Ukraines amazing counter offensive at Pischane

11. Februar 2025

So the­re was a ukrai­ni­an coun­ter ass­ault towards the vil­la­ge of Dach­ens­ke, that appar­ent­ly was suc­cess­ful - and ama­zing in its own right, becau­se Ukrai­ne mana­ged to form coun­ter offen­si­ve for­ces in the Donbas.

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 11 um 08 30 32

Thats pret­ty much wide­ly repor­ted, and likely to have hap­pen­ed. But then the­re is this ent­i­re ama­zing ukrai­ni­an coun­ter offen­si­ve cur­r­ent­ly in Pischa­ne - that no one wants to talk about.……

Apparant­ly the Ukrai­ne mana­ged to reta­ke the ent­i­re­ty of Pischa­ne wit­hin a day (third rif­le sym­bol from the left:

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 11 um 08 31 40

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 11 um 08 52 12

Which is so very ama­zing, becau­se it hap­pen­ed right befo­re the Munich Secu­ri­ty Con­fe­rence later this week, and should be the most for­ti­fied part of the rus­si­an front oppo­si­te Pokrovsk.

Its also so ama­zing, becau­se - the ISW for once is more con­ser­va­ti­ve with indi­ca­ting ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ri­al gains in the area:
Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 11 um 08 34 03
And doesnt omit, that rus­sia claims they still con­trol all of the area north to the area the Ukrai­ne claims it has captured.

Whats even more ama­zing is, that no one wants to talk about that stra­te­gic mar­vel of a mis­si­on -- as this is the ONLY news report on an offen­si­ve hap­pe­ning in Pischa­ne I could find so far:

In a cri­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ment on the eas­tern front, Ukrai­ni­an for­ces have laun­ched an offen­si­ve against Rus­si­an tro­ops in the vil­la­ge of Dach­ens­ke, loca­ted in the Donetsk region.

Accord­ing to reports, Ukrai­ni­an tro­ops, who are now in con­trol of the eas­tern part of the vil­la­ge, are pushing towards the cen­ter in an effort to rec­laim the ter­ri­to­ry. The ongo­ing con­flict in Donetsk has spar­ked inten­se batt­les, as Ukrai­ni­an for­ces enga­ge in fier­ce com­bat to regain stra­te­gic advan­ta­ges from Rus­si­an for­ces, reports Moochny, a figh­ter from the Ukrai­ni­an For­ces, on his Tele­gram channel.

Our Cos­s­acks suc­cess­ful­ly atta­cked Rus­si­an posi­ti­ons from the north in the eas­tern sec­tion of Dach­ens­ke. Having secu­red this area, we’­re now enga­ging in the batt­le for the vil­la­ge cen­ter, with plans to steadi­ly move west­ward, aiming to regain full con­trol over the area,” Moochny reports.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, the Ukrai­ni­an for­ces con­ti­nue to mount attacks sou­the­ast of Kot­ly­ne and are enga­ged in com­bat around the Pischa­ne area.

src: click ( -- from yes­ter­day 16pm

Whats also ama­zing is, that rus­sia appar­ent­ly has not moun­ted any air- or artil­le­ry­strikes on to Pischa­ne yes­ter­day or today!

Thats pret­ty ama­zing actually…

edit: The Black Bird Group is on it:

edit: Deep­Sta­te has just updated its map:

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 11 um 10 38 02

If that was the direc­tion of the coun­ter attack - ehm “limi­ted” is the word that comes to mind, yes… Not so much the word counteroffensive.

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