Amazing blend / Amazing blöd

06. Januar 2025

Short sum­me­ry: As this NTV Inter­view with this Robert Bosch Foun­da­ti­on (Grü­ße an Timo­thy Sny­der bit­te!) pant­sy cor­rect­ly sta­tes, Lex Fried­man was used by the Ukrai­ni­an Pro­pa­gan­da in this instance, to appeal to Trump supporters.

They boo­ked him just for that. (The video tit­le of the second video sta­tes in ger­man. NTV is one of the three major ger­man news (only) channels.)

I’m at minu­te 36. So far Selenskyj

- lied that he didnt recei­ve any reac­tion to his rus­si­an over­throw your government video mes­sa­ge on Tele­gram - he did, the rockets four hours later were the reaction.

- com­pa­red Putin to Hit­ler for about 20 minutes

- lied, that he didnt recei­ve any help (which he rede­fi­ned as sanc­tions, not wea­pons) from the US befo­re the rus­si­an attack. (Com­pa­re to this Blin­ken state­ment: click)

This is gre­at stuff -- do two more of tho­se inter­views, and the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on will can­cel his mee­tings, just to save face.

He con­ti­nues to descri­be his first work day post invasion:

- They took him to a mee­ting, many peop­le were the­re that tal­ked about all kind of stuff. He had to be pre­si­dent so he made a decisi­on about some food stuff, they took him to a sock­pup­pet press event, he han­ded out wea­pons, then he made a tele­vi­si­on clip, and worked on his video blog. Much lea­der of the coun­try, much. Even though he had mana­ging expe­ri­ence in TV pro­duc­tion befo­re, he just con­cen­tra­ted on play­ing a pro­pa­gan­da role, he clear­ly sta­tes - the rest other peop­le mana­ged for him. It ama­zes him, that he - for all peop­le in his coun­try beca­me THE INFORMATION SOURCE. Much honor. Much great­ness. Becau­se peop­le were magi­cal­ly cut off from all other infor­ma­ti­on, but could still hear him, and his divi­ne ego pro­jec­tion, Selen­skyj says. Becau­se it was very important for him to keep all things digi­tal, to keep the Inter­net. [Rus­si­ans at that point didnt attack the 3G/4G Infra­st­ruc­tu­re in Ukrai­ne at all., see also Foot­no­te 47 here: click, See also “In the initi­al sta­ges of the inva­si­on, with iso­la­ted excep­ti­ons, Rus­si­an for­ces pre­ser­ved mobi­le pho­ne infra­st­ruc­tu­re lar­ge­ly inta­ct (Chat­ham House)”] To stay in touch with ever­yo­ne. With all the people.

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God, this is a trainwreck…

- Then immedia­te­ly Selen­skyj and “they (as in his advi­sers and him)” built Mara­thon THE MUCH CRITICISED UKRAINIAN PROPAGANDA NETWORK (much cri­ti­cis­ed by ukrai­ni­an press that is -- EU slams Ukraine’s war­ti­me pool of TV chan­nels, urges Kyiv to res­to­re media plu­ra­lism), which Selen­skyj says also was very important for the people.

- Then he touched things, on video, to show that he wasnt in front of a green­screen. [You can touch things in front of a green screen, you know?] All of this had an impact. He was actual­ly sure of his actions.

- Then he tal­ked to the inter­na­tio­nal press and told them, that they have to stay here, becau­se he needs Jour­na­lists of the inter­na­tio­nal press as media wea­pons [I’m fuck­ing quo­ting here…] He told them “You must stop Putin!”, but he spo­ke to them in rus­si­an, so you see - the­re is no pro­blem, you can still use rus­si­an in Ukrai­ne! You see?!!? [Selen­skyj refu­sed to do the inter­view in pure­ly russian.]

- Then Seles­kyj tells Lex Fried­man, that no one in Rus­sia will hear this con­ver­sa­ti­on, becau­se Putin you know - is actual­ly deaf, you know? He is deaf by his very natu­re. [He also insi­nua­ted that rus­si­ans are deaf, silent peop­le about 20 minu­tes before.]

