Ah, background…

05. Oktober 2024

As our empty pla­tes are taken away I ask: how will this all end?

After the [US] elec­tion the­re will be a kind of new momen­tum, a new initia­ti­ve to try to get some move­ment. But I don’t think that will be to throw in the towel and to give up,” he says. “It may inclu­de ways to try to get move­ment on the battle­field com­bi­ned with move­ment around the nego­tia­ting table.”

Ukrai­ne still has to deci­de [when to nego­tia­te]. But we need to make the con­di­ti­ons that make it pos­si­ble for them to sit down with the Rus­si­ans and get some­thing which is accep­ta­ble . . . some­thing whe­re they sur­vi­ve as an inde­pen­dent nation.”
I ask what he would pro­po­se to Zelen­skyy. He demurs, then sug­gests a his­to­ri­cal com­pa­ri­son. “Fin­land fought a bra­ve war against the Soviet Uni­on in ’39. They impo­sed much big­ger cos­ts on the Red Army than expec­ted,” he says. “The war ended with them giving up 10 per cent of the ter­ri­to­ry. But they got a secu­re border.”

But that came with Fin­nish neu­tra­li­ty, until it joi­ned Nato last year. Ukrai­ne wants immedia­te Nato mem­bers­hip, anathe­ma to Putin.

The US and Ger­ma­ny have led oppo­si­ti­on to gran­ting war-torn Ukrai­ne mem­bers­hip, arguing that its Arti­cle 5 mutu­al defence clau­se would mean instant war with Rus­sia. “The­re are ways of sol­ving that,” Stol­ten­berg says. “If the­re is a line that is not necessa­ri­ly the inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gnis­ed border.”
“Again, it is always very dan­ge­rous to com­pa­re becau­se no par­al­lels are 100 per cent cor­rect, but the United Sta­tes has secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees to Japan. But they don’t cover the Kuril [Islands], which Japan regards as Japa­ne­se ter­ri­to­ry, con­trol­led by Rus­sia,” he says.

He pro­po­ses ano­t­her com­pa­ri­son: “West Ger­ma­ny regar­ded East Ger­ma­ny as part of the big­ger Ger­ma­ny. They didn’t have an embas­sy in East Ber­lin. But Nato was of cour­se only pro­tec­ting West Germany.”

src: click (FT tal­king to Stoltenberg)

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