Selenskyj on being an independent countries president

12. Februar 2025

If we are tal­king about a deal. Thats what the ame­ri­cans want. Then lets do a deal. We are all for it. Lets do the deal. The ame­ri­cans hel­ped the most, the­re­fo­re the ame­ri­cans should earn the most.”

Vic­to­ry Plan for Ukraine

In Octo­ber 2024, Ukrai­ni­an pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­skyy unvei­led the Vic­to­ry plan for Ukraine,[1] which inclu­des the solu­ti­on to the Russo-Ukrainian con­flict and descrip­ti­on of future natio­nal defen­se guarantees.[2] The offi­cial goal of the plan is “to chan­ge the cir­cum­s­tan­ces in such a way that Rus­sia will be for­ced to peace”.[3]

src: click

What pro­xy war?

A war for demo­cra­tic values and rule of law, I say!

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