Trump meme coin is 1% of Solana Market Cap

19. Januar 2025

(In terms of mar­ket cap volume.)

Sola­na rose by 31% in the past 7 days.


Sola­na sur­ges 12% on launch of Trump-themed meme coin, ether falls [more than 6%]

Mar­ket Cap incre­a­se for Sola­na sin­ce Trump meme coin launch: 28.9 bil­li­on USD.

Mar­ket Cap decre­a­se for Ether sin­ce Trump meme coin launch: 22 bil­li­on USD.

Trump meme Coin mar­ket cap: 14 bil­li­on USD.

So the 28.9 bil­li­on are bots/trading houses hoping for a sof­ter lan­ding after the scandal.

Of the 22 bil­li­on (unre­la­ted) about 1/3 (?) are ear­ly inves­tors that will jump befo­re a rug pull.

Which means that up to half of the peop­le cur­r­ent­ly inves­ted in Trump meme coin might be new suckers.

Mea­ning 7 Mil­li­on peop­le with an average invest­ment of 1000 USD each.

If half of the 22 bil­li­on are ear­ly inves­tors that will jump befo­re the rug pull -

that would mean that a fourth of the peop­le cur­r­ent­ly inves­ted in Trump meme coin might be new suckers.

Mea­ning 3.55 Mil­li­on peop­le with an average invest­ment of 1000 USD each.

Lets assu­me 500.000 peop­le inves­ted 10.000 USD each, that would get you to 5 bil­li­on. Thats a bit too much.

So the ultra suckers are pro­bab­ly about 100.000 - 200.000 peop­le. They will lose ever­ything. (Sounds about right.) Then come the spe­cu­la­ti­ve suckers that didnt get out fast enough, when a rug pull hap­pens. Then come the nor­mal suckers. And then the low amount inves­ted new suckers. In terms of how much they’ll hate Trump.

Lets look at this differently.

If you are Chi­na. Or a ran­dom entrepreneur.

All you need is about 7 bil­li­on USD inves­ted - to get the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on into their big­gest public scan­dal yet - wit­hin 3 mon­ths of the US pre­si­dents inau­gu­ra­ti­on. Guaranteed.

About 1 bil­li­on USD inves­ted if you want to have a real­ly good chan­ce to trig­ger a mass exit event at the time ever­yo­ne expects the Trump trust to pull the rug first. (3 mon­ths from now.)

5 bil­li­on were inves­ted bet­ween 9:00 and 14:50 MEZ today.


Now, lets see on which day the first 5 bil­li­on lea­ve wit­hin 12 hours.. 😉

Why? Well, the cur­rent mar­ket cap is remar­kab­ly stable.. 🙂

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 19 um 15 10 59

And Trump Trust dil­lu­tes the cur­ren­cy value by an instant 4% of total coins min­ted in exact­ly 3 mon­ths [cur­r­ent­ly worth 560 mil­li­on USD], and up to 80% over 2 years.

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 19 um 15 15 31

So it will be fun to see if 5 bil­li­on USD plus lea­ve wit­hin the first 12 hours Trump Trust gets its first 4%(to 10%, depen­ding on how you read the allo­ca­ti­on dis­c­lai­mer. :)) of the cryp­to currency.

How can Trump guard against a third par­ty trig­ge­red bank run? Pro­mo­te the Coin at the inau­gu­ra­ti­on.. 🙂 So that a with­dra­wal of 5 bil­li­on USD might be too litt­le to trig­ger a cata­stro­phic decli­ne in value too ear­ly.. 😉 If the mar­ket cap stays at cur­rent figu­res, pul­ling 5 bil­li­on at once will cer­tain­ly tank the cur­ren­cy. Likely even pul­ling one bil­li­on at the cor­rect time, when ever­y­bo­dy expects the rug pull to happen.

