The somewhat rapid degeneration of liberal experts on media

07. Januar 2025

I saw an older epi­so­de of the same talk for­mat with the same mode­ra­tor yes­ter­day - which is now fore­ver lost in the ether, becau­se you­tube search is bad and I didnt note down the tit­le or age -- but what real­ly, real­ly is striking to me is the rapid dege­ne­ra­ti­on of the qua­li­ty of “experts on media”.

The older clip was may­be 10 or 15 years old - and the experts whe­re tho­se late nine­ties “the inter­net is our liber­ta­ri­an play­ground” vibe techi­es, that still were fun to lis­ten to.

They tried their best. They were idea­listic. They had ide­as that were inte­res­ting to lis­ten to. They knew, that they dont know it all.

And now - after an ent­i­re genera­ti­on of puri­ta­nism and self impo­sed face­book repu­ta­ti­on “angst”, fol­lo­wed by self cen­sor­s­hip - you get

- the ideo­lo­gi­cal preacher with the pro­tes­tant vibes, and the goth alu­re to attract fema­le stu­dents (per­fect half shadow on his face on camera)

- the com­ple­te­ly bland mother supe­ri­or of the order “ever­ything is right is what we decide”

- the usu­al metro­se­xu­al “future lea­der” that is on mes­sa­ge like a dro­ne, so yo know he got scho­l­ar­s­hips through his teeth and his first job from someo­ne aging and wan­ting to pro­mo­te half of the peop­le from a youn­ger genera­ti­on he meets in the alps


- the bureau­crat euro­pean com­pu­ter dri­ving licen­se trai­nee, that now scored a government job, is still unsu­re of hims­elf, but pro­bab­ly knows the most about tech of ever­yo­ne on the panel

and all of them now are --

-- The digi­tal experts of Fran­ce 24 --

and I still like Fran­ce 24, and I like the mode­ra­tor. But I would never, in my life get advice on anything of public inte­rest, or even in digi­tal mat­ters, from any of the four.

They are much too bui­sy kee­ping up a self image, to know anything of value.

So, they do what media experts always do - and repeat sto­ries, which they have read on non digi­tal media, to show how exper­ty, experts they are. And they get some parts right, but in the midd­le of the second sen­tence their puri­ta­ni­cal refle­xes kick in and they alrea­dy want to for­bid ever­ything for ever­yo­ne -- or they are waaaay­yy to much into tel­ling thems­elf the sto­ry how Musk was never lik­ed in school and is now overcompensating.

But also a Bond vil­lain, becau­se we just cant read his algo­rithm well enough - its pro­bab­ly the key to life, god and the universe.

But also pro­bab­ly self inte­res­ted, so we dont know, how he will shape the world eco­no­my in his inte­rest, with all his Bond vil­lai­nes and his Hard­core gamer past!

And hes addic­ted to social media.

*He never stop­ped play­ing games, he is a man child* they wis­per to each other on air. Yes - and I heard, he even wants to play con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue and enab­ler of a far right international!

Yes to all of this. To some extent. Also yes to the “he cant sleep”, and “lives wit­hin his bub­ble”, and the pro­bab­ly is a user, and cant con­trol hims­elf bet­ween the lines, and the “over­com­pen­sa­tes” his per­cie­ved pre­vious short­co­mings. And plays poli­ti­cal influ­en­cer that hands around 100s of mil­li­ons to right wing poli­cy groups.

But then to some extent he is also birt­hing a poli­ti­cal move­ment of peop­le on the out­skirts of socie­ty. Which under the “woke” estab­lis­ment cen­sor­s­hip poli­cy should never exist without being algo­rith­mi­cal­ly down­ran­ked, silen­ced, for­got­ten and shunned.

So if you actual­ly give credence to the noti­on, that this social media thing is some­thing new, and socie­ties have to learn how to deal with it. You dont ent­i­re­ly deal with it for them, much less in a way - whe­re you only pro­mo­te puri­ta­ni­cal robots into expert posi­ti­ons, applau­ded to by the one future lea­der, that checks his make­up, while someo­ne else is tal­king on the panel (not the mode­ra­tor btw).

So here is the rough cut:

Racism, and far right popu­lism (which is pro­bab­ly the most effec­ti­ve kind of popu­lism - with a very high qua­li­ty of memes pro­du­ced) is its own acce­le­ra­tor on social media. It spreads like not­hing else. Tada­aa. Thats the magic of the algo.

Musk, his­to­ri­cal­ly - when he took over Twit­ter saw what algo­rith­mic cen­sor­s­hip the “woke crowd” tog­e­ther with sta­te depart­ment part­ners were enga­ged in. Found the poor rightwing tren­ding coder soul and gamer wit­hin the com­pa­ny - and pro­bab­ly pro­mo­ted them lead some­thing of the future tra­jec­to­ry of the company.

And in the effort to coun­ter the algo­rith­mic cen­sor­s­hip they saw and endu­red, they tried to hard­ball it, and to get rid of most of it - and now rightwing popu­lism is way over­re­pre­sen­ted the­re, becau­se it is a natu­ral accelerant.

