Applied war linguistics for propaganda suckling journalists

28. Dezember 2024

Goog­le: “shadow fleet” “cable” before:2022-02-24

Results: 76400

Bildschirmfoto 2024 12 28 um 18 43 34

Goog­le: “shadow fleet” “cable” after:2022-02-24

Thats an exlu­si­ve after, so only tho­se AFTER 2022-02-24.

Results: 90900

Bildschirmfoto 2024 12 28 um 18 44 33

Wait… Lets make this more fun!

Goog­le: “shadow fleet” “cable” after:2024-11-20

Results: 29500

Bildschirmfoto 2024 12 28 um 18 45 28

So just to summarize:

54.33% of all goog­le index ent­ries (167300) con­tai­ning both “cable” and “shadow fleet” were crea­ted after the start of the full sca­le rus­si­an inva­si­on into Ukrai­ne in 2022. Over the past two years and ten months.

Over that time the mon­th­ly incre­a­se over the ent­i­re­ty of the 34.19 mon­ths averaged:

90900/34.19 = 2659 ent­ries per months

while after 2024-11-20, so in the past 38 days that incre­a­se grew to 29500 in just tho­se 38 days alone.

So the last 38 days show­ed a total growth worth 11 of the pre­vious mon­ths, and 17.63% of all men­ti­ons of tho­se two terms on the inter­net (as seen by the goog­le search craw­ler) in total.

Oh, jour­na­list - dont you want to tell about “shadow­fleets” second mea­ning again as ships that cut “cables”? The one thats only app­li­ca­ble to rus­si­as full sca­le inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne 54.33% of the time, and 17.63% of the times refers to things that only hap­pen­ed in the past 38 days?

Would you be kind enough to tell me again that this other mea­ning of shadow fleet means “ships that are used to cut sea cables”?

Becau­se it surely seems like you made all of this up, so Nato loving euro­pean nati­ons could sanc­tion rus­si­as shadow fleet in the near future.

Oh plea­se dear jour­na­list -- exp­lain it to me one last time…

Shit, if only the public could use goog­le to find out whats hap­pe­ning here, .…

edit: But wait, it doesnt stop the­re - what if we app­ly the fol­lowing fil­ter, so to for­ce exclu­de any result that also con­tains the term rus­si­an or russia?

Goog­le: “shadow fleet” “cable” -rus­si­an -russia

167300 results (for the same search inclu­ding rus­si­an or rus­sia) shrink down to 6970

and if we apply 

Goog­le: “shadow fleet” “cable” -rus­si­an -rus­sia before:2022-02-24

167300 results shrink down to 1110

Mea­ning, the com­bi­na­ti­on of the terms “shadow fleet” and “cable” befo­re the full sca­le rus­si­an inva­si­on into ukrai­ne and without the words rus­sia or rus­si­an any­whe­re in the arti­cle only account for 0.6635% of all goog­le search results for the terms “shadow fleet” and “cable”.

Shit, dear jour­na­list, do you want to tell me one more time, what shadow fleet means in com­bi­na­ti­on with cut­ting cables in rus­si­as case? Becau­se it means abso­lute­ly SHIT out­side the ukrai­ne war, without the term rus­si­an or rus­sia next to it.

And thats app­lied lin­gu­is­tics during a war.

Jour­na­lists will exp­lain to you tho­se spe­cial cases of the thing they just made up, so they could help sanc­tion rus­si­as shadow fleet, becau­se shadow fleet also means cut­ting cables, when the US does want it to attain that meaning.

And never before.

And for no fuck­ing other reason.

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