Lets listen to those people for another two to six years, I say

09. Mai 2024

Ah. Gems.

I’m not intel­li­gent enough to know what the rus­si­an lea­ders­hip is thinking”
Gene­ral (Ret.) Ben Hodges

So how do we win, Spi­rit of Ame­ri­ca is also enga­ged in Afri­ca and the­re most of the bad things going on have rus­si­an fin­ger­prints all over them.”

Recent­ly, when I went to Ukrai­ne I spo­ke with a fema­le medic, and she told me that it was very dif­fi­cult…” [Medic named by name, but I’m omit­ting that here.]

Yeah, we know her alrea­dy, thanks to the Vic­tor Pin­chuk foun­da­ti­on event from february:

So how about tho­se F-16?”

Gre­at plat­form, gre­at plat­form. When we have them. But they arent magic.”

[Tal­king about recruit­ment] I think women is an untap­ped resour­ce the­re. Are an untap­ped resource.”
Gene­ral (Ret.) Ben Hodges

Also, I love the pho­to of the UAV unit, “only a few kilo­me­ters away from the front” that CLEARLY shows a trai­ning site for UAV flight with two seg­ments of 1m dia­me­ter walls, a con­cre­te rein­for­ced dugo­ut, a tire, a fence around the dugo­ut, a part­ly plas­te­red (in seg­ments) road, … So, the Ukrai­ne trains their UAV units a few kilo­me­ters away from the front… Why? Or Col­le­en made a mista­ke again.

How important is pri­va­te mili­ta­ry assi­s­tance to Ukraine?”

Very important” […] “Its an incal­cul­ab­le assess­ment, but the impact it has on men­tal health and well­being of armed for­ces and the­se indi­vi­du­al sodiers, you know - the aid com­ing from an ame­ri­can citi­zen, in many ways feels more signi­fi­cant, than aid com­ing from Uncle Sam.”

Thank you Colleen!

Da bleibt mir eigent­lich nur noch wie­der auf den ehe­ma­li­gen stell­ver­tre­ten­den Pro­fil Chef­re­dak­teur hinzuweisen:



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