Ukrainian peace formula peace is nigh!

21. Dezember 2024

Just the broad strokes.

One only needs one more peace con­fe­rence, Selen­skyj holds, whe­re we dont tell the public, what Ukrai­ne chan­ged in its final pro­to­col (click) and then we are near­ly the­re, Die Pres­se (Aus­tri­an news­pa­per) told ever­yo­ne on 25.05.2024, then refu­t­ed all my ques­ti­ons why rus­sia was “sabo­ta­ging the peace pro­cess”, as they (Chef­re­dak­teur for­eign poli­tics plus one) sta­ted without sources --, at the Aus­tri­an Pres­se­rat, with a simp­le “thats free­dom of expres­si­on” answer.

And after just the odd addi­tio­nal 6 or 7 mon­ths, we now come to the rea­liz­a­ti­on, that shit, we have 40.000 tro­ops rea­dy to secu­re a sei­ze fire, but we would need 150.000. Which at 10.000 USD sal­le­ry per per­son per mon­th would cost 18 bil­li­on USD and not the 400 bil­li­on we are cur­r­ent­ly spen­ding. While a third of that is alrea­dy inclu­ded in what we were spen­ding in peace times, so that figu­re comes down to 12 bil­li­on USD. Plus UN peace for­ce equipment.

But then this hap­pens, short­ly befo­re christmas:

Al Jaze­e­ra: Why does Euro­pe fear a quick end?

Short­ly befo­re this happens:

One needs peace, not a sei­ze fire, befo­re euro­pean tro­ops could be invol­ved - becau­se --- ehm, someo­ne just told the Bel­gi­an FM Quin­tin that tal­king point.

And then of cour­se Selen­skyj defu­ses Rus­si­as boas­ting that they could sta­ge a tri­al in Kiev if their new mid­ran­ge mis­si­le could be inter­cep­ted by any wes­tern means with “Putin is a dumbass”.

All while OF COURSE accord­ing to our Ukrai­ne experts at the Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft und Poli­tik (SWP), we were always in diplo­ma­tic talks to sol­ve all this, all the time. Its just that no one saw any efforts post Ankara…

Mean­while “we dont know how the US will respond”, which is ent­i­re­ly bull­shit of cour­se, becau­se Euro­pe is alrea­dy esti­ma­ting the out­co­mes of the Trump Putin talks, while hedging their bets, by in return stacking the advi­sors cir­cle in the US administration.

Whe­re of cour­se the neo­cons have won the tran­si­ti­on, in terms of who they were able to put into decisi­on positions,

but wait, wait, we dont know if they (in per­son) are enough of a Chi­na hawk, to real­ly pivot towards Chi­na and make Euro­pe pay even more, so we need to make Euro­pe pay more, for that not to happen!

While Trump deman­ds from euro­pean coun­tries 5% of their GDP which is 340 bil­li­on on top of what they are alrea­dy paying - becau­se the US lea­ders­hip is just that smart…

Trump wants NATO to incre­a­se defen­se spen­ding tar­get to 5%: Report (News­week)

While our News­me­dia keeps asking, if Trump wants to dis­mant­le Nato of cour­se. EVERY FUCKING DAY.

So, to reca­pi­tu­la­te -- its too cos­t­ly for Euro­pe to deal with the pro­ba­bi­li­ty cos­ts of this war expan­ding again in 20 years time, after a sei­ze fire next year, so we need to pay more now. To pre­vent a sei­ze fire next year.

For a war that Trump wants to have ended as soon as possible.

That Selen­skyj wants to end THE MOSTEST OF ALL! As he will tell every Chris­ti­an into their face in the advent sea­son, of cour­se - if only they are unin­for­med ame­ri­can chris­ti­ans of course:

With peace talks in Bür­gen­stock in June of 2024, whe­re his final com­mu­ni­que reads like a rus­si­an sur­ren­der contract.

