Wait, this gets better.

29. Dezember 2024

Sonar and Radar in por­ta­ble suit­ca­ses. (How do you, even…)

Also they were drop­ping sen­sors into the Eng­lish Chan­nel along the way.

While the por­ta­ble equip­ment was too power­ful to be dri­ven by the ships electri­ci­ty system.

The Russia-linked tan­ker which dama­ged an under­sea electri­ci­ty cable on Christ­mas Day also drop­ped sen­sors in the Eng­lish Chan­nel, sources have said.

Fin­nish Spe­cial For­ces sei­zed the spy ship Eagle S after it drag­ged its anchor to dis­rupt electri­ci­ty sup­plies bet­ween Nato allies Fin­land and neigh­bou­ring Estonia.

It is the first time that a com­mer­cial ship suspec­ted of sabo­ta­ge has been taken into cus­to­dy by authorities.

Sources have told mari­ti­me publi­ca­ti­on Lloyd’s List that the ves­sel - part of a shadow fleet used to bypass sanc­tions against Rus­sia - was brist­ling with sur­veil­lan­ce equip­ment along with lap­tops which would not nor­mal­ly be found on an oil tanker.

The equip­ment was car­ri­ed in “huge por­ta­ble suit­ca­ses” and sucked so much power from its gene­ra­tors that it led to repeated blackouts.

src: click

Drag­ging the anker across the seaf­loor to sever Est­Lin 2.

In an Oil Tanker.

Por­ta­ble suit­ca­ses not drop­ped into the water as soon as they saw the patrol­boats arri­ve, via radar. Neit­her the lists with what they were monitoring.

Equip­ment still tun­ed to Nato frequencies.

Man, not only the OP plan­ner was in an alco­hol stu­por, all the ope­ra­ti­ons guys on board of the ves­sel were as well!

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