kriegs­jah­res online: click

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