New challenge.

11. Februar 2025

VW, make a 10k USD electric car. But make sure it has Tes­las FSD fea­tures in it for free.

China’s BYD Adding ‘High-Level’ Self-Driving to Its Bud­get $10K Electric Car

Becau­se at the high end, this is the chi­ne­se auto­ma­ted dri­ving expe­ri­ence for 35k+ USD cars (which then use three lidar sys­tems) today:


Hua­wei [as seen in the video] is the num­ber one sup­plier of auto­no­mous dri­ving tech in China.

Hua­wei sent 24 employees out to test dri­ve Tes­las in Cali­for­nia during the free tri­al peri­od Tes­la gave for FSD. Their respon­se invol­ved lots of laughter.

Musk’s mee­ting with Li Qiang did not get any appro­val for Tesla’s FSD roll-out in Chi­na. The­re wasn’t even any such news in China.

Even Chi­ne­se EV makers need to go through arduous steps in each city in Chi­na to get their Level 2 driver-assist sys­tems appro­ved (none have Level 3 appro­ved as of now).

Ogan belie­ves the most advan­ced auto­no­mous dri­ving sys­tem is Pony Ai, which has huge ope­ra­ti­ons in Chi­na but goes through extre­me­ly high hurd­les to exchan­ge data bet­ween its tests in Chi­na and the US (Tes­la doesn’t even have sizab­le data cen­ters in Chi­na set up to do the same).

src: click

This is so crazy.

The ger­man auto mar­ket real­ly slept through everything…

So now for them its - licen­se Micro­soft Auto for the dash­board, buy - Chi­ne­se FSD packa­ge from Hua­wai. Make a Hua­wai Micro­soft auto inte­gra­ti­on, that works on an Android Pho­ne and an iPho­ne. Put that into a 10K car. Stay cost competitive.

Its insa­ne.

So of cour­se thats never going to hap­pen - and they are tar­ge­ting the “real dri­ving fee­ling” niche in Chi­na, until it shrinks and shrinks and shrinks and dies.


Well, also lob­by the EU a bit more, why dont you?

The real­ly insa­ne bit is - that this has been out for two years -- and no one in the west even has a clue. Becau­se cul­tu­ral­ly - this couldnt have been hap­pe­ning, right? Someo­ne would have told us… On red­dit? Face­book? The news?

From the you­tube comments section:

vor 6 Tagen
I just want to let my Wes­tern friends know how serious our infor­ma­ti­on bar­ri­ers are through this video. This kind of advan­ced stuff can’t be made over­night. It takes a long time of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, prac­ti­ce and tes­ting. It’s not some­thing that sud­den­ly falls from the sky one day. Some­ti­mes when we are tal­king about some pro­blems, this is why the worlds we know [for] each other are com­ple­te­ly different.


edit: Oh sor­ry, Mer­ce­des wan­ted to pitch in…

The pri­ce of DRIVE PILOT remains unch­an­ged (star­ting at 5,950 euros incl. VAT).

src: click For SAE Level 3 (in their dreams…):

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