Draculas Castles book club on the origins of the war

04. Mai 2024

If you also want its perspective.

Ups, I also made a mista­ke, this is not Dra­cu­las Cast­les wee­kly book­club, its just CSIS (Cen­ter for Stra­te­gic and Inter­na­tio­nal Stu­dies [US Think Tank])

If some of you want to insist, that this is just an ama­zin­gly timed book review and doesnt repre­sent the posi­ti­on of CSIS. Yeah. Maybe.

edit: In case someo­ne was won­de­ring, why this video was worthwhile watching, its becau­se - the last time a ger­man spea­king audi­ence might have seen that “expert” was in a prime­time slot on ger­man TV with Maischberger.

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