Short summery: As this NTV Interview with this Robert Bosch Foundation (Grüße an Timothy Snyder bitte!) pantsy correctly states, Lex Friedman was used by the Ukrainian Propaganda in this instance, to appeal to Trump supporters.
They booked him just for that. (The video title of the second video states in german. NTV is one of the three major german news (only) channels.)
I’m at minute 36. So far Selenskyj
- lied that he didnt receive any reaction to his russian overthrow your government video message on Telegram - he did, the rockets four hours later were the reaction.
- compared Putin to Hitler for about 20 minutes
- lied, that he didnt receive any help (which he redefined as sanctions, not weapons) from the US before the russian attack. (Compare to this Blinken statement: click)
This is great stuff -- do two more of those interviews, and the Trump administration will cancel his meetings, just to save face.
He continues to describe his first work day post invasion:
- They took him to a meeting, many people were there that talked about all kind of stuff. He had to be president so he made a decision about some food stuff, they took him to a sockpuppet press event, he handed out weapons, then he made a television clip, and worked on his video blog. Much leader of the country, much. Even though he had managing experience in TV production before, he just concentrated on playing a propaganda role, he clearly states - the rest other people managed for him. It amazes him, that he - for all people in his country became THE INFORMATION SOURCE. Much honor. Much greatness. Because people were magically cut off from all other information, but could still hear him, and his divine ego projection, Selenskyj says. Because it was very important for him to keep all things digital, to keep the Internet. [Russians at that point didnt attack the 3G/4G Infrastructure in Ukraine at all., see also Footnote 47 here: click, See also “In the initial stages of the invasion, with isolated exceptions, Russian forces preserved mobile phone infrastructure largely intact (Chatham House)”] To stay in touch with everyone. With all the people.
God, this is a trainwreck…
- Then immediately Selenskyj and “they (as in his advisers and him)” built Marathon THE MUCH CRITICISED UKRAINIAN PROPAGANDA NETWORK (much criticised by ukrainian press that is -- EU slams Ukraine’s wartime pool of TV channels, urges Kyiv to restore media pluralism), which Selenskyj says also was very important for the people.
- Then he touched things, on video, to show that he wasnt in front of a greenscreen. [You can touch things in front of a green screen, you know?] All of this had an impact. He was actually sure of his actions.
- Then he talked to the international press and told them, that they have to stay here, because he needs Journalists of the international press as media weapons [I’m fucking quoting here…] He told them “You must stop Putin!”, but he spoke to them in russian, so you see - there is no problem, you can still use russian in Ukraine! You see?!!? [Selenskyj refused to do the interview in purely russian.]
- Then Seleskyj tells Lex Friedman, that no one in Russia will hear this conversation, because Putin you know - is actually deaf, you know? He is deaf by his very nature. [He also insinuated that russians are deaf, silent people about 20 minutes before.]
- Then Selenskyj says, that Putin is just different, he is different. Putin is a mammoth that stands before you.
- Then he says, that he shares a position with Trump in “peace through strength” and that “only if you are strong -- if you are strong you can speak”.
- Then Selenskyj explains, that “Putin is like Voldemort.” […] “He [Putin] is darkness personified.”
We are at Minute 50 btw.
- Then Selenskyj says, that Putin says, they need to talk. But Ukraine needs to be in a strong position, and not talk. But end the war.
- “Yes, peace through dialog is possible you just need to be -
I’m not leaving anything out yet - btw, this is not selective editing. This is how this Interview unfolds.
- Then Selenskyj says, that he used an “all for all exchange” of prisoners during Minsk 2 negotiations to get a shoe in into further negotiations with Putin - he “wanted to have a humanitarian advantage” in negotiations.
- Selenskyj is always fully prepared, when he enters negotiations he says. Not like quote “bare ass Putin”.
- Then, regarding the seize fire, the russians started killing them [where, when, how many, … he doesnt know, in about a month]. So Selenskyj called Putin. “Hey Putin” he said, “we didnt sign a piece of toilet paper, did we? This is serious business!” […] And now they are offering us a christmas seize fire [Selenskyj doesnt know that its after christmas], its all the same! And thats what happened! [Putin feigned to not have any knowledge of the violations.]
Well, not exactly feigned, because:
- Because - meanwhile (through several months), the russians “were sending their snipers”. [So they were loosing, … a person per week at least! Probably high ranking ones!] But, those actually were snipers in training. They were training them.