Which means, that rus­sia is sabo­ta­ging ukrai­ni­an peace for the Die Pres­se For­eign Poli­tics res­sort Chef­re­dak­teur, of course.

While of cour­se rus­sia is losing 2000 men a day = 730.000 a year of their 600.000 sol­dier strong army.

Which means they are loosing.

While “Russia’s Octo­ber advan­ces in Ukrai­ne [mea­su­red in km2 gain] set two-year high, says NYT”. And that speed of cour­se continued.

While Rus­sia only mana­ges to advan­ce very slow­ly of course:

While Euro­pe cant afford the addi­tio­nal 12 bil­li­on sus­tai­ned for a peace for­ce, but is about to make the deal of the cen­tu­ry by only spen­ding an addi­tio­nal 150 bil­li­on per year, and not 340 bil­li­on as reques­ted by Trump to 



And dont get me star­ted on how unpro­vo­ked this war was, whe­re we always ought to ask our­sel­ves “what did Putin think” but never, what did NATO actual­ly do to pro­vo­ke all this.


Und Weih­nachts­waf­fen­still­stand brau­chen wir natür­lich auch kei­nen, weil -- wie war das noch Selenskyj?

Genau. Das sei ja nur rus­si­sche Propaganda.

Und da haben wir natür­lich schon wie­der fast gewon­nen, in vier Jah­ren dann.

Scheiss auf die öko­no­mi­sche Ent­wick­lung --- das geht alles, mit Ham­mer Argu­men­ten wie Risk-Mitigation, für die jetzt noch­mal 300.000 Leu­te ster­ben müs­sen. Bei 150 Mil­li­ar­den extra Aus­ga­ben pro Jahr (euro­pa­weit) in die Kriegsfinanzierung.

Also bevor Euro­pa anfängt über den Wil­len der Ukrai­ner zu verhandeln…



Weil ja Polen so eine auf­stre­ben­de poli­ti­sche Macht in Euro­pa gewor­den ist! Die wol­len Füh­rungs­ver­ant­wor­tung übernehmen!


Fuck ger­man spea­king journalism.

No, honest­ly, FUCK THEM.

PR for the bet­ter part of 2 years.

And all of this becau­se we have to save the the right hono­r­able Wertewesten.

edit: Jetzt mus­a­ma aba schon den Gür­tel der unte­ren und der Mit­tel­schich­ten etwas enger schnal­len, nit das dea noch auf Ideen kom­men! Ich mein gegen Aus­län­da wet­tern, guat, das is nur gua­ty Bür­ger­pflicht gegen die kom­men­den Flücht­lings­strö­me, wobei der zustän­di­ge ÖVP Minis­ter schon wie­der nicht ROI bei den Syrern durch­rech­nen kann, aber wenn die Bevöl­ke­rung erst mal beginnt gegen die aktu­el­len Leis­tungs­trä­ger zu schimp­fen! Nein! Also wenn der Habeck nicht wie­der Wirt­schafts­mi­nis­ter wer­den soll, dann muss man schon AfD wählen.…

Ich mein die 40x Mehr­in­ves­tio­nen in Vetei­di­gung sind ja kein rus­ge­hau­tes Geld! Das sind ja Inves­ti­tio­nen! Zu 70% in die US, die aktu­ell Waf­fen pro­du­zie­ren kön­nen, und zu 30% in die Bran­che mit dem gerings­ten Value add über­haupt - wenn du nicht in den bom­ba­dier­ten Staa­ten spä­ter die hoch­pro­fi­ta­ble Auf­bau­hil­fe machst -- oder wie­der mal den USD ent­wer­test, … Welt­ersatz­wäh­rung, was sol­lens denn machen…

Wer­te­wes­ten, Demo­kra­tie, und sub­jek­ti­ves Sicher­heits­emp­fin­den. Brin­gen sies irgend­wie zusam­men. Sagens ein­fach sie sind ein Qua­li­täts­me­di­um. Go.

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