
27. August 2024

And I’m quo­ting the for­mer prime minis­ter of Ukrai­ne Arsenij Jazen­juk in this video here - the guy who can thank Vic­to­ria Nuland for his poli­ti­cal life and care­er - becau­se what else is the­re? Zero cha­ris­ma, idi­ot to the brims, par­ty sol­dier -- unab­le to win any public elec­tions… Oh sor­ry - I was quo­ting him, right:

Look, here is the thing, when I par­ti­ci­pa­ted in NATO public forum, which was held in DC in Washing­ton, I was very clear and open say­ing, to our wes­tern friends, that look guys, you have to chan­ge the rules of enga­ge­ment, you have to lift all tho­se restric­tions. This is the easiest and the clo­sest way how to end this war, and not just to end, but to win this war. This is the way how the demo­cra­cy can win this war against tyrant and dic­ta­tor­s­hip regime of Vla­di­mir Putin”.

Gre­at news all over, Frien­des­prä­si­dent Selen­sky final­ly wants a war.

But let me get this strai­ght first.

So this is a pup­pet being lied to by liars, lying to liars and the public, about a shift in con­di­ti­ons that would pre­ser­ve the poli­ti­cal posi­ti­on from lying Selen­skyj, while Naren­dra Modi is in Kiev try­ing to pro­mo­te peace talks, and is being repre­sen­ted by ano­t­her liar (from the Pre­si­den­ti­al Office of Ukrai­ne) as having sta­ted, that ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne has to be upheld, so the war has to con­ti­nue. Becau­se total war (no limi­ta­ti­ons) is the qui­ckest way to peace - really.

This is it guys! Gre­at and glo­rious offen­si­ve in Kursk which cap­tu­red 80% con­scripts show­ed the world, that Ukrai­ne should be able to attack anything in rus­sia - becau­se Kursk inva­si­on CLEARLY was defen­si­ve in natu­re, an not at all ent­i­re­ly against inter­na­tio­nal law (völ­ker­rechts­wid­rig).

We are so clo­se to win­ning, the US and wes­tern allies just have to lift all the restric­tions they pla­ced befo­re (some­thing that to this day is the posi­ti­on of the ger­man CDU btw, bless their souls), and that is our best chan­ce for the sur­vi­val of democracy!

Says some liar. Vic­to­ria Nuland hand­pi­cked to be prime minis­ter once. On tape.

Which is of cour­se what shows the world, that Ukrai­ne is rea­dy to beco­me a mem­ber of the EU.

How many lies deep are we by now? Thats at least four of five, that I’ve counted…

Also I cant stand that fuck­ing idi­ot, that sock­pup­pet, that no good liar, and glad­han­der - that of cour­se the Queen of US for­eign poli­cy, may she pro­sper at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, prop­ped up as the pre­vious last hope for a pro­spe­ring demo­cra­cy. What a fuck­ing ass­ho­le. Him not her. Shes just out of a job for now. For that sad­ly not at all Oscar worthy per­for­mance in this god rid­den, fuck­ing mocke­ry of a video­in­ter­view with a “jour­na­listic outlet”.

Oh, and “to win” Ukrai­ni­ans are now striking rus­si­an power sta­ti­ons in Kursk. Of cour­se. SAME FUCKING VIDEO.

edit2: Also Kursk now con­fir­med most popu­la­ti­on den­se area in the world. Ukrai­ne cap­tu­red only 20*30 km (con­fir­med by inde­pen­dent mili­ta­ry ana­lysts) but alread has con­fir­med 100 sett­le­ments cap­tu­red wit­hin that area. As Olek­san­dr Syrs­kyj has announ­ced today. (Same video.) All without having one huma­ni­ta­ri­an cor­ri­dor estab­lis­hed, of course!

Also - as we dont just belie­ve but actual­ly do the leg­work, we take the “not in your wil­dest dreams” map of the NYT from 5 days ago, we over­lay it onto goog­le maps with a 5km reso­lu­ti­on and we count.


50. In case you have trou­ble counting.

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