First part, second part

19. August 2024

First Part:

DW try­ing to push the pro­pa­gan­da line into the public with the grace and pert­ness of a pres­su­re washer.

Second Part:

Secu­ri­ty Ana­lyst with his own firm try­ing to stay poli­te, while not agre­eing with any point the DW pro­pa­gan­dists have made, so others might still use his consultancy.

Defi­lee: Mode­ra­tor not catching in the least whats going on here.

Gut, dass DW ja nie die Pro­pa­gan­da ent­deckt dies selbst mit aller Kraft in die Öffent­lich­keit presst.


Same issue complex - 

CNN Repor­ter for once in her life gets the wor­d­ing right.

Head Mode­ra­tor: “Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky, mean­while, con­firms that the goal of Kiev’s mili­ta­ry incur­si­on into Kursk, now near­ly two weeks old, is to pre­vent Rus­si­an cross-border attacks by crea­ting a buf­fer zone. It comes as Ukrai­ne atta­cked stra­te­gic brid­ges in the Rus­si­an bor­der regi­on. [Hor­ray ground vehi­cles now have issu­es clo­sing in! Final­ly! No rus­si­an ground inva­si­on into Sumy!]

CNN’s Clai­re Sebas­ti­an, joi­ning me now live in Lon­don with more.

Clai­re, I mean, the attack on the brid­ges is clear­ly meant to dis­rupt, you know, the rus­si­an sup­ply lines. How big of an impact could this have on the eas­tern front lines, whe­re Rus­sia is advancing?”

Emma Clai­re: “That’s real­ly not clear yet. [Thats value wes­tern jour­na­lism speek for “cur­r­ent­ly, none at all”. The the one par­ti­al rail line lea­ding to Char­kiev is not­hing that Rus­sia espe­cial­ly needs. And the­re is no other stra­te­gic impact whatsoever.]

Ama­ra, I think more immedia­te­ly, the attack on tho­se brid­ges could help rein­for­ce this who­le idea of a buf­fer zone. Right? Stop Rus­sia from brin­ging in more rein­for­ce­ments and more equip­ment into the part of the Kursk regi­on that Ukrai­ne now has estab­lis­hed a foot­hold [in]. The­re, I think in terms of the Eas­tern Front is clear that Moscow con­ti­nues to devo­te a lot of ener­gy to this.

It has rede­ploy­ed some for­ces, we know, based on various reports from, pla­ces like Cri­mea, perhaps even Kali­nin­grad, up to Char­kiev. But it is not it is much less wil­ling to rede­ploy for­ces away from Donezk to, to defend Kursk.

And that is becau­se they con­ti­nue, as you say, to inch for­ward. We know that there’s fier­ce figh­t­ing in several vil­la­ges, to the east of Cha­rietsk, which is a small town, but still strategic.

And in the big­ger mili­ta­ry strong­hold of Bokrovsk, which is still was held by Ukrai­ne, they are now evacua­ting civi­li­ans with some degree of urgen­cy, for­ci­b­ly evacua­ting fami­lies with child­ren, essen­ti­al­ly say­ing that the Rus­si­ans are far too clo­se for comfort.

So a very important not only mili­ta­ry hub but sort of trans­port inter­sec­tion lea­ding to other, mili­ta­ry strongholds.

So that would be a major loss for Ukraine.

So I think the mes­sa­ge Rus­sia is sen­ding that is that even though this has hap­pen­ed, their ter­ri­to­ry has been inva­ded in Kursk. They are not giving up on their goals in Ukraine.”

CNN Head Mode­ra­tor: “And it’s remar­kab­le. Yes. Two weeks in that. We’­re tal­king still tal­king about Ukrai­ni­an held ter­ri­to­ry insi­de Rus­sia! Do we have any indi­ca­ti­on from Ukrai­ne? How much far­t­her, how much lon­ger it will go into Russia?”

Emma Clai­re: So I think what is clear at this point, some almost two weeks in, is that the pace of the first week whe­re the ele­ment of sur­pri­se was still the­re, Rus­sia was still at sort of sho­cked by the who­le thing. That has defi­ni­te­ly slo­wed. We’­re not see­ing the kind of light­ning advan­ce that we saw at the begin­ning. They are still, accord­ing to the Ukrai­ni­ans, edging for­ward in some are­as, one about 30km to the north of the town of Sud­scha, which was whe­re the initi­al ass­ault was focu­sed, a town that they now claim to ful­ly hold.

And what we’­re also see­ing, of cour­se, is this consolidation.

They’­ve ope­ned a mili­ta­ry office in such, the brid­ges speak to that as well. The, the explo­si­ons on on tho­se two brid­ges that we’­ve now, con­fir­med it’s all about sort of buil­ding up their for­ces and their con­trol in their, in the ter­ri­to­ries they cur­r­ent­ly hold, becau­se, of cour­se, they con­ti­nue to main­tain that this is defen­si­ve. And they need to stop Rus­sia from using the regi­on to fire back into Ukraine.”

Head mode­ra­tor: “Emma Clai­re Sebas­ti­an repor­ting for us the­re from Lon­don. Thank you very much.”

So Emma Clai­re will pro­bab­ly lose her job for that kind of imper­ti­nence. Doub­ting the offi­cial ukrai­ni­an pro­pa­gan­da line and hin­ting at this being not the actu­al rea­son - will lose you your job in this business.

As we all know the job of a repor­ter is to say yes to the ques­ti­ons put to her by the head mode­ra­tor in all aspects of Ukrai­ni­an offi­cial rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons for actions in this war.

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