- Then Selen­skyj says, that Putin is just dif­fe­rent, he is dif­fe­rent. Putin is a mam­mo­th that stands befo­re you.

- Then he says, that he shares a posi­ti­on with Trump in “peace through strength” and that “only if you are strong -- if you are strong you can speak”.

- Then Selen­skyj exp­lains, that “Putin is like Vol­de­mort.” […] “He [Putin] is darkness personified.”

We are at Minu­te 50 btw.

- Then Selen­skyj says, that Putin says, they need to talk. But Ukrai­ne needs to be in a strong posi­ti­on, and not talk. But end the war.

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- “Yes, peace through dia­log is pos­si­ble you just need to be -

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I’m not lea­ving anything out yet - btw, this is not selec­ti­ve edi­t­ing. This is how this Inter­view unfolds.

- Then Selen­skyj says, that he used an “all for all exchan­ge” of pri­so­ners during Minsk 2 nego­tia­ti­ons to get a shoe in into fur­ther nego­tia­ti­ons with Putin - he “wan­ted to have a huma­ni­ta­ri­an advan­ta­ge” in negotiations.

- Selen­skyj is always ful­ly pre­pa­red, when he enters nego­tia­ti­ons he says. Not like quo­te “bare ass Putin”.

- Then, regar­ding the sei­ze fire, the rus­si­ans star­ted kil­ling them [whe­re, when, how many, … he doesnt know, in about a mon­th]. So Selen­skyj cal­led Putin. “Hey Putin” he said, “we didnt sign a pie­ce of toi­let paper, did we? This is serious busi­ness!” […] And now they are offe­ring us a christ­mas sei­ze fire [Selen­skyj doesnt know that its after christ­mas], its all the same! And thats what hap­pen­ed! [Putin feig­ned to not have any know­ledge of the violations.]

Well, not exact­ly feig­ned, because:

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- Becau­se - mean­while (through several mon­ths), the rus­si­ans “were sen­ding their sni­pers”. [So they were loo­sing, … a per­son per week at least! Pro­bab­ly high ran­king ones!] But, tho­se actual­ly were sni­pers in trai­ning. They were trai­ning them.

So Selesnkyj star­ted to pes­ter Putin via tele­fo­ne, then Putin said, he’ll look into it. But then after just three calls Putin stop­ped to return Selen­sky­js calls! So Selen­skyj of cour­se stop­ped adhe­ring to Minsk 2.

I’m not making this shit up. I kid you not. This is fuck­ing real.

- Next on Selen­sky­js excu­ses list is Vla­dis­lav Cher­nov, the Ukrai­ni­an Pro­pa­gan­da asset that lied for 10 Mon­ths strai­ght about being gui­ded and dri­ven out by Ukrai­ni­an Mili­ta­ry Poli­ce head­qua­ter guy “Vla­di­mir the Hand­ler” out of Mariu­pol in his Hyun­dai. He real­ly can’t have sei­ze fire, becau­se look at OSCAR DOCUMANENTARY by Cher­nov! Selen­skyj says.

No - look at the ukrai­nes secret ser­vice acti­vi­tes around Cher­nov first. Whos now fea­tured by the Vic­tor Pin­chuk foun­da­ti­on. ( (Just search this blog for Hyun­dai) Who post­po­ned his exit from Mario­pol so he could visit a ran­dom hos­pi­tal, to get a doc­tor to gui­de them to their mor­gue, to unwrap a ran­dom dead baby, just so they could film it. Its in the movie.

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- You see Selen­skyj can kill ano­t­her 200.000 sol­di­ers, just becau­se - of the child­ren in Mariu­pol. ALL THE CHILDREN IN MARIUPOL!

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[Selen­skyj holds the strong belie­ve, that he will still save them, likely with tho­se 200 tanks he asked for to libe­ra­te Mariu­pol, and never got, he asked his euro­pean part­ners to get that is, on the day he invi­ted the Pope to Kiew to talk to him about peace talks. About six mon­ths into the war.]

