Just checking on the journalistic performance around Nordstream - because of an interview

22. August 2024

that Hol­ger Stark, Depu­tiy Editor-In-Chief of Die Zeit gave to Demo­cra­cy now. [A man who­se esprit an joy has left him years ago jud­ging by his public per­for­mance on alter­na­ti­ve US tele­vi­si­on. I mean could tho­se eyes of a sever­ly bro­ken and clo­sed up per­so­na­li­ty, hiding behind pro­fes­sio­nal for­ma­lism, lie? I had to find out.]

Mode­ra­tor: I wan­na go to pre­si­dent Biden. In Febru­a­ry of 2022 he holds a news con­fe­rence - a joint one with Ger­man Chan­cellor Olaf Scholz and Biden brings up the future of the Nord­stream Pipe­line. [Clip is being played.] 

Biden: “If Rus­sia inva­des uh that means tanks or tro­ops cros­sing the uh the the bor­der of Ukrai­ne again, then uh the­re will be uh we, the­re will be no lon­ger a Nords­team 2. We we will bring an end to it. 

Jour­na­list: “What do, what, how would you, how will you do that exact­ly - sin­ce the pro­ject and con­trol of the pro­ject is wit­hin Germany’s control? 

Biden: “We will uh I pro­mi­se you we’ll be able to do it.” 

Mode­ra­tor: “We pro­mi­se you we’ll be able to do it” - your respon­se [Hol­ger Stark]. Hol­ger Stark “Well you can read this in two ways uh you can read this uh in a thre­at of mili­ta­ry action, but also you can read it in a a sen­se of a poli­ti­cal action, diplo­ma­tic pres­su­re and I mean we all remem­ber tho­se days, star­ting with the Trump Admi­nis­tra­ti­on by the way uh whe­re the US uh government um clear­ly wan­ted the Ger­mans to stop with that pro­ject to stop nord­stream as a pipe­line becau­se that pipe­line bypas­sed Ukrai­ne um uh it made Ukrai­ne dis­pensable um it was a direct con­nec­tion bet­ween Rus­sia and Ger­ma­ny, it was a direct tra­de of gas bet­ween the two coun­tries and it star­ted with in the Trump Admi­nis­tra­ti­on that they exe­cu­t­ed a lot of power um diplo­ma­tic pres­su­re on on Ger­ma­ny, um so did the Biden Admi­nis­tra­ti­on in the begin­ning - but also have in mind Amy, that um later on um Pre­si­dent Biden released the sanc­tions pres­su­re against Ger­ma­ny he cut some kind of poli­ti­cal deal with the Ger­man government espe­cial­ly with a Ger­man chan­cellor Olaf Schultz - tho­se two guys got along real­ly well and um I read it the way that Biden said when it comes to the worst when Rus­sia is inde­ed in inva­ding Ukrai­ne, we will make sure with our Ger­man part­ners that this gas trans­port is no lon­ger exis­ting so it’s not a thre­at of mili­ta­ry action in my in my opi­ni­on but a thre­at to use any diplo­ma­tic uh means to stop that…

Well thats the head of Die Zeits Inves­ti­ga­ti­ve unit, so -- lets fact­check this belie­ve a litt­le, right?

I mean asi­de from the com­mon know­ledge fact, that ger­ma­ny didnt stop the gas flow, rus­sia did. At first.

Enter US-Ukraine Secu­ri­ty Dia­lo­gue 2021 - Day 1:

star­ting at 2hours 30 min in with gre­at Ukrai­ni­an Secreta­ry of the Natio­nal Secu­ri­ty and Defen­se Coun­cil of Ukrai­ne Olek­san­der Lyt­vy­nen­ko [or as the Focus would put that - Ukrai­ni­ans Spy chief. Back then of cour­se he was just ano­t­her fledgling upstart and glad­han­der in all things “I so won­der­ful, gre­at event, I belie­ve more sup­port is nee­ded” try­ing to pig­gy­bag off US poli­cy (describ­ing his role in that panel, if you dont belie­ve it, watch it.)], as well as Ste­phen Blank (Seni­or Fel­low at FPRI’s Eura­sia Pro­gram) -- you know this FPRI:

Bildschirmfoto 2024 08 22 um 08 02 05
src: click
(FPRI, we always source our images from The Office of the Pre­si­dent of Ukrai­ne, if we can… Espe­cial­ly when they have not­hing to do with the topic we use them to illus­tra­te for… (actual­ly they have to do with the oppo­si­te (inter­nal Pro­pa­gan­da) (src: Ukrin­form, who else…))

- and grea­test US Pro­pa­gan­dist in this War of all of them Ben Hodges.

