Meet Oleksander Budko “Teren”

15. September 2024

the para­ple­gic star of this years “The Bache­lor” Sea­son in Ukrai­ne. (Not the video thumb­nail becau­se he fell apart during his intro­duc­tion speech.) He is a Baris­ta, and was an aspi­ring gra­phic design “stu­dent” (thats the term the mode­ra­tor uses), befo­re the war started.

Olek­san­der Bud­ko “Teren” has trou­ble finis­hing his intro­duc­tion remarks speech, but wants you to hear the messaging that Ukrai­ne will be a valu­able mem­ber of Nato post war, which of cour­se is in direct con­flict with the state­ment that David Patrae­us gives at the same con­fe­rence, on the same day:

Whe­re he scolds the Ukrai­ni­ans for having an Army con­sis­ting most­ly of 40+ year olds, and not doing enough in the recruit­ment space --

but dont worry - the­re are 30 women here, who want to date the para­ple­gic Baris­ta and aspi­ring gra­phic desi­gner (so the Mode­ra­tor tells us in his intro­duc­tion), that has trou­ble brin­ging for­ward his argu­ment, which he lear­ned vers betum from ukrai­ni­an Propaganda.

Ah… Ukrai­ne.

Lovin­g­ly sup­por­ti­ve in their PR messaging as always…

edit: Wolf­gang Ischin­ger of cour­se retai­ning his first row sea­ting, he loves tho­se stories.

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