More from the “no permanent peace in europa unless we have an absence of grey zones” front

24. Juni 2024

20th of June 2024 (Nicht vom Trump thumb­nail scho­cken las­sen. :), Kurt Vol­ker war ehe­ma­li­ger U.S. Spe­cial Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for Ukrai­ne und U.S. Ambassa­dor to NATO in 2008-2009):

Kurt Vol­ker: “Almost all of the Allies lea­ve asi­de Ger­ma­ny, the US and Hun­ga­ry, all of the other allies sup­port an invi­ta­ti­on for Ukrai­ne to join NATO at the Washing­ton Sum­mit, be an invi­ta­ti­on to start acces­si­on talks. This is what was in the Rasmusen/Jermak working group paper which I was a part of recom­men­ding this approach for NATO, but the US is not in favor of that right now, the Biden Admi­nis­tra­ti­on is not, nor is Ger­ma­ny - and of cour­se Hun­ga­ry is a spe­cial case we don’t have to go into that. Um but he [Biden, when publicly sta­ting (against US poli­cy) the Ukrai­ne should not be part of Nato] was pro­bab­ly thin­king about the pres­su­re that they’­re under now. But in my view and again this is just me I’m a pri­va­te citi­zen I’m not repre­sen­ting the US government but I don’t see a way that you have a per­ma­nent peace in Euro­pe - let alo­ne Ukrai­ne, but a per­ma­nent peace in Euro­pe unless Ukrai­ne is a part of NATO. We have to have clear lines, we have to have an absence of gray zones whe­re Putin is temp­ted to start a war - uh we have to bring Ukrai­ne into NATO as part of the stra­te­gy for res­to­ring peace in Europe.”


Ali­na Polya­ko­va (Pre­si­dent and CEO of the Cen­ter for Euro­pean Poli­cy Ana­ly­sis (CEPA): I think that signals to me that the­re is gro­wing agree­ment that the only way that we can mana­ge Rus­sia is by going back to the Cold War era stra­te­gy of con­tain­ment, that begins first, defea­ting Rus­sia in Ukrai­ne and second, ree­sta­b­li­shing deter­an­ce by deni­al in Euro­pe that means har­de­ning the Eas­tern flank first and fore­mo­st. Third har­de­ning the soft tar­gets of Rus­si­an influ­ence across the glo­be - uh influ­ence ope­ra­ti­ons in the infor­ma­ti­on space, cyber ope­ra­ti­ons that the Rus­si­ans have beco­me very sophisti­ca­ted at, pushing back against Russia’s use of PMC’s [pri­va­te mili­ta­ry con­trac­tors] to prop up aut­ho­ri­ta­ri­an governments across the glo­be and under­mi­ne demo­cra­tic lea­ders­hip - and fourth, under­mi­ning Rus­si­an domi­nan­ce in its for­mer empi­re, becau­se as long as we have so-called grey zone Sta­tes a hor­ri­ble term but, non-allied sta­tes that are not part of NATO that are not part of the EU in the Euro­pean con­ti­nent this is what pro­vi­des fod­der for Rus­si­an aggres­si­on so Mol­d­o­va is very much under thre­at as we speak, cer­tain­ly Bel­la­rus has alrea­dy beco­me a vassel sta­te of Rus­sia and then we have of cour­se Geor­gia and the other coun­tries of the Cau­ca­sus as well.


And Rus­sia will come back for NATO.

Han­no Pev­kur, Minis­ter of Defence of the Repu­blic of Esto­nia (30.05.2023):

What Rus­sia wants to achie­ve, the poli­ti­cal goals, let’s be honest - and they, the­se poli­ti­cal goals of Rus­sia have never chan­ged, they want to have a grey-zone bet­ween Rus­sia and NATO, they want to have a con­trol over this grey-zone and this is what they want to achie­ve. And they want to have some “secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees” for them­sel­ves, sor­ry this is not the Free World and this is what Ukrai­ne is figh­t­ing for at the moment, that they are figh­t­ing for - the Free World and rule-based world and this is why we sup­port Ukrai­ne so this is obvious and then this is why we can never accept this approach of Rus­sia, loo­king at inter­na­tio­nal law.”


(at 43:50 in)

See also: click

Too bad I’m not at You­tube and cant set an alert fil­ter for “grey-zone” on every panel inter­view video uploa­ded from now on. 😉

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