France 24 with the hard hitting questions

23. November 2024

Mode­ra­tor: “Dear embed­ded Jour­na­list, we employ in our net­work, is embed­ded jour­na­lism shit?”

Embed­ded Jour­na­list: “I dont think so, and tech­no­lo­gy got a lot bet­ter” -- now let me show you this one examp­le, whe­re our hand­lers didnt pre­select who we were allo­wed to inter­view. It was ama­zing! One rus­si­an women told us Putin is a gre­at guy! This was this ear­thy, grit­ty fluff that we were loo­king for. That gives you this real fee­ling of having been the­re as a news con­su­mer! (Click, click, click, click, click, like and subscribe.)


Oh! And that one time, when - quo­te french embed­ded jour­na­list, get­ting asked tho­se hard hit­ting ques­ti­ons by a mode­ra­tor of her net­work: “We were allo­wed to walk around in Sud­scha and show the town folks on an Ipad, look, look, this is what its real­ly like, this is the war out there”.

Well - who was we in that instance? Becau­se to my recollec­tion, the ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers show­ed tho­se clips to rural peop­le the­re on their devices and let a few jour­na­lists film that, right? Of cour­se on sepe­ra­te trips. So ever­yo­ne of tho­se hand­pi­cked jour­na­lists had their “exclu­si­ve”, see:

Oh, what fun times, we had, when, we, I mean they - had that gre­at idea! The french embed­ded jour­na­listri­ce just doesnt see the pro­pa­gan­da ang­le here…

Dont worry, not­hing to see here, move along. We have to go back to base now. Enough Sud­scha for a day!

Well you say - “this one examp­le whe­re hand­lers didnt pre­select” you just men­tio­ned is very unfair and lea­ding, right?


Here is the you­tube chan­nel for Voice of ame­ri­ca, fil­te­red by the search terms ukrai­ne and mili­ta­ry, watch this, and tell me any dif­fe­rence to the best wes­tern embed­ded repor­ting that is out the­re:

You know, high­lights like “the­re is a store near Kursk, all the ukrai­ni­an mili­ta­ry guys go to (sie­he NZZ und ande­re)”, and “grand­ma was evacua­ted from her farm to Sumi, so she’s safe from bombs (click)”. All the high­lights! May­be also com­pa­re it to “After our hand­ler from the Ukrai­ni­an Poli­ce Head­quar­ters Donezk Regi­on told us to lea­ve the city, we still went to a (ran­dom, not atta­cked) mater­ni­ty ward the next day, to ask a doc­tor if he could lead us to the hos­pi­tals mor­gue to unpack a ran­dom baby corp­se so we could film it, while the hand­ler from the Donezk Regi­on Poli­ce Head­quar­ters was still with us, and then dro­ve us out of Mariu­pol in his own Hyun­dai. He was cal­led Vla­di­mir - we for­got to men­ti­on all of that for 8 mon­ths until a flip­ping inter­view at the sundance film fes­ti­val in the US. Oh, but that was­n’t even embed­ded Jour­na­lism, that was free as can be journalism.

With an ent­i­re­ly inde­pen­dent crew! Con­sis­ting of the head of the pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­gra­pher socie­ty of Ukrai­ne, and Vla­di­mir, from the Ukrai­ni­an Poli­ce Head­quar­ters Donezk Regi­on, a chan­ce acquaintance. 

Well we first lied and told the world, someo­ne else dro­ve us out of Mariu­pol, and Vla­di­mir just poin­ted us to were cars were that dro­ve out of the city, but…” You know, war jour­na­lism. So you can feel, what its like. Which is the most important thing. Your fee­ling on tho­se things. So you get that sense.

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