At the same time, they are try­ing to inno­va­te in the space - and actual­ly crea­ted some­thing with com­mu­ni­ty notes - which are exp­lai­na­ti­ons on social media threads, that get pin­ned, when peop­le who usual­ly dont agree on poli­ti­cal out­loo­ks, sud­den­ly hea­vi­ly agree on some­thing. Its not a per­fect thing, its not a won­der­ful fix, but at least its interesting.

Yes Musk likely mani­pu­la­tes the reach of his own twit­ter feed, yes - the­re are ad hoc mani­pu­la­ti­ons of the sta­tus quo, that likely he, or few peop­le deci­de over, as were the­re in the past. Yes none of this is trans­pa­rent. And no he doesnt allow government depart­ments to do the same, like twit­ter did before.

Yes - he often is wrong, and into a pret­ty reac­tion­a­ry right wing bubble.

So atten­ti­on to what he does is warranted.

But so far, he has “just” put on a plat­form a group wit­hin socie­ty that has self radi­ca­li­zed on the edges of socie­ty being mar­gi­na­li­zed algo­rith­mi­cal­ly. With the new addi­ti­on of also doing this in real poli­ti­cal life with mil­li­ons of dol­lars in funding.

I’d be far less sym­pa­the­tic to it, if this were not the likely “anti­do­te” to the self cen­so­ring, vir­tue signa­ling, woke puri­ta­nism of the age - that knows ever­ything --- and still is wrong most of the time.

As long as he faci­li­ta­tes discussion/exchange of ide­as and does not sup­press or seek to side­li­ne it. Or pro­mo­te anti huma­nist, unethi­cal, and so on ide­as - I’m some­what OK with that.

In fact, that we now have a deba­te whe­re the Ger­man chan­cellor can react with “dont feed the troll” is indi­ca­ti­ve of a socie­tal lear­ning pro­cess in social media literacy.

Will he over­do it - yes, likely so. Sim­ply becau­se right wing popu­lism (as a short­hand, just think of their memes), is a hypersca­ler on its own, but plea­se lets tack­le it - when we get there.

The worries that he uses the “rape­gangs” tro­pes as an arti­fi­cial boos­ter for rightwing groups in ger­ma­ny and eng­land are total­ly legit.

But befo­re your digi­tal experts get into “James Bond vil­lain” deli­be­ra­ti­on of how this is his mas­ter­plan to advan­ce his cor­po­ra­te empi­re through a socie­tal powers­hift -- also con­si­der, that for adver­ti­sers it was the least sexy thing he could do - and in some sen­se hes also just Keki­us Maxi­mus, the guy that cant sleep - is trig­ge­red by per­cei­ved injus­ti­ce to child­ren, and iden­ti­fies with the out­cast self radi­ca­li­zed guy that was ban­ned from twit­ter, becau­se of some­thing he found important to say -- to some extent.

Then add a bit of the cir­cum­stan­ti­al­ness of “free speech” having an ent­i­re­ly dif­fe­rent signi­fi­can­ce wit­hin US socie­ty - and the US never having suf­fe­red from the same his­to­ri­cal back­sto­ry, that euro­pe has.

So keep watch - but stick your dread­ful puritanism.

Spo­ken as someo­ne, that to this day doesnt know why the heck “we should now rethink our migra­ti­on poli­cy” in euro­pe over some­thing that appar­ent­ly chan­ged in the main­stream over the last five years, that makes it impos­si­ble to inte­gra­te 200.000 peop­le in ger­ma­ny a year. Yet, every CDU poli­ti­ci­an fakes knowing it by feel - becau­se sud­den­ly, social media was full of peop­le tel­ling them, that this is the next big issue they cared about. Why that exact­ly beca­me “a main­stream, midd­le of socie­ty” opi­ni­on is still pret­ty mur­ky to me. (And yes I know about migra­ti­on risk issu­es under cli­ma­te chan­ge. And the cost/insurance issu­es that go hand in hand with it. And yes, the last green par­ty admi­nis­tra­ti­on in ger­ma­ny I con­si­der about the most tone­de­ath poli­ti­cal “nud­gers” ever in exis­tence in a government, but at least the genera­ti­on over 60 alrea­dy has for­gi­ven them, and alrea­dy wants excact­ly that back for their grandchildren…)

So may­be its that, why I sug­gest to also let us have a litt­le Elon Musk.

I agree on the “I dont see how this (his beha­vi­or) is sus­tainab­le” front, so I expect a crash and burn, but at least whats being crea­ted is not so effing puri­ta­ni­cal all the time.

edit: A few moments later… (Ear­lier, but I didnt read it before.)

«Es ging zu weit»: Mark Zucker­berg gesteht ein Über­mass an Zen­sur auf Insta­gram und Face­book ein und been­det die Zusam­men­ar­beit mit Faktencheckern

Bis­her arbei­te­te Meta mit exter­nen Dienst­leis­tern zusam­men, um Falsch­in­for­ma­tio­nen als sol­che zu erken­nen und ein­zu­ord­nen. Nun sol­len Face­book und Insta­gram statt­des­sen die Schwar­min­tel­li­genz im Netz­werk nut­zen. Es ist ein Schritt zu einer Neu­aus­rich­tung des Konzerns.

src: click (NZZ)

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