If you dont know Ben Hodges:



(0 deaths through dro­ne attacks from Kursk in Sumy in the past 3 mon­ths, sta­tis­ti­cal­ly - 1 a year.)

Also com­pair and con­trast with:

Mode­ra­tor feeds the expert the ukrai­ni­an pro­pa­gan­da line.

King’s Col­le­ge Lon­don expert tells him: “Well, the­re are a cou­p­le of mili­ta­ry aims, its pro­bab­ly not so much the crea­ti­on of a buf­fer zone.”

src: click

that should suf­fice as a pri­mer, but back to the US-Ukraine Secu­ri­ty Dia­lo­gue 2021 - Day 1…

Here are some men­ti­ons of Nord­stream in said US-Ukrainian Secu­ri­ty Dialogue:

Ben Hod­ges at 2:50:00 in:

I do belie­ve that Ber­lin is the only capi­tal that can influ­ence uh krem­lin beha­vi­or and unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly they have been reluc­tant to do it. I was appal­led like many of you when pre­si­dent Stein­mei­er, the pre­si­dent of the ger­man federal repu­blic, made this com­ment about Nord­stream 2, that like well - you have to under­stand you know we’­re respon­si­ble for the death of mil­li­ons of rus­si­ans and uh you know there’s a histo­ry here - I could­n’t belie­ve he, I can belie­ve it but i was appal­led that he said it and of cour­se it actual­ly was mil­li­ons of ukrai­ni­ans, not mil­li­ons of rus­si­ans uh that that died, uh during the second world war uh and and so the who­le nar­ra­ti­ve that comes from ber­lin is is uh unsa­tis­fac­to­ry and this is whe­re the united sta­tes has got to put pres­su­re on ber­lin, to put pres­su­re on the krem­lin, the french - I’m sor­ry, uh our oldest ally for the united sta­tes but they would sell ukrai­ne and geor­gia in a minu­te if it meant impro­ved rela­ti­ons­hip for them uh with the krem­lin and so this is whe­re if the Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on is serious about ukrai­ni­an sov­er­eig­n­ty uh as a prio­ri­ty and if by the admi­nis­tra­ti­on is serious about working with allies and about working with the euro­pean uni­on, then uh the­re should be so much pres­su­re on paris and [ther­eby - becau­se Paris was named first] ber­lin to do more to uh other­wi­se we won’t be able to do this.

Ste­phen Blank at 03:09:40 in:

The panelists have iden­ti­fied real­ly whe­re we need to go for­ward we need to have defen­se indus­try reform. The ukrai­ni­an defen­se stra­te­gy pro­cess needs to be fur­ther refor­med, put on a NATO stan­dard in prac­ti­ce, not just in rhe­to­ric the united sta­tes and euro­pe need to con­ti­nue to sup­port ukrai­ne and we need to put pres­su­re on our euro­pean allies to do so. And I think one way we can do this is to hit, is to take out Nord­strem 2. I’m appal­led that they seem to be in an effort to uh allow Nord­stream 2 to get by, becau­se it’s gre­at it will offend the ger­mans, qui­te frank­ly I’m not upset about offen­ding the ger­mans uh - Mr. Stein­mei­er show­ed that too many peop­le in ger­ma­ny have no real under­stan­ding of whe­re ger­man inte­rest lies and I think that needs to be brought home to them that you can’t lie in bed with the rus­si­ans then expect that things are going to get bet­ter in euro­pe. This is just an end around so the ger­man busi­ness can make a lot of pro­fit, but it gives ger­ma­ny also down­stream dis­tri­bu­ti­on - eh rus­sia, down­stream dis­tri­bu­ti­on rights in ger­ma­ny and in cen­tral euro­pe - and it under­mi­nes ukrai­ne in many dif­fe­rent ways. So to con­clu­de my remarks we have just heard very dis­tin­guis­hed and know­led­ge­ab­le spea­kers tell us what the agen­da needs to be, a reform in ener­gy, defen­se indus­try, defen­se plan­ning, usaid to uh ukrai­ne, ukrai­ni­an poli­ti­cal reform, pres­su­re on euro­pe to sup­port ukrai­ne and u.s diplo­ma­tic invol­ve­ment in a big way in cur­rent efforts to find peace in ukrai­ne. I don’t think minsk is going to be sal­va­ge­ab­le, i think we need some­thing bey­ond minsk, but it’s not going to hap­pen until this admi­nis­tra­ti­on weighs in and I think that’s what needs to come next. Thank you.