So Selesnkyj started to pester Putin via telefone, then Putin said, he’ll look into it. But then after just three calls Putin stopped to return Selenskyjs calls! So Selenskyj of course stopped adhering to Minsk 2.
I’m not making this shit up. I kid you not. This is fucking real.
- Next on Selenskyjs excuses list is Vladislav Chernov, the Ukrainian Propaganda asset that lied for 10 Months straight about being guided and driven out by Ukrainian Military Police headquater guy “Vladimir the Handler” out of Mariupol in his Hyundai. He really can’t have seize fire, because look at OSCAR DOCUMANENTARY by Chernov! Selenskyj says.
No - look at the ukraines secret service activites around Chernov first. Whos now featured by the Victor Pinchuk foundation. ( (Just search this blog for Hyundai) Who postponed his exit from Mariopol so he could visit a random hospital, to get a doctor to guide them to their morgue, to unwrap a random dead baby, just so they could film it. Its in the movie.
- You see Selenskyj can kill another 200.000 soldiers, just because - of the children in Mariupol. ALL THE CHILDREN IN MARIUPOL!
[Selenskyj holds the strong believe, that he will still save them, likely with those 200 tanks he asked for to liberate Mariupol, and never got, he asked his european partners to get that is, on the day he invited the Pope to Kiew to talk to him about peace talks. About six months into the war.]
- Oh, and of course - this is what Trump will do for us, says Selenskyj:
- “because we strong!” Together with Trump.
And Trump has to do it, because “Putins plan is for Trump and me [Selenskyj] to fight -- and
I’d say - kill another half a million people. See what Selenskyj says then.
This is the beauty of Democracy, isnt it? That Manfred Weber and Selenskyj are on the same wavelenght…
I’m now leaving out about 10 minutes of completely insane nonsense, and skip right to
- Selenskyj insists, that we find the people that were responsible for the Budapest memorandum, russians and americans, and jail them all. Including former US presidents. Because: Justice.
- Selenskyj is very angry with the Americans and the French for ghosting him over the Budapest memorandum:
- Selenskyj then openly states, that both Minsk agreements were the same useless shit (“second cart on the same train”). So fuck them as well, no one came. Well, Obama came. And Merkel. And Macron. But they just dindt care about Ukraine at all, like Selenskyj does. Selenskyj states, PAH! People -
Lets kill another half a million people I’d say. Let Selenskyj really work out his problems while he can shout a few more well armed soldiers towards the contact line, I’d say.
Maybe let him meet Manfred Weber, let them talk it out, who of them cares more.
Das ist das Friedensprojekt Europa zur Zeit.
Because because… We.. ehm, we… We really dont have enough soldiers for peace right now. In Europe, you know…
Eine Stunde Dreißig.
Achja, falls noch ein Ukrainischer zu Rekrutierender zusieht. Rennt.
The rest of the interview is essentially Selenskyj not understanding any of the questions he is asked.
Promoting eye for an eye justice, as “what no one will have anything against within the ukrainian justice system”.
And not for the world being able to understand, that in war, there is no universal justice agent. There is no higher authority that hands out justice, and puts things right.
But Selenskyj doesnt understand that. So as the next best thing he will take a dollar check as compensation for his cosmic fury. And people hand them out, because they serve their own tactical goals, and it doesnt make them look bad on social media.
So the thing we created Europe for, that “the personal Vendatta of a COMPLETELY insane, stupid person at the helm of a gouvernment” can never fuck up Europe anymore and draw them in endless wars - is now drawing us into endless wars - because this time, its against evil.
Diese Gesellschaft ist das absolut grotesk und abartigst Allerletzte.
Heuchler, komplette Vollidioten, und Social Media Süchtige streiten um FEELs in der Bevölkerung. Mark Zuckerberg schaut zu, und skimmt 2 cents in Werbegebühren.
Mehr existiert da draussen nicht mehr.
Now give me more money for weapon. I accept check. You can also give me russian money. I’ll pay you with russian money you give me for weapon.
Selenskyj im Original Wortlaut etwas später im Video.
Weil Selenskyj ja die Rolle des uneriversal moralischen Richters übernommen hat. Der die Toten Kinder jedes Ukrainers rächt.
Das ist seine interne Motivation.
At two hours Selenskyj gets into preaching:
Starting at 2:20:00 in there is basically just smalltalk.