Have I missed something?

31. Januar 2025

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 31 um 20 32 05

New Voice of Ukrai­ne article:

EADai­ly is a rus­si­an publi­ca­ti­on, but it is refe­ren­cing this Ukrain­s­ka Prav­da Report:

Back­ground: Alex­an­der Stubb was the stu­pi­dest of stu­pid Ukrai­ne hawks in the past two and a half years. As in -- never stray­ed from the public euro­pean line.

What chan­ged?

The wea­ther?

edit: This does reflect what Micha­el Kof­man has repor­ted in decem­ber, that cur­r­ent­ly it loo­ks like that the west has just pospo­ned the risk of ukrai­ni­an front­li­ne des­in­te­gra­ti­on by six mon­ths. But his stick was -- “if we dont do some­thing to chan­ge that”.

Buda­novs repor­ted quo­te four days ago pro­c­lai­med -- in gene­ral. Which is why nego­tia­ti­ons would be needed.

edit: Also - the The Inde­pen­dent news arti­cle in bet­ween the two others is fac­tual­ly wrong of cour­se: see: click (Look for a Putin quo­te ques­tio­ned by a rus­si­an repor­ter on that sub­ject specifically.)

edit2: Die Welt is some­what on the ball:

edit3: Das ZDF bring­ts ein­fach im Ticker der unter der Aus­lands­kor­re­spon­den­tin durchs Bild scrollt… Auch ne Mög­lich­keit… edit: Ama­zing, sie spre­chens bei 28 min in sogar an.

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