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01. Februar 2025

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 01 um 13 07 07

src: click

Lisa. How can your self­i­mage be so much that of a jour­na­list - yet you suck so much at the intel­li­gence thing. How?

Well - Die Pres­se doesnt mind, and pays her a full sala­ry. Thats a win for Diversity.

edit: Für die Idio­ten unter mei­nen Lesern:

I want my matrix mul­ti­pli­ca­ti­on math done by a women!”

I want my rein­for­ce­ment lear­ning gig­wor­kers in india at least half fema­le, and half Dalits!”

I want initi­al prompts to be engi­nee­red, more like the AMS engi­nee­red them!” see: click

I want at least 51% of the trai­ning data to be diver­se literature.”

I want diver­se peop­le to wri­te at least an addi­tio­nal half of whats in all lite­ra­tu­re, vide­os pro­du­ced, maga­zi­nes prin­ted, and on the inter­net, but they have to be qua­li­fied, so I want to test them first. No jokers app­ly. Oh, and I need at least 100 diver­se van Gogh types.”

Also, I need a PR per­son, to fix the public per­cep­ti­on of this: click” (Mes­sing with weights.)

Plea­se for the sake of the argu­ment, someo­ne fetch all femi­nist and diver­se clas­si­fied lite­ra­tu­re, and then make sure its 60% of the trai­ning data, then fill up the rest with gene­ral know­ledge wri­tings, and spin up a foun­da­ti­on model for an LLM. Train it with Deep­seek R1 671b q4 as a judge. Make sure you call it “Diver­se Lisa”, and mail api access to Lisa Schöttel.

Can you do me that favor?

I mean -- this lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ty would bene­fit ever­yo­ne, not just the diver­se com­mu­ni­ty - so it ought to be much easier to gene­ra­te the good­will (and fun­ding) around it so some one spins it up, right?

(Its not as if you had to con­vin­ce an angel inves­tor for that… Hard­ware clus­ter access for a week maybe…)

edit: Several niche expert LLMs, one of which is a diver­si­ty expert. Then pull them tog­e­ther as a “gene­ral” model. Pro­blem. The bub­ble is not tap­ped into for most requests.

edit2: Meso level issue: Diver­si­ty experts told the ent­i­re­ty of socie­ty to tap into Diver­si­ty for a 3% pro­duc­ti­vi­ty incre­a­se. So they sent away the STEM Cracks from chi­na - from wes­tern eli­te uni­ver­si­ties to make a more diver­se quota.

Now chi­na just incre­a­sed LLM effi­ci­en­cy (gaged by pri­ce, becau­se o3 is not open source) by 27x. Rough­ly. And made the model more or less open source. (Not the trai­ning data.)

Now every KI com­pa­ny (that inves­ted in NVi­dia Cuda cores) in the world is like: FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCK the diver­si­ty team. (As in its not just data and com­pu­te you nee­ded. Algo deve­lo­p­ment was up the­re as well.)

Espe­cial­ly their angel investors.

So is every social media com­pa­ny in the world.

The­re is a fun litt­le overlap.

edit: Bet­ter dis­cus­sion about the topic:

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