The Weidel Musk Interview was a bust. 🙂
Weidels command of spoken english is about as good as mine, meaning - she is not that fluid in her word recollection. So semi often she has to slow down the speed of conversation, when she is searching for words - and then when that fails, she falls back on very simple sentence constructions, while Musk waits for her so she can finish her thoughts - so there at no time is a pleasant conversational flow that gets established during a one hour and fourteen minutes Elon AfD promo cast - so at around two minutes in, when Weidel gets into profusely thanking Musk for this opportunity to speak openly, you already start to wonder - wait, whos the natural audience for this? And the answer is, not the young generation in germany, and certainly not people voting for the AfD. And that it is a bit late in the election cycle for this to be a public fundraiser for one.
To make matters worse, its an audio podcast, so the conversational imperfections stick out even more, because you dont get any visuals to distract you from Weidl struggling through her ad hoc sentence construction. 🙂
So not fun to listen to, meets not that fun to listen to -- and Musk hardly interjecting, because jeez, we dont want to make this last for two hours… 😉
edit: Oh eff me trying to be self-deprecating, my spoken english is better.. 😉 (“Angela Merkel unplugged the german nuclear power plants…”
edit2: Just as I wrote that…
BSW down to 4, CDU/CSU down to 30, AfD at 21…
Dang it, just the media talking about that interview for an entire week might have mainstreamed them to a certain extent…