Überall Russen!

17. Februar 2025

Hat der Gus­tav Gres­sel herausgefunden.

Im deut­schen Kanzleramt:

While Scholz gave no offi­cial rea­sons, the aut­hor inqui­red from several sources that the Ger­man Chan­cel­le­ry thinks that Ukraine’s NATO sta­tus should not be deci­ded until actu­al peace nego­tia­ti­ons bet­ween Ukrai­ne and Rus­sia com­mence. In other words, they think that Ukrai­ne put­ting its pos­si­ble NATO mem­bers­hip on the table would be a bar­gai­ning chip in future nego­tia­ti­ons and that Rus­sia would inde­ed be inte­res­ted in it. That, of cour­se, is a misinterpretation.

src: click (to be fair - to take that at face value even is dif­fi­cult for me)

In fran­zö­sisch geführ­ten Gesprä­chen mit der Ukrai­ne über die euro­päi­sche Sicherheitsordnung:

Cer­tain­ly, Rus­sia was inte­res­ted in Ukraine’s neu­tra­li­ty befo­re its full-scale inva­si­on. Under Vic­tor Yanukovych’s pre­si­den­cy, back­chan­nel nego­tia­ti­ons on cas­ting Ukraine’s neu­tra­li­ty into a new trea­ty on the Euro­pean secu­ri­ty order were con­duc­ted, with for­mer French Pre­si­dent Nico­las Sar­ko­zy and an obscu­re collec­tion of “experts” play­ing a role in the talks. As it was later dis­co­ve­r­ed, the Aus­tri­an entre­pre­neur and Rus­si­an intel­li­gence asset Jan Mar­sa­lek spon­so­red much of their acti­vi­ties. While the­re is no clear docu­men­ta­ti­on of what had been dis­cus­sed sub­stan­tively bet­ween Sar­ko­zy, Yanu­ko­vych, and Moscow, it is note­wor­thy that even then-Ukrainian Pre­si­dent Yanu­ko­vych never agreed to open for­mal nego­tia­ti­ons on the trea­ty ide­as pro­po­sed to him.

(Ok fair, that does sound problematic, …)

In der US geführ­ten Rand coope­ra­ti­on:

Ano­t­her idea for a “new secu­ri­ty order” based on a Ukrai­ni­an “neu­tra­li­ty”, craf­ted by the RAND Cor­po­ra­ti­on, res­ted hea­vi­ly on Rus­si­an ideas.4 The pro­po­sal foresaw “con­sen­su­al insti­tu­ti­ons” that would deter­mi­ne the “accep­ta­ble beha­vi­or for major powers, their smal­ler alli­an­ce part­ners, and other sta­tes of the regi­on to pre­vent future misun­derstan­dings and con­flicts.” In other words, gre­at powers would pre­si­de over what kind of rela­ti­ons “in-betweens” could have with other coun­tries and inter­na­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­ons. This pro­po­sal repre­sen­ted an unpre­ce­den­ted infrin­ge­ment of sta­te sov­er­eig­n­ty, unse­en befo­re in Euro­pean histo­ry. The aut­hors of the RAND Cor­po­ra­ti­on stu­dy went to gre­at lengths to fal­si­fy Aus­tri­an histo­ry to jus­ti­fy this infringement.5 But they did not try to ans­wer the ques­ti­on of what such infrin­ge­ment would mean ope­ra­tio­nal­ly in the Russo-Ukrainian con­text. In fact, it would give Rus­sia a tool to veto any Wes­tern sup­port for Ukrai­ne, whe­ther it be assi­s­tance in car­ry­ing out demo­cra­tic reforms, anti-corruption efforts, domestic secu­ri­ty sec­tor reforms, mili­ta­ry reforms or, last but not least, deli­vering mili­ta­ry hardware.

Im wei­ßen Haus:

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 17 um 10 45 41
src: click

Nur Ame­ri­ka­ner in der Ukrai­ne hat der Gres­sel lei­der kei­ne gesehen:

On the con­tra­ry, sin­ce Bucha­rest 2008, oppo­si­ti­on to brin­ging Ukrai­ne into NATO had grown, inclu­ding in the United Sta­tes. The Oba­ma admi­nis­tra­ti­on, as part of its Reset poli­cy with Rus­sia, let the case rest. It was not NATO; it was Ukrai­ni­ans dar­ing to deci­de for them­sel­ves whom to govern them that infu­ria­ted the Krem­lin. Howe­ver, Kyiv’s sov­er­eig­n­ty right to choo­se its lea­ders is not for sale.

src: click

Moment mal, wo schreibt der Gres­sel das eigentlich?

Ah: https://european-resilience.org/about-us

Fuck me, ist Gen. Ben Hod­ges eigent­lich in jedem Ver­ein der Depu­ty Chair­per­son at the Cen­ter for Defen­se Stra­te­gies in Ukrai­ne, die Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­ex­per­ten hin­ter ukraine.ua (Sin­ce 2020, she has been working in the field of public and cul­tu­ral diplo­ma­cy, inclu­ding for such orga­ni­sa­ti­ons as Ukrai­ni­an Insti­tu­te and ukraine.ua.), mem­ber of Ukraine’s par­lia­ment and a Chair­man of the Eco­no­mic Affairs Com­mit­tee und die Hein­rich Böll Stif­tung (expert in Eas­tern Euro­pe. In 2015-2021, he worked as the direc­tor of the Hein­rich Böll Foun­da­ti­on Bureau in Kyiv) zusammenbringt?

Wann war eigent­lich der letz­te Auf­tritt vom Gres­sel im ORF?

Ah, am 27.01.2025


Sehen sie, das ist die­se all­ge­gen­wär­ti­ge Mei­nungs­frei­heit, die die deutsch­spra­chi­ge Pres­se­land­schaft so auszeichnet.

Hinterlasse eine Antwort