Isn’t it amazing how no one can see that person constructing a narrative

26. Dezember 2024

Its pro­bable becau­se he doesnt lie.

Or the regu­lar stamm­e­ring befo­re his self con­struc­ted ad hoc argu­ments at the key inter­sec­tions of his nar­ra­ti­ve framing, masks all the oppor­tu­nities for someo­ne to catch him lying. 

Thats it probably.

Also very remar­kab­le how you get out of the ques­ti­on asked about “world wide oil pri­ce shock” in just four minu­tes of unin­ter­rup­ted non sequiturs.

Also, do all of this quick­ly, Euro­pe, as the Pro­fes­sor says - becau­se other­wi­se more child­ren die, by rus­sia not losing this war soon enough.

Oh, and wha­te­ver you do will have no nega­ti­ve con­se­quen­ces for you becau­se its the thre­at of tho­se sanc­tions, thats actual­ly more effec­ti­ve, than - when you suf­fer through main­tai­ning them.


The best of the best. Get Nobel pri­ces the­se days.

Well thats a mis­no­mer actual­ly, Nobel pri­ces for eco­no­mics of course.

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