Battle of the Security Experts

01. September 2024

Ple­na­ry 4: Stra­te­gic Intel­li­gence Challenges

Hos­ted by the Intel­li­gence & Natio­nal Secu­ri­ty Alliance

at 13:30 min in:

David Cohen is the cur­rent Depu­ty Direc­tor CIA

Mode­ra­tor: Ear­lier this year the US government was say­ing you know stale­ma­te con­ti­nuing Rus­sia was not going to be able to gain signi­fi­cant ter­ri­to­ry um do we still think that’s the case? David what do you think?

David Cohen: “Look, I think the um so the attack uh you the night befo­re last uh that the Rus­si­ans moun­ted on the ener­gy infra­st­ruc­tu­re in Ukrai­ne and against civi­li­an tar­gets you know is you know sort of sad­ly more of the same from Putin going after uh civi­li­an tar­gets try­ing to um you know --- cau­se essen­ti­al­ly widespread uh you know pain and suf­fe­ring in Ukrai­ne as the fall is now upon us the win­ter is going to come um and you know he’s going after again going after the the ener­gy infra­st­ruc­tu­re so I think we will con­ti­nue to see tho­se sorts of attacks. The ukrai­ni­ans you know with the help of the United Sta­tes and others are are you know con­stant­ly working to build their air defen­ses to uh to try to uh address the­se the­se attacks from the Rus­si­ans but in terms of the front line like I think the you know the figh­t­ing now uh and it has been for you know a peri­od of of several weeks or lon­ger uh has been focu­sed on this city cal­led Pokrowsk in uh in the Donas um you know the Rus­si­ans are are making some pro­gress the­re - they’­re making pro­gress the­re at extra­or­di­na­ry cost the num­ber of lives that they are was­ting in this in this effort qui­te apart from all of the mili­ta­ry equip­ment and all the rest that they’­re thro­wing at it is real­ly is qui­te extra­or­di­na­ry - for for you know very small incre­men­tal gains over time. ---[NOW FINALLY DECIDING TO ANSWER THE QUESTION THAT WAS PUT TOWARDS HIM, I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT, IT ONLY TOOK A DAY AND A HALF OF SIDETRACKING! ---] They may take Pokrowsk, they may not I think it you know it’s a the ukrai­ni­ans are con­ti­nuing to to defend but like at the end of the day - none of it is game­ch­an­ging in a stra­te­gic sen­se um and I think we are we have asses­sed that throughout you know 2024 the­re would the­re would be you know some some give and take along the front line and I think we’­re going to con­ti­nue to see that.



Batt­le it out!


You can do it.

If you have no Idea whats going on here - I have a few pointers.

- As the say­ing goes, all the intel­li­gence by now is in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty indus­try, becau­se they pay better.
- As the say­ing goes, the fist thing you learn at CIA is lying
- As the say­ing goes, the second thing you learn at CIA is how to talk yourself out of not having read the brie­fings or your executive-memos, and still call yourself “the hono­r­able” - to the point whe­re others think thats actual­ly your title…
Bildschirmfoto 2024 09 01 um 09 22 37
- Oh and if you are cri­ti­cal min­ded, and have seen that the Ukrai­ni­an defen­se infra­st­ruc­tu­re 15km away from Pokrowsk was crumb­ling in a chao­tic man­ner, becau­se the Ukrai­ne had a few sche­du­ling issu­es, that sur­moun­ted to Rus­sia being able to take a town for free -- well, thats obvious­ly them only being able to advan­ce by a few kms, back and forth, suf­fe­ring TREMENDOUS los­ses. Which coin­ci­dent­ly is not what David Cohen has picked up from media (not how Stra­te­gic Intel­li­gence works), but the Pro­pa­gan­da line wes­tern media has picked up from the US ser­vices industry.

Hor­ray. Ano­t­her idi­ot at work.
Almost makes me long back to the days, whe­re the idi­ots in this pic­tu­re could recruit underage hackers, by instil­ling tro­pes in them with “911 got to save ame­ri­ca fuck yeah” moti­ves sta­cked to the brim…

The rest of the panel is their top level manage­ment tal­king about which advan­ce­ments AI will allow them to reach.

We are deve­lo­ping more of a trust infra­st­ruc­tu­re, so we can acce­le­ra­te fas­ter through AI…”

You what now? (Gene­ra­ti­ve AI is not reli­able, so you build up a trust infra­st­ruc­tu­re (Human in the loop), so you can acce­le­ra­te fas­ter? Ama­zing. Bet­ter not make the AI spit out too many cor­re­la­ti­ons per day!)

Gene­ra­ti­ve AI will help through cor­re­la­ti­ve data ana­ly­sis. You mean Data Sci­ence will help with cor­re­la­ti­ve data ana­ly­sis, and a chat­bot will tell you what to bomb based on tho­se unve­ri­fied cor­re­la­ti­ons? So now you can call it AI?

Our prompt engineers…

Ter­ra­bytes of data from our satellites…

Oh, for fucks sake.

Man weiß immer erst was man an PR-Opfern wie dem Gus­tav Gres­sel hat, wenn man sich mal die Kon­kur­renz in sei­nem Job ange­se­hen hat.

Dass der sich nicht schämt, der Gres­sel - in einem Sek­tor zu arbei­ten wo er der ein­zi­ge Mensch ist der nicht auf Anhieb der ers­ten Logi­cal fall­a­cy die Füs­se küsst, die sei­nen Weg kreuzt…

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