Ber­li­ner Zei­tung vom 31.01.2023 Bezug neh­mend auf:

Sevim Dagde­len, Linke-Abgeordnete und Mit­glied der Par­la­men­ta­ri­schen Ver­samm­lung der Nato, for­dert von der Bun­des­re­gie­rung mehr Akti­vi­tät bei der Auf­klä­rung der Anschlä­ge auf die Nord-Stream-Pipelines. Dagde­len sag­te der Ber­li­ner Zei­tung: „Die Bun­des­re­gie­rung muss drin­gend ihren Wil­len zur Auf­klä­rung über die Urhe­ber­schaft für die­sen bei­spiel­lo­sen Angriff auf die deut­sche Ener­gie­sou­ve­rä­ni­tät unter Beweis stel­len und vor­an­trei­ben sowie gegen­über Par­la­ment und Öffent­lich­keit Rechen­schaft über den Stand der Ermitt­lun­gen able­gen. Das bis­he­ri­ge Zuwar­ten Ber­lins kommt einer Ver­ei­te­lung der Straf­ver­fol­gung gleich.“ Hin­ter­grund der For­de­rung ist eine Aus­sa­ge von Vic­to­ria Nuland, Unter­staats­se­kre­tä­rin der US-Regierung. Nuland hat­te ver­gan­ge­ne Woche bei einer Anhö­rung im US-Kongress zum Anschlag gesagt: „Sena­tor Cruz, genau wie Sie bin ich, und ich den­ke, auch die Regie­rung, sehr erfreut zu wis­sen, dass Nord Stream 2 jetzt, wie Sie ger­ne sagen, ein Stück Metall auf dem Mee­res­grund ist.“

Cruz hat­te Nuland gefragt, ob die von ihm vor dem rus­si­schen Angriff vor­ge­schla­ge­nen Sank­tio­nen gegen Nord Stream 2 den rus­si­schen Angriff auf die Ukrai­ne ver­hin­dert hät­ten. Dies hät­ten ihm im Janu­ar 2022 sowohl der ukrai­ni­sche Prä­si­dent Wolo­dym­yr Selen­skyj als auch die pol­ni­sche Regie­rung damals signa­li­siert. Nuland sag­te, sie glau­be, dass das früh­zei­ti­ge Aus für Nord Stream 2 „Putin nicht gestoppt“ hät­te: „Ich glau­be nicht, dass wir die­sen Krieg ver­hin­dert hät­ten, wenn die Euro­pä­er schnel­ler bei Nord Stream 2 tätig gewor­den wären – obwohl auch ich mir das gewünscht hät­te.“ Es sei aber wich­tig gewe­sen, dass „mit dem Tag, da der Krieg begann, die Deut­schen die Pipe­line gestoppt“ hät­ten. Dagde­len zu der Aus­sa­ge: „Die offe­ne Freu­de der US-Unterstaatssekretärin Nuland über die Ter­ror­at­ta­cke ist entlarvend.“

src: click

Sikor­ski Tweet:

For­mer for­eign minis­ter and now EU law­ma­ker Radosław Sikor­ski has cau­sed con­tro­ver­sy after pos­ting a tweet many per­cei­ved accu­sed the US of sabo­ta­ging the Nord Stream pipeline.

Sikor­ski was for­eign minis­ter from 2007 to 2014 and, as an MEP, is now part the EPP group in the Euro­pean Parliament.

The con­tro­ver­si­al tweet inclu­des a pho­to of gas com­ing out of the dama­ged Nord Stream pipe­line, accom­pa­nied by the words “Thank You, USA”.

The tweet has attrac­ted party-wide cri­ti­cism, inclu­ding from Sikorski’s col­leagues from the Civic Plat­form (PO). The tweet was also cri­ti­cis­ed by the ruling Law and Jus­ti­ce (PiS).

You can­not make such hypo­the­ses, espe­cial­ly when you are a serious poli­ti­ci­an, a per­son about whom the public has no doubt that he has some know­ledge,” PO law­ma­ker Borys Bud­ka said on broad­cas­ter Radio Plus. Sikor­ski “should think more about what he wri­tes,” he added.

src: click

So nowhe­re in all of this could one see “the spe­cial rela­ti­ons­hip Biden had with Chan­cellor Scholz” that “allo­wed them to achie­ve this through poli­ti­cal means”.

