Yes you say - but at least universities remain a place for free an critical thought

23. Juni 2024

The Uni­ver­si­ty Vien­na is cur­r­ent­ly boo­king the full ukrai­ni­an “Art and Pro­pa­gan­da” packa­ge (they actual­ly will orga­ni­ze ever­ything, you just book them via your local embas­sy) for its stu­dents, to make sure all minds are pri­med to think the right way, and ever­yo­ne still claps, when 

good old, not at all poli­ti­cal pro­pa­gan­dist Maria Mez­ents­e­va from gre­at Ser­vant of the Peop­le party -

Bildschirmfoto 2024 06 23 um 19 32 56

Bildschirmfoto 2024 06 23 um 19 31 42
src: click

tells your average aus­tri­an uni­ver­si­ty audi­ence, that - quote:

The peace for­mu­la which pre­si­dent Selen­skyj initia­ted alrea­dy in 2022, you know alrea­dy the amount of the warcri­mes, accord­ing to the pro­se­cu­tor gene­ral office and the data we are get­ting wee­kly - we are tal­king about 130.000 regis­tered warcri­mes. And it means not only you know dama­ged pro­per­ties or unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly rela­ted sexu­al vio­lence crime. Amongst vic­tims, by the way the­re are child­ren, boys and girls - which is abso­lute­ly devastating.

And this pro­ves to us, that only in uni­fied efforts we can defeat the Evil. The Evil which influ­en­ced our ener­gy sys­tem - our com­mon food secu­ri­ty. Our dai­ly life. Our peace. On the sub­con­ti­nent of Euro­pe. And affec­ted the pro­ject which euro­peans have been buil­ding for 75 years.

I tru­ly belie­ve that only tog­e­ther, “alles zusam­men”, only like this we can defeat, the hig­hest crime, which is the crime of aggres­si­on, by estab­li­shing inter­na­tio­nal tri­bu­nal for this par­ti­cu­lar crime. Becau­se ever­ything we are tal­king about in terms of war cri­mes, dai­ly com­mit­ted by rus­si­an army - this has a begin­ning, and it began with the first inva­si­on into Ukrai­ne in 2014. Inva­si­on into Geor­gia in 2008. In the nine­ties this was Mol­d­o­va - we dont want this list to continue.

The­re­fo­re I high­ly salu­te also the decisi­on of the aus­tri­an govenrment to join this spe­cial regis­ter for warcri­mes, whe­re Ukrai­ni­ans - the vic­tims, can recei­ve for mate­ri­al and non mate­ri­al los­ses the com­pen­sa­ti­ons. And this is extre­me­ly important friends, becau­se we are all united in the under­stan­ding, that rus­sia has to pay. Not aus­tri­an tax payers! Not french col­leagues, not Ger­mans, not aus­tra­li­ans, or ame­ri­cans - but rus­si­an funds and fro­zen assets should ser­ve that purpose.

Thank you very much, for brin­ging this issue via pho­to­graphs, via images of ukrai­ni­an dai­ly life - and thank you very much for acti­vi­ties of your embas­sy - here in Kiev and else­we­re in the regi­ons, also in my home city Char­kiew, which its­elf and the regi­on of Char­kiew is under dai­ly shel­ling, thats why we call for more sup­port for civi­li­ans. It means air defen­se, you know - that this is not direct­ly lets say an address to Aus­tria, but also to many, many allies - whe­re Aus­tria hel­ps us to lob­by this important issu­es to pro­tect ener­gy infra­st­ruc­tu­re, to edu­ca­ti­on faci­li­ties -- so final­ly child­ren in Char­kiew will come up from under­ground schools in metro sta­ti­ons, and be able to stu­dy offline.

Dear friends, I’m sure todays evening will bring you a litt­le bit clo­ser to the emo­ti­ons we feel dai­ly. I salu­te you from the capi­tol Kiev, whe­re we con­ti­nue to con­duct our par­lia­men­ta­ry ses­si­on, I want to thank the ambassa­dor, and I want to thank of cour­se to the orga­ni­zers, und Vie­len Dank für Uni­ver­si­tät and all the guests who have gathe­red today.

I pro­mi­se to prac­ti­ce my ger­man more and next time to con­duct my speech in german.

Noch ein­mal vie­len Dank für alles - sie machen für unse­re Leu­ten und Kin­der. So about child­ren, and that would be my last -- uhmn red line.

Thank you so much for sup­por­ting the initia­ti­ve to bring kids back, the civi­li­ans and war pri­so­nors who are kept sin­ce 2014 by rus­sia ille­ga­ly -- is devas­ta­ting. The child­ren sto­ries are even more devastating.

I would like to thank you for rai­sing the voice for this 19.000 child­ren who are kept in rus­sia and in Bela­rus illegally.

Thank you for sup­por­ting this initia­ti­ves to bring this child­rens back. I’m sure the num­ber of 500 of them who alrea­dy retur­ned back home will incre­a­se, but we should make it tog­e­ther with respon­si­ble orga­niz­a­ti­ons like UN and ICRC.

Noch ein­mal vie­len Dank, it was a big honor to speak in front of you.”

Just your usu­al, very nor­mal photoart-agent for a bro­ther and sis­ter duo orga­ni­zing a pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, I’d say.

Pro­pa­gan­da (weni­ger Inhalt, aber FORM!) hat ja wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

Am Aller­we­nigs­ten das gesam­te ver­sam­mel­te Rektorat.

Ich stell mir da jetzt vor, wie das ein Jus, oder ein IR Pro­fes­sor in ner Vor­le­sung auf­ar­bei­tet - ohne über den Pro­pa­gan­da Anteil zu stolpern…

Das schafft auch nur mehr ein gelern­ter Österreicher.

edit: Oh groß­ar­ti­ge Neu­ig­kei­ten! Die Öster­rei­chisch Ukrai­ni­sche Gesell­schaft hat ein Buch zum Selbst­kos­ten­preis her­aus­ge­bracht, das bereits in den Ober­stu­fen von öster­rei­chi­schen Gym­na­si­en ver­teilt und behan­delt wird! Manch­mal hat man aber auch ein­fach Glück als neu­er Schulbuchverlag…

edit2: Auch wun­der­schön: “Herr Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral, ich weiß nicht ob sie noch zwei Minu­ten haben, aber wie sehen sie eigent­lich ihre Rol­le in der Ukrai­ni­schen Gesell­schaft, mehr so “emo­tio­nal sta­bi­li­sie­rend”, oder --?” “Yes thank you for this very important ques­ti­on. We have 10 more minu­tes. I will try to ans­wer important ques­ti­on.” -- then the Pro­se­cu­tor Gene­ral starts rea­ding the ans­wer from the screen in front of him… (Eye movement.)

Gut wer­den sie an die­ser Stel­le sagen - dann ist es eigent­lich an der Zeit noch­mal vier Jah­re Krieg im Detail zu pla­nen - nicht?

Dan­ke Gus­tav - über­nimm du dich mal - ehm, sor­ry, über­nimm du das mal.

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