Lavender, dilli, dilli -

04. April 2024

Ups wrong video…

Heres the cor­rect one:


Laven­der’: The AI machi­ne direc­ting Israel’s bom­bing spree in Gaza

The Israe­li army has mar­ked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assas­si­na­ti­on, using an AI tar­ge­ting sys­tem with litt­le human over­sight and a per­mis­si­ve poli­cy for casu­al­ties, +972 and Local Call reveal.

src: click

Laven­der dreams - dil­ly, dil­ly, laven­ders true
When you mis­sed me, dil­ly dil­ly, I did miss you
A pen­ny for your thoughts my dear
A pen­ny for your thoughts my dear
I O U for your love
I O U for your love
For your love, for your love, for your love

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