To be continued.

edit: Value is dilu­t­ed by at least 1.6% point per mon­th after the initi­al 4% for ano­t­her 3 mon­ths of wai­t­ing. So 7.5% points after 2.9 addi­tio­nal mon­ths, then by an addi­tio­nal 5% points on addi­tio­nal mon­th 3, so 12.5%, and then 6% points for three mon­ths the­re­af­ter, so 30.5% points after 5.9 addi­tio­nal mon­ths. Jum­ping to an ins­ta dilu­ti­on of ano­t­her 5% points on 6, so 35.5%, then adding ano­t­her 2% points of dilu­ti­on per mon­th ofter that, so at month
11.9 we are at 47.5% dilution.

Mea­ning, most likely jump up off points are - 5.9 mon­ths from now. Fol­lo­wed by - 8.9 mon­ths from now.
I’d be ama­zed if we reach the next most likely jump off point at 14.9 mon­ths from now. Whe­re the cur­ren­cy is alrea­dy almost 50% diluted.

If someo­ne wan­ted to eff Trump over and mana­ged to do so the best point to tank the cur­ren­cy would be 3 mon­ths from now, and then likely at 4 and 5 mon­ths from now. After that its all just Trump gai­ned too much not to laugh off wha­te­ver hap­pens next.

Jump off point month

3 for Trump trust is 560 mil­li­on USD plus tran­sac­tion fees (600+ mil­li­on USD).

Jump off point month

5.9 for Trump trust is 1.05 bil­li­on USD plus tran­sac­tion fees (1.05 bil­li­on USD).

Jump off point month

6 for Trump Trust is 1.74 bil­li­on USD plus tran­sac­tion fees (1.75 bil­li­on USD).

At cur­rent mar­ket cap values.

Now lets say new suckers rate is 3.5 bil­li­on USD of the cur­rent 14 bil­li­on mar­ket cap. 80% of that (dilu­ti­on fac­tor at the end) is 2.8 bil­li­on USD. But sur­ly they will move their money, at the 50% dilu­t­ed in value mark, will they not? If half of them move their money at that point, and Trump sits it out, till the end, with no rug pull, its over 1.4 Bil­li­on ban­ked at an 80% value dilution.

And all of that is finis­hed after 2 years.

At that point, or pro­bab­ly ear­lier once (as in BIG IF 😉 ) value sta­bi­li­zes after the first shocks, Trump will not move the money, but start to loan against this as an asset. So money gets pul­led, when the loans fail or finish… (Which should be befo­re his pre­si­den­cy ends.. 😉 But then, no more coins are gai­ned by Trump trust after 24 mon­ths, so - that fits.. 😉 )

edit: Wait, whats that! First 5 bil­li­on USD drop in mar­ket cap hap­pen­ed merely hours after I wro­te that, and the cur­ren­cy didnt tank. But reco­ve­r­ed (not to initi­al values). But thats all befo­re the first Trump Trust payout - that drop just means risk reduc­tion for Trump Trust (and an ear­ly cash out). To hurt Trumps repu­ta­ti­on that would have had to hap­pen after the first cas­hout round. 🙂

Also to trig­ger a mass exit effect it would have to hap­pen after the first Trump Trust cas­hout round (= 4% dilu­ti­on of the cur­ren­cy), only then people/investors would be afraid of a rug pull, and only then poli­ti­cal dama­ge could be done. 🙂

Pul­ling 5 bil­li­on befo­re that is unfair… 😉 As in, the­re is no fun to be had with this at all… 😉

As in 5 bil­li­on of 14billion mar­ket cap deci­ded, Trump will not pro­mo­te the coin at the inau­gu­ra­ti­on, and so, the value will likely drop from 20th of janu­a­ry onwards, so lets get out… But then 3 more bil­li­on got in, and then more peop­le moved their money out. 🙂 Thats not fair. 🙂 Poli­ti­cal or repu­ta­ti­on dama­ge is only to be had after the first 3 months! 😉

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