One more tip

01. Februar 2025

Just shut up.

If you are that guy:

But oh he cant - he is dri­ven by an insa­ne sen­se of self worth and couldnt sur­vi­ve being the kicking bag of the Har­vard Phi­lo­so­phy department…

And, as quick­ly as that you lear­ned some­thing new about humanity.

Oh the humanity.

Same goes for his euro­pean coun­ter­parts btw:

Trans­for­ma­ti­ons­for­sche­rin Göpel: “Popu­lis­ten haben die Zukunft für sich besetzt”

src: click

You dont say=!?!?!?! First you ram “you have to con­su­me less” and “no future on a dead pla­net” down ever­yo­nes throat, and pro­mo­te sec­to­ral growth over GPD growth in a theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal sen­se, as said Maja Göpel - then you whiiiiiiiiiiiiii­i­ne all the way home, that the right wing has cap­tu­red all the “future narratives”.

(Zwei Kom­men­ta­re, kei­nes freigegeben.)

I mean if I werent so sure that Maja Göpel is in lar­ge parts an intel­lec­tual­ly chal­len­ged being in life - think about how I would attack that per­son publicly!

See how much you can learn in two minutes?

edit: Actual­ly Der Stan­dard, just found San­del a way out of this dilemma,

War­um jun­ge Men­schen zum Stu­die­ren aufs Land ziehen

Just go to Obers­tipfnbrunn and stu­dy envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence, that way you can still be the most intel­li­gent being in the vil­la­ge. They wont even under­stand the stunts you pull. Even when they noti­ce them.

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