Ins­tead, pret­ty much every per­son in this who­le affair, asser­ted, that Ger­ma­ny must be pres­su­red, by also put­ting pres­su­re on Fran­ce, and EU insti­tu­ti­ons to make them move, and the peop­le very much con­cer­ned with mat­ters of US-Ukrainian Secu­ri­ty rela­ti­ons­hips open­ly tal­ked about the dest­ruc­tion of the pipe­line, and that this might be nee­ded to make ger­ma­ny move - at all -- one of which open­ly did so in a 2021 (Biden Admi­nis­tra­ti­on) panel tog­e­ther with the later Spy Chief of Ukraine.

But the head of the inves­ti­ga­ti­ve team at ger­man news­pa­per Die Zeit thinks, the Biden state­ment was all a play to get nord­stream remo­ved via diplo­ma­tic means (poli­ti­cal pres­su­re) -- even when at that moment Bides eyes lit up like a fuck­ing christ­mas tree (“We will uh I pro­mi­se you we’ll be able to do it.”), which you know is your nor­mal bodi­ly respon­se when refer­ring to “diplo­ma­tic, poli­ti­cal pres­su­re cam­pai­gns”, made pos­si­ble, by the incredi­b­ly gre­at rela­ti­ons­hip Scholz had deve­lo­ped with Biden.

I’m not say­ing more here, just that Hol­ger Stark, Depu­tiy Editor-In-Chief of Die Zeit IS A FUCKING OPUTRAGEOUS LIAR.

Bey­ond that - not­hing is prova­ble, so far. Well except for the “Ger­man for­ma­li­ty error that Poland sta­ted, cau­sed them to not be able to take action on arres­ting the main sub­ject this far, when he was still in Poland of cour­se” - which if you put it tog­e­ther with Swe­den and Den­mark stop­ping inves­ti­ga­ti­ons on Nord­stream altog­e­ther, becau­se of rea­sons that never beca­me public -- spell oh so much - proac­ti­ve pan­de­ring to a nati­on who might not want you to look into this… While at the same time ris­king your rela­ti­ons­hip with ger­ma­ny - you know, as you do as fel­low mem­bers of the Euro­pean Uni­on. But it was that spe­cial kind of rela­ti­ons­hip, that Biden deve­lo­ped to Chan­cellor Olaf Scholz, that made all of this pos­si­ble of course.

Just lis­ten to your ger­man inves­ti­ga­ti­ve units, you know - the ones at “Die Zeit”, that worked tog­e­ther with The Washing­ton Post to bring you the latest developments.

You know, while the next polish lea­der (this time the prime minis­ter) reacts in an uncon­ven­tio­nal way…

Polish lea­der urges Nord Stream patrons to ‘keep quiet’ as pipe­line mys­te­ry returns to spotlight

Poland’s prime minis­ter has reac­ted to reports that revi­ved spe­cu­la­ti­on about who blew up the Nord Stream pipe­lines in 2022

WARSAW, Poland — Polish Prime Minis­ter Donald Tusk on Satur­day reac­ted to reports that revi­ved ques­ti­ons about who blew up the Nord Stream pipe­lines in 2022, say­ing the initia­tors of the gas pipe­line pro­ject should “apo­lo­gi­ze and keep quiet.” That com­ment came after one of his depu­ties denied a claim that War­saw was part­ly respon­si­ble for its damage.

The Wall Street Jour­nal repor­ted on Thurs­day that Ukrai­ni­an aut­ho­ri­ties were respon­si­ble for blowing up the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipe­lines in Sep­tem­ber 2022, a dra­ma­tic act of sabo­ta­ge that cut Ger­ma­ny off from a key source of ener­gy and worsened an ener­gy cri­sis in Europe.

Ger­ma­ny was a part­ner with Rus­sia in the pipe­line pro­ject. Poland has long said its own secu­ri­ty inte­rests have been har­med by Nord Stream.

To all the initia­tors and patrons of Nord Stream 1 and 2. The only thing you should do today about it is apo­lo­gi­se and keep quiet,” Tusk wro­te on the social media por­tal X Saturday.

src: click

Well you know, it was that SPECIAL bound, that SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP that Biden had deve­lo­ped with Chan­cellor Olaf Scholz, that made this all pos­si­ble that made pos­si­ble to put this all into place as a poli­ti­cal, and not a covert mili­ta­ry action.

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