Kyiv post Interview partner cant understand why a PR snippet from 2003 isnt mentioned

11. Juni 2024

- by any ana­lyst - to under­line Putins ter­ri­to­ri­al claims/ambitions towards ukrai­ni­an territory…

Dr. And­rei Illa­ri­o­nov, a Seni­or Poli­cy Advi­ser during Putin’s ear­ly peri­od as Pre­si­dent is frank in what strengths Putin pos­ses­ses and why the West so often gets him wrong.

src: click

Lets play a litt­le game…

Can you? 😉

Pre­si­dent Vla­di­mir Putin chai­red a mee­ting in Yeisk on the Rus­si­an military-diplomatic pre­sence in the Black Sea-Azov region

Sep­tem­ber 17, 2003 18:00 Krasno­dar Region
Pre­si­dent Putin at Yeisk airport.

Mr Putin descri­bed the Azov-Black Sea basin as a zone of Rus­si­an stra­te­gic inte­rests. The Black Sea pro­vi­des Rus­sia with direct access to key glo­bal trans­por­ta­ti­on rou­tes, inclu­ding ener­gy rou­tes, Pre­si­dent Putin stressed.

Howe­ver, the pro­blems of navi­ga­ti­on and the bor­der regime in the regi­on have not been final­ly sett­led. In par­ti­cu­lar, com­pli­ca­ted and pain­sta­king work is nee­ded tog­e­ther with Ukrai­ni­an experts to defi­ne the final legal sta­tus of the Sea of Azov and the Krech Strait. The Pre­si­dent said he dis­cus­sed the topic during his mee­ting with his Ukrai­ni­an coun­ter­part today.

Com­pli­ca­ti­ons also ari­se with set­ting the rules of navi­ga­ti­on in the Black Sea straits. The Rus­si­an lea­der men­tio­ned Turkey’s attempts to limit the pas­sa­ge of for­eign ships, abo­ve all oil tan­kers, through the Bos­pho­rus and the Dar­da­nel­les to the Aege­an. The­re were objec­ti­ve rea­sons for that, he said, but the­re was also a wish to put pres­su­re on rivals. The Pre­si­dent stres­sed that the princi­ples of navi­ga­ti­on in that key area must com­ply with exis­ting inter­na­tio­nal legal norms and asked the For­eign Minis­try to keep the deve­lo­p­ment of the situa­ti­on around the straits under clo­se watch.

The Pre­si­dent cal­led for a tho­rough ana­ly­sis of the real advan­ta­ges of working with the Black Sea Eco­no­mic Coope­ra­ti­on Orga­ni­sa­ti­on and deter­mi­ning the tac­tics and stra­te­gy of Rus­si­an par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in its work.

Military-political sta­bi­li­ty in the Black Sea regi­on can only be ensu­red if the­re is an effec­ti­ve sys­tem of con­fi­dence and secu­ri­ty mea­su­res, the Rus­si­an lea­der said, stres­sing that such a sys­tem has been put in place in the Black Sea basin with acti­ve Rus­si­an participation.

Mr Putin spo­ke in favour of moder­ni­sing the Rus­si­an Black Sea Fleet and its base, stres­sing that this work must be con­duc­ted joint­ly with Russia’s clo­sest part­ner, Ukraine.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve deve­lo­p­ment of the Rus­si­an land and sea bor­der was a serious pro­blem awai­t­ing solu­ti­on, the Pre­si­dent said. He pro­po­sed hol­ding a mee­ting of the Rus­si­an Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil to dis­cuss the issue.

For­eign Minis­ter Igor Iva­nov, Defence Minis­ter Ser­gei Iva­nov, Direc­tor of the Federal Secu­ri­ty Ser­vice Niko­lai Patrus­hev, Chief of the Rus­si­an Armed For­ces Gene­ral Staff Ana­to­ly Kvash­nin, Depu­ty Chief of Staff of the Pre­si­den­ti­al Exe­cu­ti­ve Office Alex­an­der Abra­mov, the Pre­si­den­ti­al Envoy to the Sou­thern Federal District Vik­tor Kazants­ev, the Gover­nor of the Krano­dar Regi­on Alex­an­der Tka­ch­yov, First Depu­ty For­eign Minis­ter Vyaches­lav Trub­nikov, First Depu­ty FSB Direc­tor and head of the Bor­der Ser­vice Vla­di­mir Pro­ni­chev, Air For­ce Commander-in-Chief Vla­di­mir Mikhai­l­ov, Chief Naval Com­man­der Vla­di­mir Kuroy­e­dov and Russia’s Ambassa­dor to Ukrai­ne Vik­tor Cher­no­myr­din all took part in the meeting.

src: click ( ( ent­ry from 2017 (no ear­lier one available))

Grü­ße an die diplo­ma­ti­sche Aka­de­mie Wien, bit­te. Grüße!

Why not - Brzezinski…?

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