Entirely good enough

18. Dezember 2024


Not jus­ti­fied.

edit: foot­no­tes pdf

edit2: So what do you do when you have rese­arch against the com­mon nar­ra­ti­ve? You hold a deba­te. Make sure you have the mode­ra­tor on your side (Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on be bles­sed), make sure that your coun­ter­part is actual­ly payed by the Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on and let it be fea­tured by a bor­der­line shady you­tube chan­nel (Zero Hedge):

So jour­na­lists will dis­card it out­right based on that name alone.

Well at least the Hoo­ver insti­tu­ti­on is inclu­ded again…

Wir erin­nern uns:

The big­ger sto­ry is crafted

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