- Oh, and of cour­se - this is what Trump will do for us, says Selenskyj:

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- “becau­se we strong!” Tog­e­ther with Trump.

And Trump has to do it, becau­se “Putins plan is for Trump and me [Selen­skyj] to fight -- and

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I’d say - kill ano­t­her half a mil­li­on peop­le. See what Selen­skyj says then.

This is the beau­ty of Demo­cra­cy, isnt it? That Man­fred Weber and Selen­skyj are on the same wavelenght…

I’m now lea­ving out about 10 minu­tes of com­ple­te­ly insa­ne non­sen­se, and skip right to

- Selen­skyj insists, that we find the peop­le that were respon­si­ble for the Buda­pest memo­ran­dum, rus­si­ans and ame­ri­cans, and jail them all. Inclu­ding for­mer US pre­si­dents. Becau­se: Justice.

- Selen­skyj is very angry with the Ame­ri­cans and the French for ghos­ting him over the Buda­pest memorandum:
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- Selen­skyj then open­ly sta­tes, that both Minsk agree­ments were the same useless shit (“second cart on the same train”). So fuck them as well, no one came. Well, Oba­ma came. And Mer­kel. And Macron. But they just dindt care about Ukrai­ne at all, like Selen­skyj does. Selen­skyj sta­tes, PAH! People -

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Lets kill ano­t­her half a mil­li­on peop­le I’d say. Let Selen­skyj real­ly work out his pro­blems while he can shout a few more well armed sol­di­ers towards the con­ta­ct line, I’d say.

May­be let him meet Man­fred Weber, let them talk it out, who of them cares more.

Das ist das Frie­dens­pro­jekt Euro­pa zur Zeit.

Becau­se becau­se… We.. ehm, we… We real­ly dont have enough sol­di­ers for peace right now. In Euro­pe, you know…

Eine Stun­de Dreißig.

Ach­ja, falls noch ein Ukrai­ni­scher zu Rekru­tie­ren­der zusieht. Rennt.

The rest of the inter­view is essen­ti­al­ly Selen­skyj not under­stan­ding any of the ques­ti­ons he is asked.

Pro­mo­ting eye for an eye jus­ti­ce, as “what no one will have anything against wit­hin the ukrai­ni­an jus­ti­ce system”.

And not for the world being able to under­stand, that in war, the­re is no uni­ver­sal jus­ti­ce agent. The­re is no hig­her aut­ho­ri­ty that hands out jus­ti­ce, and puts things right.

But Selen­skyj doesnt under­stand that. So as the next best thing he will take a dol­lar check as com­pen­sa­ti­on for his cos­mic fury. And peop­le hand them out, becau­se they ser­ve their own tac­ti­cal goals, and it doesnt make them look bad on social media.

So the thing we crea­ted Euro­pe for, that “the per­so­nal Ven­d­at­ta of a COMPLETELY insa­ne, stu­pid per­son at the helm of a gou­vernment” can never fuck up Euro­pe any­mo­re and draw them in end­less wars - is now drawing us into end­less wars - becau­se this time, its against evil.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Heuch­ler, kom­plet­te Voll­idio­ten, und Social Media Süch­ti­ge strei­ten um FEELs in der Bevöl­ke­rung. Mark Zucker­berg schaut zu, und skimmt 2 cents in Werbegebühren.

Mehr exis­tiert da draus­sen nicht mehr.

Now give me more money for wea­pon. I accept check. You can also give me rus­si­an money. I’ll pay you with rus­si­an money you give me for weapon.

Selen­skyj im Ori­gi­nal Wort­laut etwas spä­ter im Video.

Weil Selen­skyj ja die Rol­le des une­ri­ver­sal mora­li­schen Rich­ters über­nom­men hat. Der die Toten Kin­der jedes Ukrai­ners rächt.

Das ist sei­ne inter­ne Motivation.

At two hours Selen­skyj gets into preaching:

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Star­ting at 2:20:00 in the­re is basi­cal­ly just smalltalk.

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