Most upright and not at all propagandistic moderator of ukrainian state sponsored UATV scolds the Washington Post for saying Selenskyjs US visit was a flop, and speaks to great independent journalist Nataliya Gumenyuk

13. Oktober 2024

who lear­ned to love the litt­le plastic hand­cuffs on the christ­mas tree in the patrol poli­ce sta­ti­on in Kiev in the first win­ter of the full sca­le war. And sub­se­quent­ly got dri­ven and lod­ged up near Butscha first by peop­le out of that very cir­cle (mili­ta­ry poli­ce), which was all very exciting -

Embed­ded Repor­ting == Front­li­ne Journalism

and was fea­tured by the IWM­Vi­en­na, of cour­se - as she was a visi­t­ing scho­l­ar the­re, no less,

and later got to inter­view Vic­to­ria Nuland at the Vic­tor Pin­chuk foundation.

(Thats from a year ago:)

And now is inter­view­ed, by gre­at inde­pen­dent ukrai­ni­an sta­te TV of cour­se, after they quick­ly scold the Washing­ton Post for doing journalism.

Bad Washing­ton Post! Still doing journalism!

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen.…

edit: Gre­at news from Nata­li­ya Gume­nyuk! Set up of inter­na­tio­nal tri­bu­nal against wars of aggres­si­on (that would also be bin­ding for the US of cour­se, as Rus­sia, as the US hasnt rati­fied ICC sta­tu­tes) is still “a litt­le slow”, but gre­at Ukrai­ni­an Poli­ce sys­tem has alrea­dy regis­tered 135.000 alle­ged warcri­mes in Ukrai­ne - per­fect for when rus­sia is bea­ten next year for sure - to then be adju­di­ca­ted by inter­na­tio­nal tri­bu­nal, that shu­re­ly will be set up by next year. Or never.

Other ICJ court cases are moving fas­ter. About 5 of tho­se. Now back to the regis­tered 135.000 alle­ged war cri­mes the ukrai­ni­an poli­ce has regis­tered… Nata­li­ya Gume­nyuk wants to remind you, that Ukrai­ne is still a demo­cra­cy with rule of law. And a pro­se­cu­tor gene­ral that has chan­ged twice, no three times in the past three years, and ten times sin­ce the start of the war in 2014.

Now back to the regis­tered 135.000 alle­ged war cri­mes the ukrai­ni­an poli­ce has regis­tered… Thats one for every third sol­dier rus­sia has sta­tio­ned in Ukrai­ne. So thats 33 per com­pa­ny, 100-250 per pla­toon, 333 per bat­tal­li­on, 1000 per bri­ga­de … Die­ser Rus­se schon wie­der, der ist ja wirk­lich ein Tier! Wie­vie­le Ver­ge­wal­ti­gun­gen unter den 135.000 alle­ged Kriegs­ver­bre­chen die die ukrai­ni­sche Poli­zei auf­ge­nom­men hat?

UN iden­ti­fies 85 cases of sexu­al vio­lence com­mit­ted by Rus­si­an tro­ops in Ukrai­ne in 2023

src: click

Also qua­si (85/365)*962 = 224 Ver­ge­wal­ti­gun­gen unter 135.000 alle­ged von der Ukrai­ni­schen Poli­zei doku­men­tier­ten Kriegsverbrechen.

Also 0.17% der rus­si­schen Kriegs­ver­bre­chen sind Ver­ge­wal­ti­gun­gen qua­si. Der Rest sind dann wahr­schein­lich Ein­satz von white phos­phor, und Streu­mu­ni­ti­on nehm ich an -- wobei, das kanns ja nicht sein, das machen ja auch die Guten. Dann wer­den das wohl völ­ker­rechts­wid­ri­ge Ent­eig­nun­gen sein.

So ist er der Rus­se! 99.83% Ver­trei­bun­gen, Mord und Fol­ter, und dann noch 0.17% Ver­ge­wal­ti­gun­gen! Es wird end­lich Zeit für ein inter­na­tio­na­les Tribunal!

Wait wait, lets con­trast that with civi­li­an deaths!

How many peop­le have died during the war in Ukrai­ne? OHCHR has esti­ma­ted the num­ber of deaths of civi­li­ans, or non-armed indi­vi­du­als, in Ukrai­ne at 11,520 sin­ce the start of the war on Febru­a­ry 24, 2022.

src: click

So thats 8.53% of 135.000…

Die­ser Rus­se ist ja ein Tier ---

91.3% Ver­trei­bun­gen, und Fol­ter und 8.53% zivi­le Tote, und 0.17% Vergewaltigungen!

Wait, wait - lets con­trast that with “cases of torture”!

[OMCT] The report docu­ments human rights vio­la­ti­ons com­mit­ted bet­ween Febru­a­ry and Octo­ber 2022 at over 20 detenti­on sites. It is based on inter­views with vic­tims and wit­nes­ses, covering 63 cases— 38 of tor­tu­re and 25 of other ill-treatment—in the Ukrai­ni­an regi­ons of Kyiv, Cher­ni­hiv, Zapo­rizhzhia, Donetsk, Khar­kiv, and Kherson.

src: click

So Febru­a­ry - Octo­ber = 9 months:
9 mon­ths = 274 days

(38/274)*962 = 133.41 lets say times two for other Oblasts, and that times 1.5 for tor­tu­re in the occu­p­ied regions.

(133.41*2)*1.5 = 400

Die­ser Rus­se ist ja ein Tier..

400 out of 135000 in per­cent = 0.3%

91% Ver­trei­bun­gen, 0.3% Fol­ter, 8.53% Zivi­le Tötun­gen (jede ein­zel­ne als sepa­ra­tes Kriegs­ver­bre­chen gezählt), und 0.17% Vergewaltigungen.

Der kennt da nichts der Russe…

Es wird end­lich Zeit für ein inter­na­tio­na­les Tribunal!

Hinterlasse eine Antwort